Estimación de la recarga media anual de acuíferos : aplicación al Baix Ebre 

    Espinosa Martínez, Sara (Date of defense: 2014-09-29)

    To test the applicability of atmospheric chloride deposition balance and soil water balance in the estimation of aquifer recharge , the chosen area is Vall Baixa de I'Ebre. This is a coastal area of semi-arid climate, which ...

    Tools and analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in heterogeneous aquifers: applications to artificial recharge and forced-gradient solute transport 

    Pedretti, Daniele (Date of defense: 2012-12-21)

    This thesis deals with the development of tools and analysis to characterize and predict artificial recharge and radial convergent solute transport processes in heterogeneous media. The goal is to provide new insights to ...