Ara mostrant els elements 43-62 de 353

    Bayesian signal processing techniques for GNSS receivers: from multipath mitigation to positioning 

    Closas Gómez, Pau (Data de defensa: 2009-06-15)

    Aquesta tesi gira al voltant del disseny de receptors per a sistemes globals de navegació per satèl·lit (Global Navigation Satellite Systems, GNSS). El terme GNSS fa referència a tots aquells sistemes de navegació basats ...

    Beamforming design and power control for spectrum sharing systems 

    Vázquez Oliver, Miguel Ángel (Data de defensa: 2014-01-24)

    In order to provide wireless services for the current demand of high data rate mobile applications, more spectrally efficient systems are needed. As a matter of fact, the current wireless systems are limited by a frequency ...

    Bio-sensing applications of electromagnetic scattering from spheroidal objects 

    Zarrinkhat, Faezeh (Data de defensa: 2022-12-20)

    (English) Bio-sensing technology has progressed rapidly over the past years due to their plethora of applications such as disease diagnosis, drug monitoring detection of pollutants, and disease-causing micro-organisms. ...

    Calibration Validation and Polarimetry in 2D Aperture Synthesis. Application to MIRAS 

    Ribó i Vedrilla, Serni (Data de defensa: 2005-06-30)

    La missió SMOS de l'Agència Europea de l'Espai (ESA) té com a objectiu mesurar la humitat del sòl i la salinitat dels oceans, paràmetres fonamentals per tal d'entendre el canvi climàtic global.<br/>MIRAS (Radiòmetre de ...

    Caracterización de antenas mediante termografías de infrarrojos 

    González Arbesú, José María (Data de defensa: 2000-04-06)

    La presente Tesis Doctoral toma como base los trabajos iniciados por investigaciones de la Universidad de Colorado(USA) orientados hacia la medida de las correintes superficiales inducidas por radiaciones electromagneticas ...

    Cellular networks for smart grid communication 

    Kalalas, Charalampos (Data de defensa: 2018-07-19)

    The next-generation electric power system, known as smart grid, relies on a robust and reliable underlying communication infrastructure to improve the efficiency of electricity distribution. Cellular networks, e.g., LTE/LTE-A ...

    Channel selection and reverberation-robust automatic speech recognition 

    Wolf, Martin (Data de defensa: 2013-11-11)

    If speech is acquired by a close-talking microphone in a controlled and noise-free environment, current state-of-the-art recognition systems often show an acceptable error rate. The use of close-talking microphones, however, ...

    Channel state Information and joint transmitter-receiver design in multi-antenna systems 

    Pascual Iserte, Antonio (Data de defensa: 2005-02-17)

    Esta tesis aborda el problema del diseño de sistemas multiantena, donde el caso más general corresponde a un canal multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) con un transmisor y un receptor con más de una antena. La ventaja de estos ...

    Characterization and design of coherent optical OFDM transmission systems based on Hartley Transform 

    Chochol, Marcin (Data de defensa: 2013-11-25)

    Nowadays, due to huge deployment of optical transport networks, a continuous increase towards higher data rates up to 100 Gb/s and beyond is observed. Furthermore, an evolution of the current optical networks is forecasted, ...

    Characterization and design of multifunction photonic devices for next-generation fiber-to-the-home optical network units 

    Schrenk, Bernhard (Data de defensa: 2011-04-28)

    El estudio e investigación en el campo de las redes ópticas de acceso han sido fomentadas en años recientes debido a la continua migración de Servicios multimedia que son ofrecidos a través de Internet. Aunque los dispositivos ...

    Closed form analysis of Poisson cellular networks: a stochastic geometry approach 

    Aravanis, Alexios (Data de defensa: 2019-09-09)

    Ultra dense networks (UDNs) allow for efficient spatial reuse of the spectrum, giving rise to substantial capacity and power gains. In order to exploit those gains, tractable mathematical models need to be derived, allowing ...

    Cloud-native orchestration and automation for disaggregated networks 

    Manso Fernández Argüelles, Carlos Agustín (Data de defensa: 2023-05-18)

    (English) Transport networks are segmented by different technologies and domains, what makes difficult automated end-to-end operations and making direct human intervention needed to deploy connectivity services. On top ...

    Clustering large dimensional data via second order statistics: applications in wireless communications 

    Pereira, Roberto Matheus Pinheiro (Data de defensa: 2023-12-19)

    (English) In many modern signal processing applications, traditional machine learning and pattern recognition methods heavily rely on the having a sufficiently large amount of data samples to correctly estimate the underlying ...

    Cognition procedures for optical network design and optimization 

    Notivol Calleja, Luis David (Data de defensa: 2019-12-09)

    Telecom carriers have to adapt their networks to accommodate a growing volume of users, services and traffic. Thus, they have to search a continuous maximization of efficiency and reduction in costs. This thesis identifies ...

    Cognitive management frameworks and spectrum management strategies exploiting cognitive radio paradigm 

    Raschellà, Alessandro (Data de defensa: 2015-05-27)

    Cognitive Radio (CR) paradigm represents an innovative solution to mitigate the spectrum scarcity problem by enabling Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), defined in order to conciliate the existing conflicts between the ...

    Collaborative beamforming schemes for wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting capabilities 

    Berbakov, Lazar (Data de defensa: 2013-07-11)

    In recent years, wireless sensor networks have attracted considerable attention in the research community. Their development, induced by technological advances in microelectronics, wireless networking and battery fabrication, ...

    Collective dynamics of bulk metallic glasses studied by molecular dynamics simulations 

    Valles Sales, Araceli (Data de defensa: 2014-09-25)

    The development of new materials impacts on all branches of engineering and, in particular, in aerospace engineering. Metallic glasses (MG) are relatively newcomers to the world of materials science and have excellent ...

    Communication rates for fading channels with imperfect channel-state information 

    Pastore, Adriano (Data de defensa: 2014-07-26)

    The present thesis studies information rates for reliable transmission of information over fading channels in the realistic situation where the receiver has only imperfect channel-state knowledge. Of particular interest ...

    Compressive sensing based candidate detector and its applications to spectrum sensing and through-the-wall radar imaging 

    Lagunas Targarona, Eva (Data de defensa: 2014-03-07)

    Signal acquisition is a main topic in signal processing. The well-known Shannon-Nyquist theorem lies at the heart of any conventional analog to digital converters stating that any signal has to be sampled with a constant ...

    Computer vision beyond the visible : image understanding through language 

    Salvador, Amaia (Data de defensa: 2019-06-27)

    In the past decade, deep neural networks have revolutionized computer vision. High performing deep neural architectures trained for visual recognition tasks have pushed the field towards methods relying on learned image ...