Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 75
Álvarez Farré, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2022-09-05)
(English) Continuous enhancement in hardware technologies enables scientific computing to advance incessantly and reach further aims. Since the start of the global race for exascale high-performance computing (HPC), ...
Soriano Alfonso, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2015-05-22)
There is an increasing demand for vehicles with lower environmental impact and higher fuel efficiency. To meet these requirements, powertrain hybridization has been introduced in both academia and industry during recent ...
Antepara Zambrano, Oscar Luis (Data de defensa: 2019-01-10)
The main objective of this thesis is the development of an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithm for computational fluid dynamics simulations using hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes. This numerical methodology is applied ...
Aljure Osorio, David Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2017-06-02)
Aerodynamic analysis has become one of the most important tools in many engineering applications. In this sense, this thesis work is aimed at performing aerodynamic analysis of different geometries, expanding the available ...
Piscia, Davide (Data de defensa: 2012-12-18)
Este trabajo analiza el clima nocturno del invernadero. EL objeto del estudio es el invernadero de plástico sin calefacción, cuyo clima se estudia utilizando modelos CFD, modelos basados en los balance de energía (ES) y s ...
Zheng, Jian (Data de defensa: 2023-05-11)
(English) The topics explained in this thesis are organized in different chapters. A summary of the contents is given below: Chapter 2. Details of working pairs and properties with numerical modelling and experimental ...
Papakokkinos, Giorgos (Data de defensa: 2021-05-03)
Environmental concerns regarding climate change and ozone depletion urge for a paradigm shift in the cooling production. The cooling demand exhibits an alarmingly increasing trend, thus its satisfaction in a sustainable ...
Fernández Francos, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2009-07-10)
S’ha estudiat la copolimerització de resines epoxi amb una spirobislactona com a comonòmer per tal de controlar la contracció química durant el curat i millorar la seva degradabilitat per tal d’afavorir la seva recuperació ...
Naseri, Alireza (Data de defensa: 2019-07-22)
This thesis is dedicated to developing numerical methods to solve fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. FSI features in a vast range of physical systems and has a wide application in engineering. The work of this ...
González Acedo, Ignacio (Data de defensa: 2019-04-12)
This thesis presents the development of a parallel finite volume numerical method to analyse thermoelastic and hyperelastic materials and applied problems with mutual interaction between a fluid and a structure. The ...
Morozova, Nina (Data de defensa: 2022-06-20)
This thesis presents a methodology for CFD-based multi-fidelity surrogate models for indoor environmental applications. The main idea of this work is to develop a model that has accuracy comparable to CFD simulations but ...
Danov, Stoyan Viktorov (Data de defensa: 2005-11-07)
Se ha desarrollado y construido una infraestructura experimental orientada a la validación de modelos de intercambiadores compactos de aletas y tubos y sistemas de refrigeración con sobrealimentación de líquido. El objetivo ...
Alsalti Baldellou, Àdel (Data de defensa: 2023-12-18)
(English) Divergence constraints are present in the governing equations of many physical phenomena, and they usually lead to a Poisson equation whose solution is one of the most challenging parts of scientific simulation ...
Cònsul Serracanta, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2002-09-27)
Deep knowledge of combustion phenomenon is of great scientific and technological interest due to its presence in a wide range of industrial processes and equipment. Being the most important worldwide energy support provided ...
Pascual Pellicer, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2016-01-14)
The main objective of this Thesis is to determine the behaviour, the energetic and economic feasibility, and the comfort conditions in office buildings, specifically for solutions with high proportions of glazing on facades ...
Schillaci, Eugenio (Data de defensa: 2017-12-11)
The present thesis focuses on the numerical analysis of some diverse physical set-up that involve the interaction of two -or three immiscible and incompressible phases. The simulations are carried out by means of finite-volume ...
Sanchez Torreguitart, Ismael (Data de defensa: 2019-05-23)
The present thesis incorporates the CAD model into an adjoint-based optimization loop and uses it for the shape optimization of a 2D transonic turbine blade mid-section (profile). This is demonstrated by performing a single ...
Calafell Sandiumenge, Joan (Data de defensa: 2019-07-05)
The main purpose of this thesis has been to contribute to the development of methodologies for wall modeling Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of wall-bounded flows, especially those at high Reynolds numbers. This flow configuration ...
Cubí Montanyà, Eduard (Data de defensa: 2014-12-19)
Surgery rooms are a space type with particularly stringent indoor environmental quality (IEQ) requirements, which translate into high energy use. Due to the unclear IEQ and infection control requirements for surgery rooms ...
Ramis Juan, Xavier (Data de defensa: 1994-01-13)
Se ha estudiado la eficiencia de diferentes sistemas de iniciación química y térmica del curado de resinas de poliéster insaturado. Mediante calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC), se ha curado isotérmicamente y ...