Now showing items 41-60 of 161

    Common-mode voltage cancellation in single- and three-phase transformer-less PV power converters 

    Vázquez Guzmán, Gerardo (Date of defense: 2013-02-04)

    Electrical Energy generation is an issue that is continuously cause of concern around the world. Many efforts have been done in this sense to cover the requirements of the constantly growing in the electrical energy demand. ...

    Competitive power control of distributed power plants 

    Mir Cantarellas, Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-04-05)

    Nowadays, the electrical energy sector is currently found in a dramatic changing paradigm, which moves towards an increasing trend in generating power at distribution levels, where electricity is typically consumed, by ...

    Computational analysis of modern power systems with power electronics 

    Song, Jie (Date of defense: 2023-05-15)

    (English) Modern power systems have been and will continue to be increasingly penetrated with power electronics at different voltage levels. Such high penetration of power electronics elements changes the nature of modern ...

    Contribucion al control de motores de reluctancia autoconmutados 

    Perat Benavides, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2006-10-27)

    En esta tesis se hacen contribuciones al control de los motores de reluctancia autoconmutados (switched reluctance motors) de potencias comprendidas entre 0.25 y 10 kW. <br/><br/>En primer lugar, después de una breve ...

    Contribucions a l'estudi de rectificadors no controlats m-fàsics en condicions no equilibrades per unitats TRUs o ATRUs multi polsos 

    Saura Perisé, Jaime (Date of defense: 2022-06-22)

    This doctoral thesis has been developed to provide a new point of view and a new approach to the analysis and study of uncontrolled bridge rectifiers. The methodology developed has been generalized to extend the study to ...

    Contribución al estudio de las ondas de campo armónico y las pérdidas adicionales que se originan en los motores eléctricos de inducción asíncronos alimentados con convertidor de frecuencia en modulación del ancho de los impulsos 

    Jornet Alvarez, Atanasi (Date of defense: 2005-11-21)

    En esta tesis se profundiza en el estudio del comportamiento del motor de inducción alimentado con convertidor de frecuencia y se aportan soluciones constructivas prácticas de su diseño que permiten una mejora de las ...

    Contribution to optimal microgrid design and management in uncertain and regulated environments 

    Alonso Travesset, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2023-07-14)

    (English) The rise of distributed generation systems (DGSs) is crucial for the energy transition. The reduction in renewable energy costs and increasing implementation of environmentally-friendly policies are driving a new ...

    Contribution to the operation of smart rural distribution grid with energy resources for improvement of the quality of service 

    Girbau Llistuella, Francesc (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    This Thesis aims for contributing in the deployment and operation of Smart Grid, in isolated rural areas. As it would be expected, technological developments and investments in the electrical field have mainly focused on ...

    Contributions of flywheel systems in wind power plants 

    Díaz-González, Francisco (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    The stepwise replacement of conventional power plants by renewable-based ones such as wind power plants could a ect the system behaviour and planning. First, the network stability may be compromised as it becomes less ...

    Control activo de ruido de baja frecuencia de maquinaria industrial en un campo de baja densidad modal, mediante el encapsulado de sus fuentes de ruido 

    Salueña Berna, Xavier (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    Normally, there are in use certain technologies of reduction of noise named passive, in the cancellation of the noise produced by industrial machinery. These technologies can be applied directly on the source (use of ...

    Control and operation of multi-terminal VSC-DC networks 

    Gavriluţă, Cătălin (Date of defense: 2015-03-04)

    For the past century, ac networks have been established as the standard technology for electrical power transmission system s. However, the de technology has not disappeared completely from this picture. The capability of ...

    Control and operation of wind power plants connected to DC grids 

    Schönleber, Kevin (Date of defense: 2018-02-09)

    Remote offshore wind power plants (WPPs) are being linked through high-voltage de voltage-source converter (VSC-HVdc) transmission to the main grids. The current deployments of HVdc grid connections for offshore WPPs are ...

    Control contributions to AC microgrid inverters 

    Heredero Peris, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    This thesis is focused on the microgrid control framework. Specifically, it is concentrated on alternative current microgrids. As a result of the author involvement in different industrial projects concerning microgrids ...

    Control del motor d'inducció considerant els límits del convertidor i del motor 

    Bergas Jané, Joan (Date of defense: 2000-07-28)

    1.1 Objectius de la tesi.<br/>En els últims anys el control del parell i de la velocitat del motor d'inducció ha estat llargament estudiat. Un cop s'ha considerat que les prestacions dinàmiques assolibles eren ja suficientment ...

    Control of grid connected power converters with grid support functionalities 

    Zhang, Weiyi (Date of defense: 2017-06-01)

    The installation of power generation systems based on renewable energy sources has been increasing exponentially over the last decades. However, in spite of the well-known merits of such energy sources, the expansion of ...

    Control of power converter in modern power systems 

    Lai, Ngoc Bao (Date of defense: 2022-03-23)

    Power system is undergoing an unpreceded paradigm shift: from centralized to distributed generation. As the renewable-based generations and battery storage systems are increasingly displacing conventional generations, it ...

    Control of power electronic converters for the operation of wind generation 

    Junyent Ferré, Adrià (Date of defense: 2011-07-15)

    The present PhD thesis analyzes the modelling and control of the two main topologies of large scale variable speed wind turbines, the doubly fed induction generator and the permanent magnet synchronous generator wind ...

    Control of voltage source converters for distributed generation in microgrids 

    Pegueroles Queralt, Jordi (Date of defense: 2015-07-20)

    Microgrids are the near future candidate to reduce the dependence on the carbon-based generation, towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy paradigm. The popularization of the use of renewable energy ...

    Control strategy of grid connected power converter based on virtual flux approach 

    Roslan, Nurul Fazlin (Date of defense: 2021-12-16)

    Distributed Generation (DG) provides an alternative to the Centralized Generation (CG) by means of generating electricity near to the end user of power with the employment of small-scale technologies to produce electricity, ...

    Corona discharges from grounded rods and 337/777 nm emissions of laboratory long sparks 

    Arcanjo, Marcelo Augusto Sousa (Date of defense: 2022-03-04)

    This thesis presents an investigation on the signatures of corona discharges from grounded rods under thunderstorms and in the laboratory, with optical detections in the 337/777 nm wavelengths for high voltage sparks. This ...