Now showing items 87-106 of 211

    Espais comuns als edificis col·lectius d’habitatge social 

    Asensi Carles, Jaume (Date of defense: 2016-01-19)

    Purpose of the research: The research aims to explore the chances of improving environmental conditions for users of collective housing buildings by developing common areas as places for social relationship located between ...

    Estrategias de comercialización en la arquitectura: marqueting, icono, política, masa, "developer", 

    Sancho Pou, Eduard (Date of defense: 2010-05-25)

    La presente tesis estudia las estrategias que utilizan los arquitectos para conseguir encargos, para vender proyectos, para construir obras. Aunque sus modus operandi pueden parecer meras técnicas de marketing no se puede ...

    Evolución y características tipológicas de la vivienda en Manabí, Ecuador 

    Camino Solórzano, Alejandro Miguel (Date of defense: 1999-07-15)

    Manabí es la tercera provincia del país, por el número de población y la cantidad de rentas que aporta, sólo superada por Pichincha y Guayas. (...) En materia de arquitectura viviendística ha desarrollado muestras de ...

    Expansive architectural strategies in the mass society and their influence on the architectural projects 

    Kefalogiannis, Nektarios (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)

    The present thesis couldn't have been unaffected by the recent economic crisis. Even before this crisis, it was well-known that architecture was languishing in its traditional boundaries. In the countries that didn't suffer ...

    Five forms of emotion : Kazuo Shinohara and the house as a work of art 

    Massip-Bosch, Enric (Date of defense: 2016-04-29)

    This research presents the work of the Japanese architect Kazuo Shinohara (1925-2006) and studies five of his residential designs as epitome of his oeuvre. lts development is understood as a continuous quest to reconcile ...

    La forma dell’abitare nell’architettura moderna belga 

    Tranchida, Roberta (Date of defense: 2016-01-19)

    The thesis "The form of living in modern Belgian architecture" is a travel through the most industrialized cities of Belgium. lts main objective is to investigate the history of the social habitat in this country, with the ...

    Forma y tectonicidad: estructura y prefabricación en la obra de Gordon Bunshaft 

    Sica Palermo, Humberto Nicolás (Date of defense: 2012-11-22)

    Las obras del arquitecto Gordon Bunshaft, desarrolladas mientras trabajó en la empresa multinacional S.O.M. - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill - agrupan una serie de atributos constructivos y formales que reflejan la modernidad ...

    Fragment and inclusion : urban architecture in contemporary Barcelona 

    Wei, Song (Date of defense: 2015-07-14)

    The main issue of the thesis is to discuss the method of building relationships between architecture and city through analyzing projects by Barcelona architects. There are two hypothesizes of the thesis: fragment and ...

    Francesc Mitjans y el Camp Nou : estudios previos, proyecto ejecutivo y dirección de obra, 1954-1957 

    López Alonso, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2014-10-24)

    Este estudio se ha centrado en las diversas fases de proyecto y la primera etapa de la construcción del Camp Nou, entre 1954 y 1957. Con la intención de ampliar al máximo la capacidad de localizar variables e indeterminaciones ...

    Gio Ponti: La villa Planchart, un progetto per corrispondenza (1953-1957) 

    Necchi, Silvia (Date of defense: 2012-06-14)

    Between 1953 and 1957 Giovanni Ponti (Mlan 1891-1979) designed, from his studio in Milan (Italy), a single family house on the top of a hill in the outskirts of Caracas (Venezuela) for Mr. and Mrs . Planchart. His clients ...

    Habitar em Portugal nos anos 1960: ruptura e antecedentes. Un caminho pelo interior do discurso 

    Pedrosa, Patrícia Santos (Date of defense: 2010-10-26)

    El objetivo de la presente investigación es entender, a través del análisis de los discursos sobre el habitar, el pasar del tiempo en el interior de la arquitectura doméstica portuguesa, durante la década de 1960. Después ...

    Habitar un monumento : la ciudad de Antonio Prado como síntesis de la arquitectura de una región 

    Rech, Roberta (Date of defense: 2017-06-07)

    The city of Antonio Prado, located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil started to be built at late nineteenth century by immigrants from the northern region of Italy, who left their homeland in the pursuit of new opportunities ...

    Hacia una espiritualización de la materia a través de la arquitectura, estudio y aplicación del método eurítmico de Rudolf Steiner como herramienta para la observación y creación arquitectónica, en conversación con las de la modernidad. 

    Vallespir Machado, Maria Consuelo (Date of defense: 2005-12-09)

    This thesis presents "Eurythmy as visible speech", the art of movement which was developed by Rudolf Steiner (1863-1925), as a tool which can enable architects to recognize and create architectural forms from the sources ...

    Hotel camino real: cruce de artistas y arquitectos en la ciudad de México 1968. 

    Partida Muñoz, Mara Gabriela (Date of defense: 2005-01-18)

    La tesis recupera la idea de la arquitectura que parte de procesos de colaboración entre arquitecto y artista; rescatando aquellas obras que en México revolucionaron y traspasaron las concepciones tradicionales de los ...

    El hotel de mar de J. A. Coderch 

    Alfós Bernad, Joan Ramon (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    This thesis approaches the study of seaside hotels as imagined by Jose Antonio Coderch at the beginning of mass tourism in Spain, when small, traditional, family-run hotels scattered along the coastline were transformed ...

    Les imatges d'un nou paisatge creat per al turisme : la fotografia com a testimoni del paper de l'arquitectura en la transformació del paisatge de la Costa Brava als anys 60 

    Musquera i Felip, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2015-11-03)

    The Costa Brava is not just a place within the territory, nor can it be summed up in an image, or approached through a single aspect. The complexity of its multifaceted landscape, makes it unattainable. A landscape that ...

    Incidencia del lugar en la obra de Arne Jacobsen (1950–1964) 

    Martín Carbonell, Pol (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    Taking in consideration the inclusion and adaptation of the new modern American post-war models, the aim is to distinguish the aspects and conditions of place, among other conditions, which derived in the formal decisions ...

    El inicio de la vivienda obrera en Barcelona : las casas baratas (1928-1931), origen, evolución y final de una tipología : un testimonio del desarrollo urbano de la ciudad. 

    Morales Ramírez, Gabriela (Date of defense: 2015-12-16)

    Eduard Aunós, Milans del Bosch, Baró de Viver y Ramon Albó fueron los primeros barrios obreros de la ciudad de Barcelona. Su construcción se realiza entre 1928 y 1931, durante la dictadura de Miguel Primo de Rivera. Los ...

    Integración contemporánea con edificios antiguos : la intervención como síntesis histórica : Castelvecchio, MNAR, Kolumba 

    Josué Nathan, Martínez Gómez (Date of defense: 2020-02-17)

    The fundamental objective of this PhD dissertation is to analyze the architecture thanks to some strategies coming from recent theories developed inside and outside the traditional and usual disciplinary field of ...

    Interior-exterior en arquitectura 

    Castillo Fuentealba, Carlos Ignacio (Date of defense: 2023-02-13)

    (English) The purpose of the doctoral thesis is to study interior spaces - built in the old tradition of closed and contrasted architecture – relativized in their interior condition. In the classical opacity and the ...