Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Farrerons Vidal, Òscar, 1967- (Date of defense: 2011-10-10)
The thesis provides evidence to interpret the position of the subject area of Engineering Graphics (EG) in the last 15 years, in the context of Spaniard university teaching in general, and teaching in industrial engineering ...
Villa Sicilia, Arantza (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)
Spatial skills are vital for the academic and professional success of engineers, and it is demonstrated that they can be acquired with the right training. University teaching has recently undergone big changes. Practical ...
Soler Ruiz, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)
In recent years with the emergence of new technologies, physics education has evolved towards more flexible and modern praxis. The master class where the teacher stands as main protagonist has been giving way to models in ...
Ferraz Fernández, Andrea (Date of defense: 2002-12-02)
DE TESIS DOCTORAL<br/><br/>A partir de la aplicación de la metodología ergonómica, este estudio se dedicó a investigar propuestas para mejorar la accesibilidad y legibilidad de la información académica para los estudiantes ...
Villasevil Marco, F. Xavier (Francesc Xavier) (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)
There is a gap between the potential of ICT incorporated into classrooms and limited renewal of the educational process and thechnology is nothing without pedagogical innovation. ICT/TAC have been incorporated in our univers ...
Guerra Torrealba, Laura (Date of defense: 2012-11-23)
As participants in today¿s society, where the most important resorce is knowledge, the researcher bent on making virtual experiences that contribute to the training of both students and teachers in knowledge management as ...
Torres Kompen, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)
The emergence of Web 2.0 has not only changed the available Web technologies, but also the way people communicate and relate to one another. The growing ubiquity of Web access, and the variety of devices that allow us to ...
Rojas Rajs, Maria Teresa (Date of defense: 2012-07-05)
The present study analyzes the data obtained in the execution of the Opera eLearning project, a multidisciplinary effort to develop a solution for Opera singing distance lessons at the graduate level, using high bandwidth ...