Now showing items 61-66 of 66
León Arteaga, Angélica M. de (Date of defense: 2002-07-19)
In this research we tested two data analyses methodologies, namely the empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) to estimate hydrographic CTD data profiles, and a successive corrections algorithm (SC) to project the results ...
Mestres Ridge, Marc (Date of defense: 2002-07-15)
Traditionally, the sea has been considered as the ultimate sink of most pollutions, due to its huge volume and assimilating capacities, and the coastal waters, because of their intermediate position between deep seas and ...
Bahamon Rivera, Nixon (Date of defense: 2002-05-24)
The response of phytoplankton to various ecological forcings was examined in the upper waters of the NW Mediterranean (MED) and the subtropical North Atlantic (NA) from field observations, analysis of historical data sets ...
Platonov, Alexei (Date of defense: 2002-07-19)
This thesis presents diverse theoretical and practical applications of the ERS 1/2 and RADARSAT satellite images of the Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR sensor (near 330 images in the Northwest Mediterranean NWM and 980 in ...
Martínez López, Roberto (Date of defense: 2002-07-24)
El amonio es el catabolito mayoritario en los peces, significando más del 60% de los residuos nitrogenados totales, y siendo la fracción no ionizada (ANI) un compuesto tóxico tanto para el medio de cultivo como para el ...
Aguirre Villaseñor, Hugo (Date of defense: 2000-04-06)
En el presente trabajo se analizan aspectos concretos de la biología y ecología de Mullus barbatus y M. surmuletus.<br><br/>En primera instancia, se pretende determinar algunas diferencias biológicas, merísticas y morfométricas ...