Labra, C. A. (Carlos Andrés) (Date of defense: 2012-07-19)
Modelling of granular materials, soils and rocks has been a challenging topic of investigation for decades. Classical continuum mechanics has been used to idealize soils and rocks, and numerical solution ...
Dialamishabankareh, Narges (Date of defense: 2014-03-12)
This thesis deals with the numerical simulation of welding processes. The analysis is focused either at global level, considering the full component to be jointed, or locally, studying more in detail ...
Vieira Chaves, Eduardo Walter (Date of defense: 2003-04-01)
El estudio de la mecánica computacional de fallo ha ganado creciente popularidad en los últimos años. Modelizar el comportamiento poscrítico de estructuras puede alcanzar un grado elevado de complejidad, ...
Guerrero Catells, Ángel (Date of defense: 2009-06-02)
El progresivo incremento de la altura de los Edificios de Gran Altura (EGA) ha aumentado las consecuencias reales y potenciales cuando irrumpen en ellos incendios naturales. A la vista de dichas pérdidas, ...
Mora Cuevas, Miguel Genaro (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)
In the situation to make decisions about which risk mitigation measures -RMM- to implement and the performance level required, arises the need for a quantitative analysis of benefits that may be obtained ...
Velásquez Villada, César Augusto (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)
The natural hazard risk is a contingent liability and, thus, a sovereign risk for national governments and, therefore, it is important to assess properly the potential losses in order to design suitable ...
Kouhi Esfahani, Mohammad (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)
This work covers a contribution to two most interesting research elds in aerodynamics, the fi nite element analysis of high-speed compressible flows (Part I) and aerodynamic shape optimization (Part ...
Pelà, Luca (Date of defense: 2009-03-26)
The present work focuses on the formulation of a Continuum Damage Mechanics model for nonlinear analysis of masonry structural elements. The material is studied at the macro-level, i.e. it is modelled ...
Valdés Vázquez, Jesús Gerardo (Date of defense: 2007-10-18)
Problemas de interacciónn fluido-estructura representan hoy en día un gran desafío en diferentes áreas de ingeniería y ciencias aplicadas. Dentro de las aplicaciones en ingeniería civil, el flujo del ...
Dadvand, Pooyan (Date of defense: 2007-07-13)
The world of computing simulation has experienced great progresses in recent years and requires more exigent multidisciplinary challenges to satisfy the new upcoming demands. Increasing the importance ...
69 - Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure (8)
620 - Materials testing. Commercial materials. Economics of energy (7)
55 - Geological sciences. Meteorology (4)
621 - Mechanical engineering in general. Nuclear technology. Electrical engineering. Machinery (3)