Now showing items 114-133 of 230

    Human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor protein-protein interactions: roles in receptor signaling and regualation 

    Borroto Escuela, Dasiel Oscar (Date of defense: 2008-10-23)

    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) have been shown to mediate various functions in the central and peripheral nervous systems. These include modulation of exocrine glandular secretion, vasodilatation and smooth ...

    Hybrid block and graft copolymers made from macrolactones and α-amino acids for applications as drug delivery nanosystems 

    Tinajero Díaz, Ernesto (Date of defense: 2019-07-17)

    Naturally produced peptides or proteins can be regarded as highly refined polymers. When synthetic polymers are married to proteins or peptides, the resulting bioconjugates can synergistically combine the properties of the ...

    Hydroxyapatite-based materials for smart antitumor drug delivery systems, endocytic pathways and endosomal trafficking : polymers and biopolymers 

    Rivas Cañas, Manolo (Date of defense: 2019-10-28)

    Development of new drug molecule is expensive and time consuming. Improving safety efficacy ratio of “old” drugs has been attempted using different methods such as individualizing drug therapy, dose titration, and therapeutic ...

    Improving the tactical and operational decision making procedures in chemical supply chains 

    Silvente Saiz, Javier (Date of defense: 2016-02-17)

    Nowadays, market trends have made companies modify the way of doing business. The current context of globalization, economic crisis, political conditions and competence among enterprises involves the continuous challenge ...

    In situ studies of catalytic processes by Near Ambient X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 

    García de Andrés, Xènia (Date of defense: 2022-10-25)

    (English) Labels misplacement in the bottles are currently causing problems in wine cellar's labelling lines. According to data provided by Codorníu and Torres cellars, 1 % of the bottles present this issue. Once the wine ...

    Incendios de hidrocarburos : estudio de la formación y evolución del boilover de capa fina 

    Ferrero, Fabio (Date of defense: 2006-06-21)

    Though the number of studies on pool fires is relevant, the characteristics of boilover are not yet totally understood. Boilover is one of the most dangerous phenomena that can occur when the fuel is burning above a water ...

    Infrared image processing tools for automated aerial remote sensing of active wildland fires 

    Valero Pérez, Mario Miguel (Date of defense: 2019-10-30)

    Forest fires are natural phenomena essential for ecosystem balance. However, their impact on society is increasing. Emergency managers are facing unprecedented crises producing massive evacuations, numerous casualties and ...

    Integrated batch process development based on mixed-logic dynamic optimization 

    Moreno Benito, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-03-06)

    Specialty chemicals industry relies on batch manufacturing, since it requires the frequent adaptation of production systems to market fluctuations. To be first in the market, batch industry requires decision-support systems ...

    Integrated management of chemical processes in a competitive environment 

    Zamarripa Pérez, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2013-07-01)

    El objetivo general de esta Tesis es mejorar el proceso de la toma de decisiones en la gestión de cadenas de suministro, tomando en cuenta principalmente dos diferencias: ser competitivo considerando las decisiones propias ...

    Integrated scheduling decision making in enterprise wide optimization 

    Capón García, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2011-06-28)

    In the current environment of markets globalization and fierce competition, process industries must strive to remain competitive. In this sense, companies pursue decision integration among the different space and time ...

    Integrated support system for planning and scheduling of batch chemical plants 

    Cantón Padilla, Jorge (Date of defense: 2003-06-17)

    La planificación de la producción en plantas de proceso discontinuo es uno de los problemas más complejos e importantes para una amplia variedad de procesos industriales. A pesar de esta importancia la planificación de la ...

    Integration of advanced wastewater treatment and reclamation technologies for organic micropollutants removal and promote water reuse 

    Echevarría Díez-Canedo, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-07-14)

    (English) Climate change and overpopulation are responsible for more frequent droughts, and the imbalance in the water resources management leads to a greater competition in the exploitation of freshwater sources. The ...

    Integration of electrically driven membrane separation processes for water treatment and resources recovery 

    Reig i Amat, Mònica (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    Nowadays, due to the growing fresh water demand, several processes are used to purify seawater by means of desalination or industrial brackish water by different treatment processes. The main limitation of these techniques ...

    Integration of nanofiltration and diffusion dialysis for the sustainable management of acidic liquid wastes 

    López Rodríguez, Julio (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    Nowadays mining and hydrometallurgical industries generate a considerable amount of acidic liquid wastes (ALWs), which are characterised by a low pH and the presence of metals (e.g. Fe, Cu, Zn and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) ...

    Introducción del factor humano al análisis de riesgo 

    González Dan, José Roberto (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    The frequency of occurrence of an accident is a key aspect in the risk assessment field. Variables such as the human factor, which is a major cause of undesired events in process industries, are usually not considered ...

    Inverse modelling in wildfire spread forecasting: towards a data-driven system 

    Rios Rubiras, Oriol (Date of defense: 2018-11-30)

    Wildfires are an ecological phenomenon inherent to earth dynamics and widely spread over the globe. In addition to the environmental impact, when wildfires grow beyond controllable magnitudes, they pose a principal threat ...

    Investigación en nuevas técnicas de microencapsulación biodegradables de fragancias para el sector de detergencia que eviten la liberación de microplásticos al medio ambiente 

    López Hernández, Arianne (Date of defense: 2023-12-20)

    (English) Getting to give added value in the different products that are nowadays in the market has not been easy. Since many years ago we have worked on the addition of fragrances in different articles. This added value ...

    Investigation of the antioxidant properties of five aromatic plants in model food systems 

    Azman, Nurul Aini Binti Mohd (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    In this PhD it has been analyzed the antioxidant activity of five plants: Camelia sinensis, Gentian lutea, Betula pendula, Convolvulus arvensis and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. An Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance has been ...

    Ionic complexes of biodegradable polyelectrolytes 

    Tolentino Chivite, Ainhoa (Date of defense: 2014-04-29)

    Biopolymers are polymers produced by living organisms. A more broad classification would embrace also those polymers synthesized from renewable sources which are able to display biodegradability. The demand of biopolymers ...

    Ionic complexes of naturally-occurring biopolymers and cationic surfactants : a platform for industrial and biomedical applications 

    Gamarra Montes, Ana (Date of defense: 2018-07-13)

    In recent years, the increasing public concern about the environmental pollution caused by persistent plastic wastes has stimulated the interest in replacing synthetic polymers by biopolymers. The term biopolymer refers ...