Now showing items 79-84 of 84

    Study and characterization of mechanical properties of wood-PLA composite (Timberfill) material parts built through fused filament fabrication 

    Zandi, Mohammad Damous (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    This research is based upon the additive manufacturing (AM) technology which aims to study the mechanical properties of innovative commercial wood-PLA composite material (Timberfill) and characterize its behavior. Specifically ...

    Study of the beam induced vacuum effects in the cryogenic beam vacuum chamber of the Future Circular Hadron Collider 

    Bellafont Peralta, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2021-01-25)

    The Future Circular Hadron Collider (FCC-hh) is a proposal for a 100 km long hadron collider conceived as the successor of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The FCC-hh is designed to reach 50 TeV of beam energy, greatly ...

    Study of the characterization of the mechanical properties of materials with elastomeric behavior for biomedical applications 

    Adrover Monserrat, Bàrbara (Date of defense: 2023-02-24)

    (English) The mechanical characterization of new materials used in the Material Extrusion technique (MEX) in 3D printing is essential. The use of this technique is growing and with it the possible applications of printed ...

    Tool-part tribological interaction assessment for continuous deformation processes 

    Torres Chamorro, Lisbeth Alejandra (Date of defense: 2023-07-03)

    (English This dissertation is an experimental assessment of the tool-part tribological interaction of continuous deformation processes: ball burnishing as a superfinishing process and wire drawing as a bulk deformation ...

    Ús de l'oli vegetal cru com a biocarburant per autoconsum agrícola: avaluacio de la sostenibilitat del sistema a Catalunya 

    Baquero Armans, Grau (Date of defense: 2011-07-06)

    La introducció de la colza en la rotació de conreus i la producció i ús d’oli vegetal cru (OVC) com a biocarburant per autoconsum agrícola presenten alguns avantatges respecte al sistema tradicional de conreu de la ...

    Viabilitat tècnica i ambiental de biocombustibles: oli de colza i estella forestal 

    Esteban Dalmau, Bernat (Date of defense: 2011-07-06)

    La dependència actual dels combustibles fòssils en la majoria de sectors industrials i domèstics no és sostenible ni a curt ni a llarg termini. Això està obligant a plantejar alternatives a la majoria de sectors industrials ...