Now showing items 42-61 of 66

    Modelación del flujo en lámina libre sobre cauces naturales. Análisis integrado con esquemas en volúmenes finitos en una y dos dimensiones 

    Bladé, Ernest (Date of defense: 2005-07-01)

    El conocimiento del funcionamiento hidráulico de un río en avenida es fundamental para la resolución de gran variedad de problemas de ingeniería hidráulica y dinámica fluvial, como delimitación de zonas inundables, diseño ...

    Modelado numérico de la deriva y envejecimiento de los hidrocarburos vertidos al mar: aplicación operacional en la lucha contra las mareas negras 

    Comerma Piña, Eric (Date of defense: 2004-07-20)

    Uno de los principales problemas que afectan al medio marino son los repetidos episodios de contaminación por hidrocarburos. A los grandes derrames provocados por petroleros accidentados hay que sumarle un volumen anual ...

    Modelling the ocean-atmosphere exchanges of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 

    Jurado Cojo, Elena (Date of defense: 2006-11-24)

    Els Contaminants Organic Persistents (COPs), tals com PCB, PCDD/FS i PAHs, són un grup de compostos químics regulats per a la seva reducció o ja prohibits a causa de la seva persistència, potencial per a ser transportat ...

    Multi-risk assessment and users' perception: a futher step towards ecosystem-based beach management 

    Lozoya Azcárate, Juan Pablo (Date of defense: 2012-10-29)

    This thesis deals with the need to move towards a holistic, truly integrated and ecosystem-based beach management that allows a sustainable use of these systems within the socio-ecological paradigm. However, the scarcity ...

    Ocean velocities as inferred from Argo floats: methodology and applications 

    Rosell-Fieschi, Miquel (Date of defense: 2014-07-03)

    The velocity fields inferred from the trajectories of Argo floats have proven to be a valuable tool for observing the major ocean currents. The velocity fields can be used to examine statistical properties at regional and ...

    On the circulation of the North Atlantic shadow zone 

    Peña Izquierdo, Jesús (Date of defense: 2015-02-20)

    Regions isolated from the wind-driven circulation are found in the eastern margins of the world's tropical oceans. The weak and stagnant circulation of these so-called “shadow zones”, in combination with the intense ...

    Optical propertiers of the dissolved organic matter as tracers of microbiological and geochemical processes in marine ecosystems 

    Romera Castillo, Cristina (Date of defense: 2011-10-07)

    Oceans store 685 Pg of organic carbon of which 662 Pg are in a dissolved form. The diversity of compounds that make up the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool and the low concentration of each compound make the chemical ...

    Relació entre la distribució de nutrients i oxigen dissolt i la composició elemental del fitoplàncton a la Mar Catalana (N-O Mar Mediterrània) 

    Segura Noguera, Mariona (Date of defense: 2007-10-19)

    Els organismes vius estan composats d'elements químics, principalment C, H, O, N, P i S. L'estudi d'aquests elements essencials és una eina molt útil que permet moure'ns entre diferents nivells d'organització biològica, ...

    Sediment dynamics and associated heavy metals in small river-and wave-dominated inner shelf (Barcelona city, Nw Mediterranean) 

    López Fernández, Laura (Date of defense: 2013-10-24)

    Wave storms and river inputs have been found to be the dominant forcing mechanism of sediment transport in continental shelves dominated by medium to large rivers around the world (e.g. Drake and Cacchione, 1985; Sherwood ...

    Spatial Objective Analysis of Oceanographic Variables. An Application to the Ebro Delta Shelf/Slope Domain (North- Western Mediterranean) 

    León Arteaga, Angélica M. de (Date of defense: 2002-07-19)

    In this research we tested two data analyses methodologies, namely the empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) to estimate hydrographic CTD data profiles, and a successive corrections algorithm (SC) to project the results ...

    Start of sediment mtion and resuspension in turbulent flows: applications of zero-mean flow grid stirred turbulence on sediment studies 

    Medina Enriquez, Pablo (Date of defense: 2002-07-17)

    The objectives of the thesis were, on the one hand, to test the possibilities of a well-known experimental configuration (oscillating grid mixing box), used to study stratified fluids in turbulent flows with zero-mean, on ...

    Study of salinity retrieval errors for the SMOS mission 

    Gabarró Prats, Carolina (Date of defense: 2004-12-17)

    El treball realitzat en aquesta tesi està emmarcat en la missió SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de l'Agència Espacial Europea. El satèl·lit es llançarà al febrer del 2007, i mesurarà la salinitat superficial del ...

    The diversity of dinoflagellates belonging to the gymnodiniales from the catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea) 

    Reñé Vicente, Albert (Date of defense: 2014-02-28)

    Dinoflagellates are one of the most abundant and diverse groups of microalgae. Many dinoflagellates are covered with cellulose plates, whereas others lack these plates and are hence referred to as athecate or unarmoured. ...

    The Northern Current and its interaction with the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) 

    Ahumada Sempoal, Miguel Angel (Date of defense: 2014-12-11)

    A high-resolution (~1.2km) 3D circulation model nested in one-way to a coarse-resolution (~4km) 3D regional model was used to examine the interaction between the Northern Current and the Blanes submarine canyon (~41°00’-41°46’N; ...

    Three-dimensional simulation of pollutant dispersion in coastal waters 

    Mestres Ridge, Marc (Date of defense: 2002-07-15)

    Traditionally, the sea has been considered as the ultimate sink of most pollutions, due to its huge volume and assimilating capacities, and the coastal waters, because of their intermediate position between deep seas and ...

    Tormentas de oleaje en el Mediterráneo: Física y Predicción. 

    Bolaños Sánchez, Rodolfo (Date of defense: 2004-11-17)

    En la zona costera mediterránea se llevan a cabo una gran cantidad de actividades socioeconómicas. En estas áreas los eventos meteorológicos son un factor importante para su manejo y gestión. Esto ha generado la necesidad ...

    Towards data assimilation in the Catalan Continental Shelf From data analysis to optimization methods. 

    Jordà Sánchez, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2005-06-17)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és implementar un sistema d'assimilació de dades a un model hidrodinàmic de la plataforma continental catalana. Aquest sistema ens permetrà combinar la informació proporcionada per les dades ...

    Toxicogenomic analysis of environmental impact in aquatic systems 

    Navarro Cuenca, Anna (Date of defense: 2012-06-18)

    Field biomonitoring based on molecular biomarkers detects early warning signals of stress suffered by organisms exposed to contamination. The lower part of the Ebro River basin has a long pollution history related to the ...

    Trophic cascade modelling in bathyal ecosystems 

    Mamouridis, Valeria (Date of defense: 2015-05-15)

    Different aspects of the bathyal ecosystem have been treated with the final aim to investigate trophic cascades driven by fishery (top-down control), a phenomenon that in bathyal systems has never been studied. This was ...

    Tsunamis provoked by fast granular landslides : 3D laboratory experiments on generation and initial propagation of waves 

    Bregoli, Francesco (Date of defense: 2015-11-12)

    Landslides and debris flows falling into reservoirs, natural lakes, fjords or seas can generate impulsive waves, which can be assimilated to tsunamis. This phenomenon, also known as "landslide tsunami", can be highly ...