Contributions to industrial statistics 

    Fontdecaba Rigat, Sara (Date of defense: 2015-12-23)

    This thesis is about statistics' contributions to industry. It is an article compendium comprising four articles divided in two blocks: (i) two contributions for a water supply company, and (ii) significance of the effects ...

    Estudi de les inèrcies estructurals en anàlisis de correspondències. Aportacions per a una millora de les anàlisis 

    Daunis i Estadella, Josep (Date of defense: 2005-02-11)

    La memòria d'aquesta tesi doctoral s'estructura en un primer capítol on es descriuen els objectius de la tesi i l'organització del treball de recerca. Després, el Capítol 2: Anàlisis factorials de dades es destina a presentar ...

    From RNA to histological images: linking the transcriptome with human phenotypes through statistical learning 

    Muñoz Aguirre, Manuel (Date of defense: 2021-04-07)

    Genomic datasets are fundamental to broaden our understanding of human biology in the context of health and disease. However, the high-dimensional nature of gene expression and other molecular traits poses a challenge when ...

    Improving urban deliveries via collaboration 

    Roca Riu, Mireia (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    Distribution of goods is essential for the economic development of cities but at the same time it entails several problems to the urban systems and different stakeholders. Carriers spend a significant portion of their cost ...