Now showing items 73-92 of 217

    Deep learning based methodologies applied to industrial electromechanical systems monitoring 

    Arellano Espitia, Francisco (Date of defense: 2023-10-10)

    (English) In recent years, there has been significant attention from both the academic and industry sectors towards condition-based maintenance of rotating systems. This attention stems from the high relevance of these ...

    Desarrollo de tecnologías de baja temperatura para la fabricación de células solares de heterounión de silicio 

    Morales Vilches, Anna Belén (Date of defense: 2015-07-23)

    El desarrollo de la tecnología fotovoltaica de silicio cristalino ha llegado al punto en que la mejora de los dispositivos pasa, no tanto por un aumento de la eficiencia, como por la reducción del coste de fabricación. En ...

    Desarrollo de un sistema de medida ultrasónico para monitorizar el proceso de fermentación maloláctica del vino tinto en un ambiente industrial 

    Novoa Díaz, Daniel Fernando (Date of defense: 2014-05-14)

    This work is a contribution to a measuring system based on ultrasonic techniques to analyse and monitor, in real time, malolactic fermentation (MLF) in red wine, both at industrial and semi-industrial level. In the wine ...

    Desarrollo y caracterización de estructuras termoeléctricas con pellets constituidos por nuevos materiales y geometrías no estándar 

    Villasevil Marco, F. Xavier (Francesc Xavier) (Date of defense: 2006-10-11)

    Amb els materials utilitzats actualment en la fabricació de les cèl·lules termoelèctriques i amb les geometries utilitzades, no és possible millorar, en un rang determinat de temperatures, característiques tals com la ...

    Desenvolupament de tècniques de mesura d'impedància elèctrica aplicada a la caracterització de sòls 

    Torrents Dolz, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 1996-11-25)

    La humitat és un dels paràmetres més característics del sòl i el seu coneixement té interès des de diversos àmbits de la enginyeria. Conèixer la humitat mitjançant la impedància elèctrica planteja un estudi acurat de les ...

    Design and analysis of a novel multilevel active-clamped power-converter 

    Nicolás Apruzzese, Joan (Date of defense: 2013-09-16)

    Multilevel converter technology has been receiving increasing attention during the last years due to its important advantages compared to conventional two-level conversion. Multilevel converters reduce the voltage across ...

    Design and assessment of a low-frequency magnetic measurement system for eLISA 

    Mateos Martín, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2015-11-27)

    The primary purpose of this thesis is the design, development and validation of a system capable of measuring magnetic field with low-noise conditions at sub-millihertz frequencies. Such instrument is conceived as a part ...

    Design and characterization of wearable antenna sensors for healthcare applications 

    El Gharbi, Mariam (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

    (English) Wearable antenna sensors are a promising technology for developing new applications in the healthcare field since textiles are widely used by everyone due to the maturity of textile manufacturing. According to ...

    Design and implementation of rural microgrids : Laguna Grande case study 

    Canziani Amico, Franco (Date of defense: 2022-07-22)

    In 2015 the United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: a set of interrelated objectives and a guide to reach a more sustainable and higher quality future for all humanity. The goals were set with a ...

    Design and implementation of wireless nodes for the Internet of Things 

    Ripoll Vercellone, Edgar (Date of defense: 2022-04-01)

    The Internet of Things is a trending topic these days. However, energy is often the major job stopper for broad adoption of this technology, which have three tight constraints: extremely cost oriented, long service life ...

    Design and multiparameter optimization of a multiphase SiC converter with operation under faults applied to an electric traction system 

    Acosta Cambranis, Fernando Geovany (Date of defense: 2023-07-11)

    (English) Greater interest in multiphase electrical systems has led to their increased use in electric traction, renewable energy generation, energy transmission, and various industrial applications. This growing interest ...

    Design and process developments towards an optimal 6.5 kV SiC power MOSFET 

    Soler, Victor (Date of defense: 2019-11-26)

    A sustainable future requires efficient power electronic converters at any stage of the electrical energy consumption. Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the most technologically advanced wide bandgap semiconductors that can ...

    Design exploration and measurement benchmark of integrated-circuits based on graphene field-effect-transistors : towards wireless nanotransceivers 

    Iannazzo Soteras, Mario E. (Mario Enrique) (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    This doctoral thesis approaches the design requirements for future high / ultra-high data rate (from 100 Mbps to 100 Gbps) nanotransceivers (nanoTRx) applied to wireless nanonetworks which imply short/ultra-short distance ...

    Design of broadband inductor-less RF front-ends with high dynamic range for 

    Trulls Fortuny, Xavier (Date of defense: 2012-07-06)

    System-on-Chip (SoC) was adopted in recent years as one of the solutions to reduce the cost of integrated systems. When the SoC solution started to be used, the final product was actually more expensive due to lower yield. ...

    Design of Frequency divider with voltage vontrolled oscillator for 60 GHz low power phase-locked loops in 65 nm RF CMOS 

    Brandano, Davide (Date of defense: 2012-03-09)

    Increasing memory capacity in mobile devices, is driving the need of high-data rates equipment. The 7 GHz band around 60 GHz provides the opportunity for multi-gigabit/sec wireless communication. It is a real opportunity ...

    Design, fabrication and characterisation of interdigitated back-contacted c-Si solar cells based on transition metal oxides 

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Gerard (Date of defense: 2019-09-25)

    The photovoltaic industry is mainly dominated by crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells, in which contact selectivity is usually achieved by doping the wafer surfaces with phosphorous (n+) and boron (p+) by means of high ...

    Design, fabrication, characterization and reliability study of CMOS-MEMS Lorentz-Force magnetometers 

    Valle Fraga, Juan José (Date of defense: 2022-04-06)

    Today, the most common form of mass-production semiconductor device fabrication is Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The dedicated Integrated Circuit (IC) interfaces of commercial sensors are ...

    Design-oriented model for predicting and controlling fast-scale instabilities in switching converters : application to advanced power management integrated circuits 

    Rodríguez Vilamitjana, Enric (Date of defense: 2011-02-28)

    Trends in battery-operated portable applications require further miniaturization and eventually on-chip integration of power processing circuits along with their optimum power management control circuits, considered as key ...

    Detecció d'estructures estàtiques en el cos humà usant mètodes multifreqüència en Tomografia de impedància elèctrica 

    Riu Costa, Pere J. (Pere Joan) (Date of defense: 1991-11-29)

    Se analiza la obtención de imágenes que representan la estructura de secciones del cuerpo humano por medio de la medida de impedancia eléctrica. El método propuesto se basa en el comportamiento frecuencial de la conductividad ...

    Determination of the state of health of Li-ion batteries : the irreversible entropy production approach 

    Ovejas Benedicto, Victòria Júlia (Date of defense: 2017-11-24)

    In recent years, portable applications have experienced an exponential growth and consequently, the demand of batteries has increased accordingly. It is widely known, though, that the performance of batteries decreases ...