Novel regimes of quantum optomechanics 

    Neumeier, Lukas (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-02)

    In everyday life the impact of light on the motion of mechanical objects is negligible. However, modern experiments making use of high quality optical resonators are able to observe significant effects originating from the ...

    On-chip biosensing platforms based on gold and silicon optical nano-resonators 

    Yavas, Ozlem (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-02)

    Point-of-care (POC) devices are compact, mobile and fast detection platforms expected to advance early diagnosis, treatment monitoring and personalized healthcare, and revolutionize today’s healthcare system, especially ...

    Optical antennas control light emission 

    González Curto, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-16)

    The emission of light is at the heart of both fundamental science and technological applications. At its origin lie electronic transitions in nanoscale materials such as molecules, atoms and semiconductors. The interaction ...

    Optical antennas for single emitters 

    Taminiau, Tim Hugo (Fecha de defensa: 2011-11-22)

    The interaction of light with matter is a central topic in both fundamental science and applied technology. At the heart of this interaction lies the absorption or emission of a photon by an electronic transition in for ...

    Optical holographic microscopy for bio- and nanoparticle characterization 

    Ortiz de Orruño Cuesta, Unai (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-21)

    (English) Nowadays, being able to precisely characterize nanoparticles is of key relevance in a wide range of scenarios. For instance, chemical and pharmaceutical industries often rely in particle-sizing for quality control. ...

    Optical nanoantennas as cavities : nanoscale control of couplings strength and single photon emission 

    Singh, Anshuman (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-11)

    Optical nanoantennas confine light on the nanoscale, enabling strong light-matter interactions with potential for ultra-compact optical devices. Apart from the direct applications in optical nanoscopy and sensing, nanoantennas ...

    Optical parameter sensing: sensitivity limits and the advantages of using spatial modes of light 

    Villegas Juárez, Arturo (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-26)

    (English) Resolution enhancement in modern optical metrology techniques has been possible due to significant technological improvements. The accurate and precise control of wavelength, bandwidth, and power of light sources; ...

    Optical surfaces for mid-infrared sensing 

    Gopalan, Kavitha Kalavoor (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-22)

    The mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region, with wavelengths between 3 and 15 µm, is known for a wide range of applications ranging from spectroscopic sensing to thermal imaging. However, despite the strong technological ...

    Optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance above and far below earth's magnetic field: spin dynamics and relaxation in unconventional regimes 

    Bodenstedt, Sven (Fecha de defensa: 2024-02-15)

    (English) This thesis describes theoretical background, simulations, experimental apparatus and measurements of nuclear spin dynamics via optically pumped magnetometers in unconventional magnetic field regimes. It is divided ...

    Optimal signal recovery for pulsed balanced detection 

    Icaza Astiz, Yannik Alan de (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-27)

    To measure quantum features in a classical world constrains us to extend the classical technology to the limit, inventing and discovering new schemes to use the classical devices, while reducing and filtering the sources ...

    Optimization and geometry for quantum information tasks 

    Abiuso, Paolo (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-12)

    (English) In this thesis, we study the optimization of operational tasks that involve the manipulation of quantum resources. In most cases, such optimizations are aided by understanding the geometric properties of the ...

    Optomechanical resonators based on low dimensional materials 

    Tepsic, Slaven (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-07)

    Mechanical resonators based on low dimensional materials have attracted a lot of attention due to their remarkable properties. Their ultra-low mass and high Q factors make them exceptional sensors, offering new possibilities ...

    Optomechanical resonators based on transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers 

    Morell Bennasser, Nicolás (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-17)

    Suspended monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) aremembranes that combine ultralow mass and exceptional optical prop-erties, making them intriguing materials for opto-mechanical applica-tions. However, the low ...

    Photodetectors based on graphene pn-junctions for mid-infrared and terahertz range 

    Castilla, Sebastián (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-27)

    Long wavelength light contains the infrared and terahertz (THz) spetral range of the spectrum. This wavelength range spans approximately from 1 µm to 1 mm. Several applications can be explored in this spectral range such ...

    Photodetectors based on low-dimensional materials and hybrid systems 

    Kuffer, Dominik (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-13)

    In the last decade, two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted attention both in the nascent field of flexible nanotechnology as well as in more conventional semiconductor technol-ogies. Within the rapidly expanding ...

    Photon control in nano-structured organic photovoltaic materials 

    Betancur Lopera, Rafael (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-10)

    Organic photovoltaic (OPV) technology has emerged as a potential cost-effective solution to produce electrical energy. The foreseen low manufacturing costs combined with features as semi-transparency or mechanical flexibility ...

    Photonic applications based on the use of structured light 

    Rosales Guzmán, Carmelo G. (Fecha de defensa: 2015-05-22)

    Structured light beams, this is, beams whose phase changes from point to point in the transverse plane, provides with an alternative tool to search for new applications, or simply to expand the capabilities of current ...

    Photonic entanglement : new sources and new applications 

    Svozilík, Jiŕí (Fecha de defensa: 2014-10-17)

    Non-classical correlations, usually referred as entanglement, are ones of the most studied and discussed features of Quantum Mechanics, since the initial introduction of the concept in the decade of 1930s. Even nowadays, ...

    Picosecond, high-repetition-rate, optical parametric sources from the ultraviolet to the deep-infrared 

    Canals Casals, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-18)

    High-power, high-repetition-rate coherent picosecond sources with high beam quality are of great interest for many scientific and technological applications. For example, coherent sources at the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum ...

    Plasmon-electron interactions in low dimensional materials 

    De Vega Esteban, Sandra (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-17)

    Ever since the advent of modern technology, major developments have come hand in hand with miniaturization and speed of operation. A proof of this is provided by the impressive success of Moore's law, which predicted that ...