Now showing items 101-120 of 263

    Study of graphene hybrid heterostructures for linear and nonlinear optics 

    Alcaraz Iranzo, David (Date of defense: 2020-06-23)

    Graphene is the first of the 2D-material family. It is formed by carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, which confers it intriguing physical properties that are still being discovered nowadays. A fundamental advantage ...

    Levitodynamics on-a-chip: from planar Paul traps to near-field optical nanocavities 

    Alda, Irene (Date of defense: 2020-07-09)

    The field of levitation optomechanics---or levitodynamics---studies the manipulation and control of small trapped objects in an isolated environment, providing a gateway to answer fundamental questions in physics and ...

    Development and application of localization-based microscopy methods to study the structure and dynamics of chromatin through the process of cellular differentiation 

    Gómez García, Pablo (Date of defense: 2020-04-24)

    Recent advancements in single-molecule localization-based microscopy have made it possible to visualize biological structures and dynamic processes within the cell with unprecedented spatial resolution. Determining the ...

    Entanglement and Bell correlations in strongly correlated many-body quantum systems 

    Piga, Angelo (Date of defense: 2020-03-30)

    During the past two decades, thanks to the mutual fertilization of the research in quantum information and condensed matter, new approaches based on purely quantum features without any classical analog turned out to be ...

    Ultrafast carrier and structural dynamics in graphite detected via attosecond soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy 

    Di Palo, Nicola (Date of defense: 2020-03-26)

    Understanding most of the physical and chemical phenomena determining the world around us requires the possibility to interrogate their main characters on their natural scale in space and time. The insulating or conductive ...

    Two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with competing interactions 

    Sanz Sánchez, Julio (Date of defense: 2020-02-10)

    This thesis reports the experimental study of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with tunable interactions, which are exploited as a platform to perform quantum simulation of many-body quantum systems. To perform ...

    Spectral response of individual molecules and nanoantennas with two-beam excitation 

    Gellings, Esther (Date of defense: 2020-02-21)

    At room temperature, individual molecules can be found in different conformations due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors which are reflected in spectral variability. When detecting single molecules, the ensemble average ...

    Plasmon-electron interactions in low dimensional materials 

    De Vega Esteban, Sandra (Date of defense: 2020-02-17)

    Ever since the advent of modern technology, major developments have come hand in hand with miniaturization and speed of operation. A proof of this is provided by the impressive success of Moore's law, which predicted that ...

    Polaron physics in carbon nanotube electro-mechanical resonators 

    De Bonis, Sergio Lucio (Date of defense: 2020-02-06)

    Carbon nanotube (CNT) mechanical resonators are unique systems because they combine remarkable mechanical properties with rich charge transport characteristics. Thanks to their intrinsically low-dimensional nature, their ...

    Development of a high intensity Mid-Ir OPCPA pumped by a HO:YLF amplifier 

    Sánchez Peacham, Daniel Alexander (Date of defense: 2020-01-27)

    The continuous development of laser sources delivering ultra-short light pulses underpins much of the current progress in experimental science, particularly in the domain of physics concerned with strong-field phenomena. ...

    Quantum Brownian motion in Bose-Einstein condensates 

    Charalambous, Christos (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    Quantum Brownian motion is one of the most prominent examples of an open quantum system, a system which cannot be treated in isolation from its environment. The simplest method to study the dynamics of a system undergoing ...

    From cells to tissues, microscopy to modeling: towards precise, data-driven photothermal therapy with gold nanorods 

    Morales Dalmau, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-02-15)

    Suspensions of gold nanorods (GNRs) are emerging as potential drugs to address some of the limitations in traditional biomedical sensing,imaging and therapy. They are inorganic nanoparticles with good biocompatibility, ...

    Quantifying nanoscale carrier diffusion with ultrafast optical and photocurrent microscopy 

    Block, Alexander (Date of defense: 2019-09-06)

    Heat transport in solids is one of the oldest problems in physics, dating back to the earliest formulations of thermodynamics. The classical laws of heat conduction are valid as long as the observed time and length scales ...

    Quantum information outside quantum information 

    Pozas Kerstjens, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2019-10-15)

    Quantum theory, as counter-intuitive as a theory can get, has turned out to make predictions of the physical world that match observations so precisely that it has been described as the most accurate physical theory ever ...

    Time domain, near-infrared diffuse optical methods for path length resolved, non-invasive measurement of deep-tissue blood flow 

    Pagliazzi, Marco (Date of defense: 2019-10-04)

    The non-invasive and, often, continuous measurement of the hemodynamics of the body, and for the main purposes of this thesis, the brain, is desired because both the instantaneous values and their changes over time constantly ...

    Charge carrier dynamics and interfaces in perovskite solar cells 

    Rueda Delgado, Diana Paola (Date of defense: 2019-07-30)

    Organometal halide perovskites for solar cells are hybrid semiconductors that recently have caught the attention of the scientific community due to its excellent performance and attractive optical properties. Since then, ...

    Toward next-generation nanophotonic devices 

    Yu, Renwen (Date of defense: 2019-07-11)

    In this thesis, we aim to explore several novel designs of nanostructures based on graphene to realize various functionalities. We briefly introduce the fundamental concepts and theoretical models used in this thesis in ...

    On-chip biosensing platforms based on gold and silicon optical nano-resonators 

    Yavas, Ozlem (Date of defense: 2019-07-02)

    Point-of-care (POC) devices are compact, mobile and fast detection platforms expected to advance early diagnosis, treatment monitoring and personalized healthcare, and revolutionize today’s healthcare system, especially ...

    A multimode solid-state quantum memory for single photons 

    Seri, Alessando (Date of defense: 2019-07-03)

    Quantum memories (QMs) for light represent a fundamental ingredient for the development of a quantum internet. Among other applications, they are a building block for the distribution of entanglement on large scale, i.e. ...

    Certification of many-body systems 

    Baccari, Flavio (Date of defense: 2019-05-17)

    Quantum physics is arguably both the most successful and the most counterintuitive physical theory of all times. Its extremely accurate predictions on the behaviour of microscopic particles have led to unprecedented ...