Now showing items 21-40 of 104
Velasco Mansilla, Domitila Violeta (Date of defense: 2013-12-17)
The detailed 3D hydrogeological modelling of sedimentary media that form important aquifers is very complex because of: (1) the natural intrinsic heterogeneity of the geological media, (2) the need for integrating reliable ...
Sapriza Azuri, Gonzalo (Date of defense: 2013-12-20)
There is a growing concern about the combined effect of climate change and groundwater overexploitation on the availability of water resources in the Upper Guadiana basin (UppGb) in central Spain. General Circulation Models ...
Torres Sánchez, Ester (Date of defense: 2013-11-15)
The discharge of acid mine drainage into a water reservoir may seriously affect the water quality. In this setting, sediment is commonly thought to act as a sink for pollutants. However, redox oscillations in the bottom ...
Abancó Martínez de Arenzana, Clàudia (Date of defense: 2013-06-27)
Debris flows are very fast mass movements and are considered as one of the most hazardous phenomenain mountainous regions. Research on this field has strongly improved during the last decades. However,many open questions ...
Pujades Garnes, Estanislao (Date of defense: 2013-11-27)
Underground constructions below the water table may be problematic if the role of groundwater is not properly acknowledged. Difficulties worsen in urban environments. Two aspects should be taken into account in the interaction ...
Vargas Alzate, Yeudy Felipe (Date of defense: 2013-07-09)
Esta tesis propone una metodología de evaluación del daño sísmico basada en el método del espectro de capacidad pero con un enfoque probabilista que se apoya en simulaciones Monte Carlo. Así la acción sísmica, la estructura ...
Pedretti, Daniele (Date of defense: 2012-12-21)
This thesis deals with the development of tools and analysis to characterize and predict artificial recharge and radial convergent solute transport processes in heterogeneous media. The goal is to provide new insights to ...
Barbieri, Manuela (Date of defense: 2011-07-22)
La recarrega artificial de les aigües subterrànies consisteix en infiltrar aigua als aqüífers per mitjà de les instal·lacions dissenyades per a tal fi i representa una eina important en la gestió dels recursos. A més de ...
Poch Massegú, Ricard (Date of defense: 2012-03-30)
Intensive farming often leads environmental consequences. This is the case of the study area of this thesis: the Empordà, a region with a variety of intensive crops (fruits, cereals, forage,...) and manifest problems of ...
Font Capó, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-09-26)
A number of problems, e.g. sudden inflows are encountered during tunneling under the piezometric level, especially when the excavation crosses high transmissivity areas. These inflows may drag materials when the tunnel ...
Yazgan, Ahmet Utku (Date of defense: 2012-09-07)
This work proposes design energy spectra in terms of an equivalent velocity, intended for regions with design peak acceleration 0.3 g or higher. These spectra have been derived through linear and nonlinear dynamic analyses ...
Tarela Alonso, Ester (Date of defense: 2012-06-22)
The main goal of this thesis is to test the brittle-ductile (BD) interaction hypothesis of the lithosphere. The model uses the correlation of two parameters, the seismicity characterizing the brittle part and the attenuation ...
Lloret Morancho, Antonio (Date of defense: 1982-07-12)
Se ha elaborado un modelo general para la consolidación del suelo parcialmente saturado en condiciones unidimensionales. El modelo acopla los cambios de succión con la deformación volumétrica a través del concepto de ...
Llort Pavon, Xavier (Date of defense: 2010-06-28)
Els objectius principals d’aquesta tesi són dos: d’una banda estudiar l’estructura de la variabilitat de la precipitació a diferents escales espacials i temporals, i de l’altra, estudiar l’estructura dels errors en les ...
Willmann, Matthias (Date of defense: 2008-12-05)
La heterogeneidad de la conductividad hidráulica es bien conocida, pudiendo cambiar varios órdenes de magnitud en poca distancia. Esto afecta nuestras observaciones de los procesos naturales. Para poder explicar la realidad ...
Castro Medina, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2011-06-27)
The energy dissipators are passive components that are incorporated into buildings and other structures undergoing dynamic excitations, especially earthquakes. Its purpose is to absorb the greatest part of the input energy, ...
Asta Andrés, María Pilar (Date of defense: 2009-06-12)
L’anomenat drenatge àcid de mina (AMD) ve generat per l’oxidació de sulfurs i és causa major de contaminació d’aigües a nivell mundial. L’arsènic és un del princiapls contaminants laconcentració del qual pot assolir centenars ...
Mokni, Nadia (Date of defense: 2011-02-22)
En el caso del almacenamiento de los residuos radioactivos los flujos osmóticos pueden ser relevantes y requieren un análisis en detalle. El residuo nuclear bituminizado (BW) será almacenado mediante contenedores en cavidades ...
Gonzales Fernández, Helbert Fredy (Date of defense: 2011-02-04)
En este trabajo se presenta un estudio numérico de la vulnerabilidad sísmica de edificios de muros delgados construidos en Perú. Estos edificios se vienen construyendo desde hace unas décadas, especialmente para viviendas ...
Marrero Díaz, Rayco (Date of defense: 2010-11-02)
En Tenerife, al igual que en el resto de las islas del Archipiélago Canario, los recursos hídricos superficiales son prácticamente inexistentes, siendo las aguas subterráneas las que aportan más del 90 % de los recursos ...