Ara mostrant els elements 41-60 de 101
Núñez del Toro, Alma Cristina (Data de defensa: 2016-02-02)
In many situations, the resources in organizations are employed to satisfy some demand (or services) requirements, which are repeated with some periodicity. These recurrent services appear in a large variety of processes ...
Font Valverde, Martí (Data de defensa: 2016-01-18)
En esta tesis se desarrolla, siempre con el enfoque bayesiano en mente, una metodología estadística para el análisis de datos discretos en su aplicación en problemas estilometría. El análisis estadístico del estilo literario ...
Nasrazadani, Hajar (Data de defensa: 2016-03-01)
Electricity market analysis is important to access strategic market information which can be further employed to pass energy policies. Due to the advantages of privatization, the Iranian government has taken certain ...
Roca Riu, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2015-12-22)
Distribution of goods is essential for the economic development of cities but at the same time it entails several problems to the urban systems and different stakeholders. Carriers spend a significant portion of their cost ...
Fontdecaba Rigat, Sara (Data de defensa: 2015-12-23)
This thesis is about statistics' contributions to industry. It is an article compendium comprising four articles divided in two blocks: (i) two contributions for a water supply company, and (ii) significance of the effects ...
Marí Tomàs, Laura (Data de defensa: 2015-09-25)
The problem addressed in this thesis is the medium-term generation planning over a yearly horizon of a generation company participating in a liberalized electricity market with pool auction of generation and consumption ...
Kostov, Belchin Adriyanov (Data de defensa: 2015-07-10)
This thesis arises from the need to deal with open-ended questions answered in different languages in international surveys. For every language, the free answers are encoded in the form of a individuals x words lexical ...
Lamberti, Giuseppe (Data de defensa: 2015-06-22)
When collecting survey data for a specific study it is usual to have some background information, in the form for example, of socio-demographic variables. In our context, these variables may be useful in identifying potential ...
Montañola i Sales, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2015-04-24)
Computer modelling and complex systems simulation have dominated the scientific debate over the last decade, providing important outcomes in biology, geology and life sciences. In the social sciences, the number of research ...
Nasini, Stefano (Data de defensa: 2015-01-29)
The thesis deals with the theoretical and practical study of mathematical programming methodologies to the analysis complex networks and their application in economic and social problems. More specifically, it applies ...
González Rojas, Victor Manuel (Data de defensa: 2014-11-28)
The fundamental content of this thesis corresponds to the development of the GNM-NIPALIS, GNM-PLS2 and GNM-RGCCA methods, used to quantify qualitative variables parting from the first k components given by the appropriate ...
Pérez Álvarez, Nuria (Data de defensa: 2014-07-23)
Currently, resources that may be spent in health care are limited so it is necessary to rationalize their consumption and prioritise their allocation to the options with higher health outcome and economic sustainability. ...
López Segovia, Lucas (Data de defensa: 2014-06-10)
The research developed in this thesis has been motivated by two datasets, which are introduced in Chapter 2, one concerning the mortality of calves from birth to weaning while the other refers to survival of patients ...
López Ramos, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2014-02-24)
This thesis develops mathematical programming models which integrate network design (ND) and line frequency setting (LFS) phases. These appear in transport planning studies that extend an existing urban public transportation ...
Linares Herreros, Mª Paz (Data de defensa: 2014-04-24)
In terms of sustainability, traffic is currently a significant challenge for urban areas, where the pollution, congestion and accidents are negative externalities which have strongly impacted the health and economy of ...
Barahona Torres, Igor (Data de defensa: 2013-07-26)
This PhD thesis is focused on disclosing features that might cause the increase in the use of analytical tools for better decision making. The theoretical part of this research is developed in two phases. At first, an ...
Acosta Argueta, Lesly María (Data de defensa: 2013-11-29)
The sequential estimation of the states (filtering) and the corresponding simultaneous estimation of the states and fixed parameters of a dynamic state-space model, being linear or not, is an important probleminmany fields ...
Ruiz y Ruiz, Héctor Efraín (Data de defensa: 2013-07-15)
In this thesis we focus on the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree (CMST), an extension of the minimum spanning tree (MST) which considers a central or root vertex which receives and sends commodities (information, goods, ...
Grzybwska, Hanna (Data de defensa: 2012-06-08)
The urban network is a highly dynamic system. Thus, a modern and efficient fleet management in urban areas should account for dynamics of traffic conditions, variability in travel times, changes in demand and fleet ...
Martínez Ruiz, Alba (Data de defensa: 2011-01-27)
Two general goals were raised in this thesis: First, to establish a PLS model for patent value and to investigate causality relationships among variables that determine the patent value; second, to investigate the performance ...