Now showing items 76-95 of 101

    Regression and residual analysis in linear models with interval censored data 

    Topp, Rebekka (Date of defense: 2002-07-19)

    This work consists of two parts, both related with regression analysis for interval censored data. Interval censored data x have the property that their value cannot be observed exactly but only the respective interval ...

    Regression models with an interval-censored covariate 

    Langohr, Klaus (Date of defense: 2004-06-16)

    El análisis de supervivencia trata de la evaluación estadística de variables que miden el tiempo transcurrido hasta un evento de interés. Una particularidad que ha de considerar el análisis de supervivencia son datos ...

    Relevant statistical applications to real-world data science 

    Serra Burriel, Feliu (Date of defense: 2022-04-19)

    The work presented in this dissertation is a compendium of articles based on three main applications of advanced statistical methodologies on real-world complex datasets. The first application concerns wildfire effects ...

    Scheduling policies for multi-period services 

    Núñez del Toro, Alma Cristina (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)

    In many situations, the resources in organizations are employed to satisfy some demand (or services) requirements, which are repeated with some periodicity. These recurrent services appear in a large variety of processes ...

    Short - Term Bidding Strategies for a Generation Company in the Iberian Electricity Market 

    Corchero García, Cristina (Date of defense: 2011-02-02)

    La posada en marxa del Mercat Ibèric de l'Electricitat va introduir al sector elèctric espanyol un seguit de nous mecanismes de participació que han forçat els agents a renovar les seves polítiques de gestió. D'aquesta ...

    Solving large-scale two-stage stochastic optimization problems by specialized interior point method 

    de la Lama Zubiran, Paula (Date of defense: 2021-01-13)

    Two-stage stochastic optimization models give rise to very large linear problems (LP). Several approaches have been devised for efficiently solving them, among which are interior-point methods (IPM). However, using IPM, ...

    Speculation – postponement strategies in supply chain network design problems: a modelling framework for new supply chain strategies through stochastic optimization 

    Ramón Lumbierres, Daniel Jacobo (Date of defense: 2024-01-23)

    (English) Speculation and Postponement are opposite supply chain strategies intended to either advance or postpone the necessary production processes to transform raw materials into finished goods. A Customer Order ...

    Statistical Applications in Geographical Health Studies 

    Martínez Martínez, José (Date of defense: 2006-07-25)

    Aquesta tesi està formada per dues parts relacionades amb l'estudi de la salut d'una regió geogràfica dividida en un conjunt de zones (àrees petites). La primera part es basa en un estudi amb informació de salut agregada ...

    Statistical methods and software for clinical trials with binary and survival endpoints : efficiency, sample size and two-sample comparison 

    Bofill Roig, Marta (Date of defense: 2020-12-22)

    Defining the scientific question is the starting point for any clinical study. However, even though the main objective is generally clear, how this is addressed is not usually straightforward. Clinical studies very often ...

    Statistical methods for the analysis of complex epidemiology data 

    Esnaola Acebes, Mikel (Date of defense: 2023-06-23)

    (English) Epidemiology is a relatively young and rapidly evolving science. Recent technological breakthroughs have allowed modern epidemiologists to raise increasingly ambitious research hypotheses. This has originated ...

    Statistical methods in Kansei engineering studies 

    Marco Almagro, Lluís (Date of defense: 2011-12-15)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral tracta sobre Enginyeria Kansei (EK), una tècnica per traslladar emocions transmeses per productes en paràmetres tècnics, i sobre mètodes estadístics que poden beneficiar la disciplina. El propòsit ...

    Statistical metidos applied to volcanology and volcanic hazard assessment 

    Sobradelo Pérez, Rosa Maria (Date of defense: 2011-07-21)

    Disasters are large intractable problems that test the ability of communities and nations to effectively protect their populations and infrastructure, to reduce both human and property loss, and to rapidly recover. The ...

    Study and validation of data structures with missing values. Application to survival analysis 

    Serrat i Piè, Carles (Date of defense: 2001-05-21)

    En aquest treball tractem tres metodologies diferents -no paramètrica, paramètrica i semiparamètrica- per tal de considerar els patrons de dades amb valors no observats en un context d'anàlisi de la supervivència. Les dues ...

    Survival analysis issues with interval-censored data 

    Oller Piqué, Ramon (Date of defense: 2006-06-30)

    L'anàlisi de la supervivència s'utilitza en diversos àmbits per tal d'analitzar dades que mesuren el temps transcorregut entre dos successos. També s'anomena anàlisi de la història dels esdeveniments, anàlisi de temps de ...

    Survival data analysis with heavy-censoring and long-term survivors 

    López Segovia, Lucas (Date of defense: 2014-06-10)

    The research developed in this thesis has been motivated by two datasets, which are introduced in Chapter 2, one concerning the mortality of calves from birth to weaning while the other refers to survival of patients ...

    The analysis of interval-censored survival data. From a Nonparametric perspective to a nonparametric Bayesian approach 

    Calle, M. Luz (Date of defense: 1997-02-27)

    This work concerns some problems in the area of survival analysis that arise in real clinical or epidemiological studies. In particular, we approach the problem of estimating the survival function based on interval-censored ...

    The capacitated minimum spanning tree problem 

    Ruiz y Ruiz, Héctor Efraín (Date of defense: 2013-07-15)

    In this thesis we focus on the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree (CMST), an extension of the minimum spanning tree (MST) which considers a central or root vertex which receives and sends commodities (information, goods, ...

    The dynamics of bike sharing systems: advancements in analytics tools 

    Cortez Ordóñez, Alexandra Piedad (Date of defense: 2023-11-23)

    (English) Nowadays, Bicycle Sharing Systems (BSS) have become a popular and widespread transportation system across the world thanks to their multiple environmental and health benefits, and its successful support for urban ...

    The impact of effective factors on the Iranian electricity market in comparison to the Spanish electricity market 

    Nasrazadani, Hajar (Date of defense: 2016-03-01)

    Electricity market analysis is important to access strategic market information which can be further employed to pass energy policies. Due to the advantages of privatization, the Iranian government has taken certain ...

    The level of adoption of analytical tools 

    Barahona Torres, Igor (Date of defense: 2013-07-26)

    This PhD thesis is focused on disclosing features that might cause the increase in the use of analytical tools for better decision making. The theoretical part of this research is developed in two phases. At first, an ...