Now showing items 101-120 of 165

    Reducció del mode comú en convertidors Back-2-Back 

    Fillet Castella, Sergi (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    This work deals with the study of Back-2-Back converters, with special emphasis on its effects on the common mode. For the study performed, a review of the different known causes for bearing currents and the contribution ...

    Multiterminal HVDC transmissions systems for offshore wind 

    Egea Àlvarez, Agustí (Date of defense: 2014-09-26)

    Offshore wind is emerging as one of the future energy vectors. Offshore wind power plants locations provide more strong and constant wind speed that allows to extract more power compared to onshore locations. In addition, ...

    Design, operation and control of novel electrical concepts for offshore wind power plants 

    Prada Gil, Mikel de (Date of defense: 2014-06-13)

    Offshore wind is an emerging energy sector with a huge potential to be tapped in the near future. Offshore Wind Power Plants (OWPPs) are becoming increasingly relevant in Europe and worldwide mainly because the wind speeds ...

    Probabilistic analysis to assess the impact of the charge of electric vehicles on distribution grids under normal operation 

    Valsera Naranjo, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2014-05-07)

    The incorporation of high levels of small-scale non-dispatchable distributed generation is leading to the transition from the traditional 'vertical' power system structure to a 'horizontally-operated' power system, where ...

    Aportación al desarrollo de las normas técnicas y reglamentación para la implantación de los sistemas electrónicos para viviendas y edificios : domótica, inmótica y hogar digital 

    Pizarro Ruiz, Juan Alberto (Date of defense: 2014-01-27)

    Although the term “domotics” is not absolutely unknown, there are a great number of cases where this term has been associated with a complicated and luxury technology, intended to ease life in houses and buildings but that ...

    Experimental validation of optimal real-time energy management system for microgrids 

    Marzband, Mousa (Date of defense: 2014-01-20)

    Nowadays, power production, reliability, quality, efficiency and penetration of renewable energy sources are amongst the most important topics in the power systems analysis. The need to obtain optimal power management and ...

    Power converter optimal control for wind energy conversion systems 

    Trilla Romero, Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-11-15)

    L'energia eòlica ha incrementat la seva presència a molts països i s'espera que tingui encara un pes més gran en la generació elèctrica amb la implantació de la tecnologia eòlica marina. En aquest context el desenvolupament ...

    Control activo de ruido de baja frecuencia de maquinaria industrial en un campo de baja densidad modal, mediante el encapsulado de sus fuentes de ruido 

    Salueña Berna, Xavier (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    Normally, there are in use certain technologies of reduction of noise named passive, in the cancellation of the noise produced by industrial machinery. These technologies can be applied directly on the source (use of ...

    Contributions of flywheel systems in wind power plants 

    Díaz-González, Francisco (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    The stepwise replacement of conventional power plants by renewable-based ones such as wind power plants could a ect the system behaviour and planning. First, the network stability may be compromised as it becomes less ...

    Analysis of the contribution of wind power plants to damp power system oscillations 

    Domínguez García, José Luis (Date of defense: 2013-09-18)

    Wind power has emerged as one of the most promising renewable energy sources. The very penetration levels of wind energy in power systems have altered several aspects of power system operation, such as system stability. ...

    Aportacions a la modelització de la màquina d'inducció de gàbia d'esquirol 

    Monjo Mur, Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-07-27)

    En aquesta tesi es tracten en profunditat diversos aspectes sobre la modelització de la màquina d’inducció de gàbia d’esquirol. En el primer capítol, a partir dels paràmetres i de les característiques elèctriques i ...

    Determination of the induction machine parameters from starting transient measurements 

    Kojooyan Jafari, Hengameh (Date of defense: 2013-07-26)

    This Thesis study the parameters estimation of the induction machine with the single-cage and doublecage models, using the stator currents, voltages and mechanical speed from a starting transient. The dynamic equations of ...

    Aportacions a la transferència de tecnologia energètica aeroespacial: cap al vehicle verd construïble a Catalunya 

    Gallemí Rovira, Oriol (Date of defense: 2012-09-29)

    El present treball, culmina un període de recerca que va començar amb l’observació i mesura dels rendiments dels primers vehicles elèctrics del mercat contemporani i de les tècniques d’optimització energètica aeroespacia ...

    Common-mode voltage cancellation in single- and three-phase transformer-less PV power converters 

    Vázquez Guzmán, Gerardo (Date of defense: 2013-02-04)

    Electrical Energy generation is an issue that is continuously cause of concern around the world. Many efforts have been done in this sense to cover the requirements of the constantly growing in the electrical energy demand. ...

    Aportaciones al modelado de la generación fotovoltaica para la planificación de la red de distribución 

    Ramón Marín, Miquel (Date of defense: 2012-11-08)

    In this thesis it have been explained the problems that the electric distribution companies in Spain have to plan and operate their power networks, having no detailed measurements of instant active power of a large number ...

    Control of power electronic converters for the operation of wind generation 

    Junyent Ferré, Adrià (Date of defense: 2011-07-15)

    The present PhD thesis analyzes the modelling and control of the two main topologies of large scale variable speed wind turbines, the doubly fed induction generator and the permanent magnet synchronous generator wind ...

    Modelado y estudio del líder descendente negarivo en una descarga eléctrica atmosférica y su influencia en la localización del punto de impacto del rayo 

    Hermoso Costa, Juan Ramón (Date of defense: 2012-07-17)

    In lightning protection techniques a basic aspect is the identification of the impact point possible, which is determined by the evolution of the initial phase of the lightning, known as the stepped leader, the ground ...

    Análisis de la evolución de la interoperabilidad y de la seguridad ferroviaria en Europa en el periodo 1991-2011 y propuestas de mejora 

    Ribes Ardanuy, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2012-10-03)

    The object of this thesis is to analyze the evolution of railway interoperability and safety in Europe in the period 1991-2011. This pretends to assess what has been the legislative process at EU level in the last 20 ...

    Power conditioner based fuel cell and backup power system with supercapacitor 

    Trujillo Caballero, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2012-03-30)

    PEMFCs are the most popular type of Fuel Cells (FCs) and traditionally use hydrogen as the fuel. One FC problem is its relative slow dynamics caused by the time constant of the hydrogen and oxygen supply systems that can ...

    Advance control of multilevel converters for integration of distributed generation resources into ac grid 

    Pouresmaeil, Edris (Date of defense: 2012-03-27)

    Distributed generation (DG) with a converter interface to the power grid is found in many of the green power resources applications. This dissertation describes a multi-objective control technique of voltage source ...