Ara mostrant els elements 147-166 de 210

    Le Corbusier en Ahmedabad : los atributos del sitio como arquitectura presentida 

    Hernández Vásquez, Luis Guillermo (Data de defensa: 2016-01-18)

    The meeting of architecture as a human action that constructs the landscape of the earth with geography, governed by natural laws, was conceived by Le Corbusier as a composition in which he confronted the visual attributes ...

    Les cases d'Arne Jacobsen : el pati i el pavelló = Las casas de Arne Jacobsen : el patio y el pabellón = The houses of Arne Jacobsen : the courtyard and the pavilion 

    Bardí i Milà, Berta (Data de defensa: 2013-11-07)

    Most of the publications on the Danish architect Arne Jacobsen are mainly dedicated on showing his extensive number of works, especially in the public sector, and the projects focused on the domestic area are left aside. ...

    Les Travesseres de Barcelona : necessitat de la Travessera Nord 

    Signes Orovay, Ferran (Data de defensa: 2020-07-17)

    The aim of this thesis is to reveal the importance of the “travesseres” as abstract elements which have the role of connecting two points (areas, fragments, sections) in a structure and of creating a consistent system that ...

    De lo inconmensurable a lo mensurable : proceso dialéctico desde el imaginario al proyecto del edificio Richards Medical Research Laboratories 1957-1964 

    Delpino, Rossana (Data de defensa: 2016-09-13)

    This dissertation analyses Louis Kahn’s independent work until 1957 period in which he designed the Richards Medical Research Laboratories at the University of Pennsylvania. The Richards Medical Research Laboratories marks ...

    La Lonja de Guillem Sagrera : el Salón de los Mercaderes 

    Cifuentes Utrero, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2015-12-22)

    En 1409, seis años después de la inundación del barrio del Raval de Mar, los mercaderes solicitaron al rey permiso para construir una lonja que “ennobleciera su profesión y la Ciudad de Mallorca”. No fue hasta 1426 cuando ...

    Los bajos de los edificios altos 

    Faiden, Marcelo (Data de defensa: 2016-01-28)

    Nowadays almost all the expert opinion agrees that the cities -and the way of life that they carry- are the best solution to continue housing a growing world population. We know that the compactness of each city is directly ...

    Los espacios del sentir : el Kiasma como modelo de percepción espacial 

    Almagor, Shlomi (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    Since the beginning of the agricultural era -almost 10,000 years ago-, and until the present time, the processes of change and innovation in almost every aspect of human life has been steadily accelerating. Ever since the ...

    Lógicas paramétricas en la arquitectura del siglo XX 

    Bravo Martínez, Maite (Data de defensa: 2016-02-08)

    Architecture’s progression into the digital age is fundamentally changing contemporary practice due to the rapid development of digital tools available to architects, which are deeply affecting how projects are conceived, ...

    Lucio Costa : o processo de uma modernidade. Arquitetura e projetos na primeira metade do século XX. 

    Brito, Samuel Silva de (Data de defensa: 2014-05-08)

    This project deals with the architectural works of Lucio Costa (1902-1998) and his projects built during the decades of the 1920's, 1930's, and 1940's. lnside a historiographical narrativa, we have structured an architectural ...

    Luis García Pardo (1953-1963) : el proyecto como revelación 

    López de Haro, Diego (Data de defensa: 2016-01-12)

    Latin American modern architecture experienced, since mid-1950s, a period of ephemeral splendour that would last until mid-1960s. The end of the Second World War was responsible for setting up a new theoretical horizon ...

    Luz del norte 

    Orden, Verónica Analía (Data de defensa: 2010-04-27)

    An infinite gray roof with different degrees of transparency is displayed with authority on a Scandinavia made of pieces, fragmented. However, the sky that covers these lands unifies it. The light passes through it and ...

    Mies y Hilberseimer: la metrópolis como ciudad jardín 

    Llobet Ribeiro, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2005-05-12)

    In this thesis we discover a model of city developed jointly by the architect Mies van der Rohe and the city planner Ludwig Hilberseimer, which we have called the Metropolis as a Garden City. This name comes from a sketch ...

    Mies' two-way span 

    Mantovani Genari, Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    The 50' x50' House Project (1951-1952) introduces the construction of a new formal system in the work of Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969): the two-way span buildings. In 1951, at age 65 and after more than a decade in the ...

    "Mitad fábrica mitad convento" : la casa Tàpies 

    Pérez Mañosas, Antoni (Data de defensa: 2016-01-12)

    El tema central del treball és la casa que l'arquitecte José Antonio Coderch va projectar per a l'artista Antoni Tàpies i la seva família, en un procés que va durar des de 1960 fins a 1963. Aquesta casa ha estat abastament ...

    Model and context in the Mediterranean basin 

    Tian, Weijia (Data de defensa: 2014-04-02)

    The intention of this thesis is to bring a realistic rethinking and test on actual facts and specific conditions of architectural practices in modern period with the aim of discovering the fundamental but rarely mentioned ...

    Modernidad y vigencia en la arquitectura escolar de Barcelona y Valencia (1956-1968) 

    Martínez Marcos, Amaya (Data de defensa: 2016-01-22)

    This thesis investigates how school building architecture was developed according to modern principles between 1956 and 1968 in the Mediterranean area (Barcelona and Valencia) as a response to the relationship between form, ...

    New principles and variations in the architecture of Alvar Aalto : Competition entry for the hospital complex of Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1930-1931) 

    Zmijanovic, Vladanka (Data de defensa: 2016-06-13)

    The thesis is based on the beginning of the creation of Aalto's architectural language where are observed and analyzed some new principles, one step away from his first projects of "Functionalism", "extracted" from a vast ...

    Notas sobre (des)función en arquitectura 

    Bota, David (Data de defensa: 2008-06-03)

    Una historia de la función, el concepto que revolucionó la arquitectura del siglo XX, está aún por escribir; éste permanece tan evidente como impreciso, subentendido como si siempre hubiera estado ahí. Esta tesis propone ...

    Nueva York. Torres que rematan manzanas 

    Cattani, Rudivan Luiz (Data de defensa: 2013-06-13)

    La falta de luz y ventilación naturales provocada por las inmensas sombras de los nuevos edificios elevados del Downtown dio lugar a la ley de zonificación de 1916. La normativa reguló alturas, retrocesos aéreos de las ...

    Nuovi interventi sul patrimonio archeologico: Un contributo alla definizione di un'etica del paesaggio = Nuevas intervenciones en el patrimonio arqueológico : una contribución a la definición de una ética del paisaje 

    Bagnato, Vincenzo Paolo (Data de defensa: 2014-05-30)

    The interest for archaeological ruins arises periodically ín the course of history and it expresses ít self through a continuous altemating of attitude towards the "ancient": approaching and moving away, memory and ...