Now showing items 61-80 of 107

    Incorporación de símbolos tridimensionales en planos tàctiles para la mejora de su usabilidad 

    Gual Ortí, Jaume (Date of defense: 2013-07-05)

    El estudio que aquí se expone tiene como objetivo principal la mejora de la usabilidad de los planos táctiles orientados a personas con discapacidad visual. Metodología: A partir de una metodología experimental principalmente ...

    Contribución de la implementación de las innovaciones tecnológicas en la mejora de la seguridad del sistema ferroviario español 

    Perlasia Giol, José (Date of defense: 2013-11-05)

    La movilidad del transporte en España, en el modo ferroviario de ancho ibérico convencional, ha registrado entre los años 1975 y 2009 un aumento de 130 millones de kms‐tren en el año 1975 a 180 millones de kms‐tren en el ...

    Fungicides alternatius per a la indústria de la pell : comparació amb productes convencionals 

    Cuadros Domènech, Sara (Date of defense: 2013-12-20)

    This thesis is focused on the search of alternatives to fungicides conventionally used in the tanning industry. These chemicals must be effective against a large number of fungi less toxic, more environmentally friendly ...

    Sistema para el diagnóstico de la comunicación interna : caso de estudio Instituto Nacional del Niño y la Familia [INNFA, Ecuador] 

    Gracia Villar, Mónica (Date of defense: 2014-07-11)

    The present dynamics in the environment,in which the organizations are inserted, in this globalization time, with a remarkable incidence in the form of negotiating their essential processes,make necessary to have systems ...

    Obtenció d'un copolímer acrílic amb grups epoxi per a l'aplicació en tops per l'acabat de la pell 

    Frías Álvarez, Aroha (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    The leather industry needs innovative products in order to satisfy the global market requirements.The current regulations are very strict,so it is necessary to preserve the environment and to take care about the people¿s ...

    Implementation, development and evaluation of the gas-phase chemistry within the Global/Regional NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM) 

    Badia i Moragas, Alba (Date of defense: 2014-12-12)

    Air pollution is a serious issue that affects human health, the environment and the climate at levels from local to global scales. The main processes that affect air pollution levels are: emissions, chemistry, transport ...

    Guía para el diseño de políticas públicas de fomento a la innovación para regiones de países emergentes 

    Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Rodulfo M. (Date of defense: 2015-03-09)

    The main objective of this thesis is to develop a guide for the design of public policies and other tools to promote innovation that adapt to social and economic reality of regions in emerging countries. This guide should ...

    An overnight parcel logistics company's capillary distribution network design by stochastical modeling 

    Rioja San Martín, Oscar (Date of defense: 2015-07-10)

    In this research, an overnight parcel logistics company's (hereby referred to as OPLC) capillary distribution network will be modelled by stochastic techniques. Specifically, the capillary distribution networks this parcel ...

    Determinació de fungicides en pells i en banys de procés del sector adober 

    Reyes Ferrera, Ma. Reyes, (Date of defense: 2015-07-23)

    This thesis is based on the development and validation of two analytical methods to determine fungicides commonly used in the tanning industry and other alternative. One of the methods determines fungicides in leather, ...

    Contribución de la inteligencia competitiva en el proceso de I+D+i del sector farmacéutico : el caso de España 

    Salazar García, Aída (Date of defense: 2015-09-10)

    This research focuses on the use and practice of Competitive Intelligence within the Spanich pharmaceutical sector, as a tool to be used in decision making. For that purpose, it is necessary to perform each step of the IC ...

    Caracterización de la intensidad luminosa responsable de la contaminación lumínica en entornos urbanos 

    Meléndez Rua, Liliana Patricia (Date of defense: 2015-09-16)

    This paper aims to describe a methodology of calculation based on a vector analysis to characterize and simulate light pollution emitted by outdoor lighting installation in a particular case. The initial approach was ...

    Alfabetización ambiental : análisis del proceso de alfabetización ambiental y su relación con el desarrollo sustentable y propuesta de una herramienta que permita cuantificar el nivel de conocimiento suficiente para completar el proceso de alfabetización ambiental 

    Pesis, Susana Paulina (Date of defense: 2015-10-13)

    In a holistic vision, our present global society, thanks to the fast speed of the spread of information permits a wider consciousness of the frequency and the scope of natural phenomena and economic disasters. This disasters ...

    Sewage sludge anaerobic digestion : study of synergies and operational strategies of co-digestion 

    Silvestre Tormo, Gracia (Date of defense: 2015-10-30)

    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are characterized by their high organic matter and nutrient removal efficiency, but also by their high energy consumption. In the current context where resources are increasingly scarce, ...

    Models for the location decision for a combined cycle power plant : basic principles for solving the decision problem of the choice of location for a feasibility study of gas-fired power plants 

    Krüger, Jan (Date of defense: 2015-11-16)

    The present thesis deals with the foundations for solving the decision problem of site selection for a feasibility study of gas-fired power plants, based on realistic and practical statements, under a business approach. ...

    Development and evaluation of an atmospheric aerosol module implemented within the NMMB/BSC-CTM 

    Spada, Michele (Date of defense: 2015-11-23)

    This PhD Thesis presents and discusses the developments of a hybrid sectional-bulk multicomponent aerosol module coupled with the multiscale chemical weather prediction system NMMB/BSC-CTM. The module is designed to provide ...

    Predicción del impacto ambiental de la contaminación lumínica : propuesta de una metodología para proyectos luminotécnicos de ingeniería 

    García Gil, Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    The research has as main goal to develop a structured methodology to be able to predict the environmental impact of artificial night lighting. For this reason, I have divided the process into different stages: In the ...

    Un model d'innovació empresarial basat en la metodologia de fulls de ruta 

    Albiol i Rodríguez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2015-12-03)

    This thesis proposes a business innovation model based on roadmapping technology. Roadmaps are a planning tool for mid- and long-term innovation projects that aims to facilitate innovation for organizations. This model ...

    Inteligencia competitiva para la innovación en PYMEs : identificación de factores clave 

    Gallardo Rodríguez, Javier (Date of defense: 2015-12-04)

    The study focuses on SMEs in the industrial sector in Catalonia, with the aim of identifying competitive intelligence systems suitable for SMEs, the areas with the greatest potential impact with the implementation of a ...

    Nueva metodología basada en un sistema experto para la selección de cimentaciones-contenciones de edificios entre medianeras 

    Huidobro Alberich, David (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    The impact of work when constructing a building between party walls is always a concern for the adjoining residents. The buildings are subject to more than just the impact of the vibrations caused by the use of machinery. ...

    Planificación sostenible de sitios turísticos costeros : indicadores de flujos de materiales y territorio para una herramienta de ayuda a la decisión 

    Suárez Sánchez, María de las Nieves (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The general objective of this thesis is to improve the quality of a certain Sustainability Objectives (OS) and Material Flows Indicators (IFM) to propose a set of Sustainability Indicators for the Sustainable Planning of ...