Now showing items 61-80 of 160

    Data-driven methodologies for evaluation and recommendation of energy efficiency measures in buildings. Applications in a big data environment 

    Grillone, Benedetto (Date of defense: 2021-12-03)

    In order to reach the goal set in the Paris agreement of limiting the rise in global average temperature well below 2 ºC compared to pre-industrial levels, massive efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions are ...

    DC current flow controllers for meshed HVDC grids 

    Sau Bassols, Joan (Date of defense: 2019-06-28)

    Meshed High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) grids are seen as solution to transmit and exchange high amounts of power across long distances or using submarine cables with high levels of flexibility and redundancy. Also, they ...

    Dc-dc converters for HVDC heterogeneous interconnections 

    Gómez Acero, Daniel Hernando (Date of defense: 2022-12-01)

    (English) High voltage direct current (HVDC) technologies have been used for bulk power transmission over long distances since the 1950s. These technologies have proven to be the most cost-efficient compared to the high ...

    Desarrollo de herramientas constructivistas para la publicación y personalización de contenidos de cursos en línea 

    García Fernández, Javier, 1973 (Date of defense: 2016-01-11)

    Since early times in internet, there have been training experiences with different success. Sometimes because they were complicated to use, others for the state of technology, or because the public has not supported it. ...

    Desarrollo y Validación de Modelos de Transformadores Monofásicos y Trifásicos con Saturación, para el Análisis de Armónicos en Sistemas de Potencia 

    López García, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2000-11-10)

    En el trabajo de investigación desarrollado en esta Tesis se propone una modelización completa y a la vez sencilla del transformador y trifásico de tres columnas para el funcionamiento en condiciones de saturación del ...

    Design optimization and performance analysis methodology for PMSMs to improve efficiency in hydraulic applications 

    Candelo Zuluaga, Carlos Andres (Date of defense: 2022-01-11)

    In the recent years, water pumping and other hydraulic applications are increasingly demanding motors capable to operate under different working conditions, including variable pressure and volumetric flow demands. Moreover, ...

    Design optimization of dual active bridge converter 

    Capó Lliteras, Macià (Date of defense: 2024-01-23)

    (English) The proliferation of batteries for local storage and electric vehicles (EVs) is rising steadily. The EV market’s prospects point to exponential growth in the coming years. This trend has also contributed to the ...

    Design, Modeling, Identification and Control of Mechatronic Systems 

    Gomis i Bellmunt, Oriol (Date of defense: 2007-05-21)

    Les societats modernes plantegen nous reptes que demanden noves maneres de tractar els projectes d'enginyeria. Els enginyers han d'afrontar aquests reptes i desenvolupar solucions òptimes i eficients pels problemes clàssics ...

    Design, operation and control of novel electrical concepts for offshore wind power plants 

    Prada Gil, Mikel de (Date of defense: 2014-06-13)

    Offshore wind is an emerging energy sector with a huge potential to be tapped in the near future. Offshore Wind Power Plants (OWPPs) are becoming increasingly relevant in Europe and worldwide mainly because the wind speeds ...

    Determination of the induction machine parameters from starting transient measurements 

    Kojooyan Jafari, Hengameh (Date of defense: 2013-07-26)

    This Thesis study the parameters estimation of the induction machine with the single-cage and doublecage models, using the stator currents, voltages and mechanical speed from a starting transient. The dynamic equations of ...

    Development of a VHF broadband interferometer to investigate unsolved lightning phenomena: high-energy radiation from lightning strikes and multi-stroke positive cloud-to-ground flashes 

    Urbani, Michele (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)

    (English) The aim of this thesis work is the development of a VHF broadband interferometer for lightning research. The observations with this instrument allowed us to investigate some unsolved aspects of lightning related ...

    Development of high-capacity substation connectors compatible with HTLS technology 

    Capelli, Francesca (Date of defense: 2017-03-16)

    The advent of HTLS (High Temperature, Low Sag) conductors imposes more severe operating conditions on devices such as substation connectors intended for transmission and distribution systems, which are subjected to higher ...

    Development of reduced-scale tests for HTLS substation connectors 

    Abomailek Rubio, Carlos (Date of defense: 2018-09-21)

    Power distribution networks face the upcoming challenge of managing the increase of power demand predicted worldwide. Power grid capacity is limited by the number of lines deployed and their characteristics, including ...

    Development of the future generation of smart high voltage connectors and related components for substations, with energy autonomy and wireless data transmission capability 

    Kadechkar, Akash (Date of defense: 2020-10-07)

    The increased dependency on electricity of modern society, makes reliability of power transmission systems a key point. This goal can be achieved by continuously monitoring power grid parameters, so possible failure modes ...

    Development, optimization and experimental validation of smart devices for substations and power transmission lines 

    Liu, Yuming (Date of defense: 2024-01-26)

    (English) In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the growth of electricity demand. This electricity demand requires retrofitting of lines or exploiting the maximum capacity of existing power lines. In ...

    Direct current control for grid connected multilevel inverters 

    Schaefer, Markus (Date of defense: 2017-11-08)

    Control schemes for inverters of different topologies and various numbers of voltage levels are of great interest for many standard as well as special applications. This thesis describes a novel, robust and high-dynamic ...

    Diseño de un rele neuronal de protección para lineas aéreas de AT con preprocesado de señal mediante la transformada Wavelet 

    Iglesias Lorenzo, Javier (Date of defense: 2004-01-29)

    El avance de las tecnologías de los microprocesadores y ordenadores ha permitido sustituir las protecciones electromecánicas y analógicas clásicas por protecciones digitales. Sin embargo, los algoritmos empleados en éstas ...

    Efectos de los huecos de tensión en las máquinas de inducción y en los transformadores trifásicos 

    Guasch Pesquer, Luis (Date of defense: 2006-01-15)

    Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de la calidad del suministro de energía eléctrica y, en concreto, en el efecto que producen los huecos de tensión en las máquinas de inducción y en los transformadores trifásicos.<br/>En ...

    Electricitat i foc: aportacions experimentals d'aplicació docent 

    Martí Tous, Marc (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    According to reliable statistics, electrical fire ignition sources have a notable impact regarding the generation of fires and explosions. Electrical equipment and installations can also be the victims of fire. This is due ...

    Electromagnetic models for ultrasound image processing 

    Navarrete Hurtado, Hugo Ariel (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Speckle noise appears when coherent illumination is employed, as for example Laser, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Sonar, Magnetic Resonance, X-ray and Ultrasound imagery. Backscattered echoes from the randomly distributed ...