Now showing items 18-37 of 60

    Development and clinical applications of a whole anterior segment and retinal SS-OCT 

    Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana (Date of defense: 2023-03-24)

    (English) Vision is central to human perception. It emanates from a complex organ, the human eye, starting from photodetection in the retina. However, the quality of the visual experience depends on the anatomical integrity ...

    Development of a new spectral imaging system for the diagnosis of skin cancer 

    Delpueyo Español, Xana (Date of defense: 2017-11-06)

    The incidence of skin cancer in Europe, US and Australia has been rising rapidly. Skin cancer accounts for one in three cancers worldwide and a person has 1:25 chance to develop a melanoma, the most aggressive form. Visual ...

    Development of new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements : application in visual health 

    Mestre Ferrer, Clara (Date of defense: 2019-05-24)

    Healthy visual function not only relies on good visual acuity. Other systems such as accommodation or binocular vision need to be effective. Binocular vision is the ability of the visual system to coordinate and integrate ...

    Device and strategy for surface energy measurement 

    Domínguez Álvarez, Noemí (Date of defense: 2018-03-15)

    In this Ph.D. Thesis, we have developed a new measurement method to measure the contact angle and the surface energy in hydrophobic samples with a device based on confocal technology. This new measurement method incorporates ...

    Diseño de un colorímetro triestímulo a partir de una cámara CCD-RGB 

    Martínez Verdú, Francisco Miguel (Date of defense: 2001-11-23)

    Un dispositivo de captura (escáner o cámara) de imágenes digitales no es un instrumento de medida del color como un espectrofotómetro o un tele-espectrocolorímetro. Aunque codifica la información espectral contenida en una ...

    Diseño e implementación de un laboratorio destinado a la validación clinica de ayudas para la percepción y movilidad en pacientes con limitación de campo periférico 

    Sánchez Herrero, Eulalia (Date of defense: 2022-01-21)

    People with peripheral visual field loss perceive limited information about the environment and present severe problems in achieving successful orientation and mobility. In recent years, virtual and augmented reality systems ...

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema multiespectral en el rango ultravioleta, visible e infrarrojo : aplicación al estudio y conservación de obras de arte 

    Herrera Ramírez, Jorge A. (Date of defense: 2014-03-25)

    Multispectral systems have several applications and there are different possible configurations in which they can be implemented. Different characteristics make them useful, but the basic one is the access to spectral ...

    Diseño, estudio y validación de una lente de contacto de gradiente de potencia para controlar la miopía = Design, study and validation of a radial refractive gradient contact lens for myopia control 

    Pauné i Fabré, Jaume (Date of defense: 2015-11-18)

    Myopia is the main cause of vision loss worlwide, with associated ocular pathology risks related to myopia amount. Therefore, interventions directed towards limiting or preventing the progression of myopia are of high ...

    Estratègia 2D per al disseny de reflectors amb facetes de forma lliure 

    Tomàs Corominas, Núria (Date of defense: 2015-11-11)

    This work can be framed in the field of computer-aided optical systems design and it is a part of a larger project in which automated processes are studied and implemented aiming to reduce the time span that stands between ...

    Estudi del parpelleig en usuaris/es de pantalles digitals : anàlisi d'estratègies pel condicionament del parpelleig i la distància de manera no intrusiva 

    Argilés Sans, Marc (Date of defense: 2018-07-09)

    Intoduction: There is an agreement in the scientific community, which indicates that excessive exposure to digital displays poses implications at a visual level, being ocular dryness and visual fatigue those of greater ...

    Estudi i desenvolupament d'un nou sistema d'inspecció de stents basat en tècniques de metrologia òptica 

    Bermúdez Porras, Carlos (Date of defense: 2017-04-22)

    Stent quality control is a critical process. Coronary stents have to be inspected 100% so no defective stent is implanted into a human body. We have developed an optical non-contact measurement instrument that provides ...

    Estudi i desenvolupament de sensors òptics ultra-ràpids per a metrologia tridimensional de superfícies 

    Martínez Marín, Pol (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    (English) Three-dimensional measurement of roughness and shape of a surface provides information about an object properties through surface parameters. These parameters are defined by international standards and can describe ...

    Evaluación de la Agudeza Visual Dinámica: una aplicación al contexto deportivo 

    Quevedo i Junyent, Lluïsa (Date of defense: 2007-04-14)

    The importance of vision in life is unquestionable. It is because of this that optometry, as a science of vision focused in measurement and analysis of visual function, has been developing techniques and instruments to ...

    Generalized ray tracing method for the calculation of the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens 

    Rojo Badenas, Pilar (Date of defense: 2015-10-21)

    This thesis proposes a method to evaluate and quantify in a precise way the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens. The motivation for this work stems from the progression of myopia and its possible causes; ...

    Gonio-hyperspectral imaging system based on light-emitting diodes for the analysis of automotive coatings 

    Burgos Fernandez, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    Goniochromatic pigments, such as automotive coatings, are known by their appearance changes - especially of colour and visual texture - as a function of the angles of illumination and observation; they are classified as ...

    Hemianopsias homónimas completas: estudio de las técnicas de rehabilitación y calidad de vida 

    Palomar Mascaró, Fernando-José (Date of defense: 2013-03-04)

    Las hemianopsias homónimas se pueden definir como la pérdida absoluta o parcial de la visión en las mitades derechas o izquierdas de los campos visuales de ambos ojos. Los pacientes que sufren un defecto hemianópsico ...

    Hyperspectral imaging system for the fast recording of the ocular fundus 

    Alterini, Tommaso (Date of defense: 2021-06-25)

    Vision loss affects physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing and social life as well. High life expectancy and health policies are translated into an aging population worldwide, which has higher risk of eye’s ...

    Implementation of differential self-mixing interferometry systems for the detection of nanometric vibrations 

    Azcona Guerrero, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    In this Thesis, we explore Self-mixing interferometry (SMI ), a method capable of producing high resolution optical path related measurements in a simple, compact and cost-effective way. Even with a notably less complex ...

    Improving non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancer and blood diseases using photonic techniques 

    Rey Barroso, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    (English) This thesis makes a significant contribution to the realm of medical diagnostics through the utilization of photonic technologies and emerging imaging modalities, leading to the creation of innovative approaches ...

    Influencia del comportamiento cromático de las lentes intraoculares en la función visual 

    Clavé Cerezo, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-04-27)

    (English) Diffractive multifocal intraocular lens typically uses a hybrid refractive-diffractive design that consist of a high-power refractive base lens and a low-power diffractive profile engraved on one of its surfaces. ...