A methodology to assess the combined effect of climate change and groundwater overexploitation over the Upper Guadiana basin, Spain 

    Sapriza Azuri, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2013-12-20)

    There is a growing concern about the combined effect of climate change and groundwater overexploitation on the availability of water resources in the Upper Guadiana basin (UppGb) in central Spain. General Circulation Models ...

    Análisis estructural estático y dinámico probabilista de edificios de hormigón armado. Aspectos metodológicos y aplicaciones a la evaluación del daño. 

    Vargas Alzate, Yeudy Felipe (Date of defense: 2013-07-09)

    Esta tesis propone una metodología de evaluación del daño sísmico basada en el método del espectro de capacidad pero con un enfoque probabilista que se apoya en simulaciones Monte Carlo. Así la acción sísmica, la estructura ...

    Assessment of the magnitude-frequency relationship of landslides and rockfalls : application to hazard mapping 

    Domènech i Surinyach, Guillem (Date of defense: 2015-10-14)

    Due to the exponential grown of the population within the last decades, the landslide hazard assessment of earthflows and rockfalls and their hazard mapping have become an essential tool for the territory management, mostly ...

    Caracterización hidrogeoquímica del macizo de Betancuria. Fuerteventura, Archipiélago de Canarias 

    Herrera Lameli, Christian (Date of defense: 2001-07-06)

    La Isla de Fuerteventura se sitúa en el borde oriental del Archipiélago de Canarias, a sólo 100 km del continente africano. Presenta un relieve topográfico relativamente suave respecto a las otras islas del Archipiélago, ...

    Cone penetration test in a virtual calibration chamber 

    Butlanska, Joanna (Date of defense: 2014-07-21)

    Cone penetration test (CPT) is a fast and reliable site investigation tool for exploring soils and soft ground. While the interpretation of the test results in clay has advanced considerably from a theoretical and numerical ...

    Coupled heat and water flow dynamics in dry soils : application to a multilayer waste cover 

    Gran Esforzado, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2015-05-27)

    Unsaturated flow plays an important role in numerous environmental phenomena. It is complex in arid regions, where liquid water fluxes are small and vapor fluxes become relevant, so that heat, water and solute mass transport ...

    Determinación de un geoide de alta precisión en áreas de pequeña extensión. Aplicación en el parque nacional de Doñana 

    Núñez Andrés, M. Amparo (María Amparo) (Date of defense: 2006-11-10)

    The following dissertation partially gathers the research carried out within two projects of the DGICyT (Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica, Spanish Government Department for Scientific and Technical ...

    Dissolved CO2 effect on the reactivity of the Hontomín reservoir rocks (limestone and sandstone) 

    García Ríos, María (Date of defense: 2015-03-13)

    A test site for CO2 geological storage is situated in Hontomín (Burgos, northern Spain) with a reservoir rock that is mainly composed of limestone (80-85%) and sandstone (15-20%). The reservoir rock is a deep saline aquifer ...

    Estimación de la recarga media anual de acuíferos : aplicación al Baix Ebre 

    Espinosa Martínez, Sara (Date of defense: 2014-09-29)

    To test the applicability of atmospheric chloride deposition balance and soil water balance in the estimation of aquifer recharge , the chosen area is Vall Baixa de I'Ebre. This is a coastal area of semi-arid climate, which ...

    Estimación holística del riesgo sísmico utilizando sistemas dinámicos complejos 

    Cardona Arboleda, Omar Dario (Date of defense: 2001-12-19)

    The present research commences with a revision of the concepts of hazard, vulnerability, and risk. This is a basic requirement for the construction of the theoretical framework herein developed. A revision of commonly used ...

    Estimation of aquifers hydraulic parameters by three different tecniques: geostatistics, correlation and modeling 

    Barahona-Palomo, Marco (Date of defense: 2014-02-28)

    Characterization of aquifers hydraulic parameters is a difficult task that requires field information. Most of the time the hydrogeologist relies on a group of values coming from different test to interpret the hydrogeological ...

    Estructura elástica y anelástica de la cuenca del Mar Mediterráneo: interpretación de velocidades de grupo y coeficientes de atenuación del modo fundamental de las ondas de Rayleigh 

    Martínez Santafé, Maria Dolors (Date of defense: 1998-11-06)

    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de la estructura elástica y anelástica del sistema litosfera-astenosfera de la cuenca del mar Mediterráneo, a partir del análisis de la propagación y la atenuación de las ondas ...

    Estudio comparativo de métodos para la evaluación de la susceptibilidad del terreno a la formación de deslizamientos superficiales : aplicación al Pirineo Oriental 

    Amorim, Samuel (Date of defense: 2012-05-14)

    Human and economic losses caused by landslides have attracted the interest of the scientific community for the identification of the threatened areas and preventing their consequences. The goal of the landslide susceptibility ...

    Evaluación del riesgo sísmico en zonas urbanas 

    Mena Hernández, Ulises (Date of defense: 2002-07-22)

    Las grandes ciudades modernas situadas en áreas de peligrosidad sísmica moderada o baja tienden a minusvalorar el peligro sísmico y a descuidar precauciones básicas de protección frente a los terremotos. Ello conlleva un ...

    Evaluación holística del riesgo sísmico en zonas urbanas y estrategias para su mitigación : aplicación a la ciudad de Mérida-Venezuela. 

    Jaramillo Santana, Nayive (Date of defense: 2014-06-12)

    The risk coming from natural hazards is usually assessed in physical terms by estimating the losses they may cause. Nevertheless, the risk assessment can involve such aspects as the lack of economic and social development, ...

    Evaluación probabilista del riesgo sísmico de edificios en zonas urbanas 

    Aguilar Meléndez, Armando (Date of defense: 2011-07-23)

    In the present work a probabilistic methodology to estimate the seismic risk of buildings in urban areas is proposed. The seismic risk obtained through this methodology is expressed in terms of annual probabilities of ...

    Expansion mechanisms in sulphated rocks and soils 

    Ramon Tarragona, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-10-27)

    Geological formations containing sulphates are commonly associated with the development of severe expansions when they are involved in tunnel excavation. The intensity of the observed expansive behaviour in these materials ...

    Geotechnical analysis of large volcanic landslides: The La Orotava events on Tenerife,Canary Islands 

    Hürlimann, Marcel (Date of defense: 1999-12-20)

    Los grandes deslizamientos volcánicos son uno de los procesos geológicos más devastadores y pueden representar un importante peligro para la población de las zonas volcánicas. Este tipo de deslizamientos puede sobrepasar ...

    GIS-based hydrogeologica platform for sedimentary media 

    Velasco Mansilla, Domitila Violeta (Date of defense: 2013-12-17)

    The detailed 3D hydrogeological modelling of sedimentary media that form important aquifers is very complex because of: (1) the natural intrinsic heterogeneity of the geological media, (2) the need for integrating reliable ...

    Interaction between groundwater and underground constructions 

    Pujades Garnes, Estanislao (Date of defense: 2013-11-27)

    Underground constructions below the water table may be problematic if the role of groundwater is not properly acknowledged. Difficulties worsen in urban environments. Two aspects should be taken into account in the interaction ...