Now showing items 307-326 of 347

    Snow cover monitoring techniques with gb-SAR 

    Martínez Vázquez, Alberto (Date of defense: 2008-12-12)

    Los radares de apertura sintética basados en tierra (GB-SAR) son instrumentos que, aun siendo relativamente jóvenes, se utilizan con éxito para monitorizar operacionalmente deslizamientos de tierra. Por otra parte, el manto ...

    Spatial modulation schemes and modem architectures for millimeter wave radio systems 

    Raafat, Ahmed (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    The rapid growth of wireless industry opens the door to several use cases such as internet of things and device-to-device communications, which require boosting the reliability and the spectral efficiency of the wireless ...

    Speaker diarization and tracking in multiple-sensor environments 

    Luque Serrano, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-12-21)

    This thesis verses about the research conducted in the topic of speaker recognition in real conditions like as meeting rooms, telephone quality speech and radio and TV broadcast news. The main objective is concerned to the ...

    Spectrum usage models for the analysis, design and simulation of cognitive radio networks 

    López Benítez, Miguel (Date of defense: 2011-07-20)

    The owned spectrum allocation policy, in use since the early days of modern radio communications, has been proven to effectively control interference among radio communication systems. However, the overwhelming proliferation ...

    Sports broadcasting and multiple object tracking with deep learning methods 

    Girbau Xalabarder, Andreu (Date of defense: 2021-03-17)

    Since less than a decade ago, deep learning techniques started to dominate many different fields, revolutionizing the possibilities of artificial intelligence. Seeing their potential, industrial sectors started to invest ...

    Stochastic optimization and interactive machine learning for human motion analysis 

    Alcoverro Vidal, Marcel (Date of defense: 2014-12-17)

    The analysis of human motion from visual data is a central issue in the computer vision research community as it enables a wide range of applications and it still remains a challenging problem when dealing with unconstrained ...

    Study and application of spectral monitoring techniques for optical network optimization 

    Locatelli, Fabiano (Date of defense: 2021-11-18)

    One of the possible ways to address the constantly increasing amount of heterogeneous and variable internet traffic is the evolution of the current optical networks towards a more flexible, open, and disaggregated paradigm. ...

    Study of early stages of Alzheimer's disease using magnetic resonance imaging 

    Casamitjana Díaz, Adrià (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that constitutes the most common dementia pathology. It represents a global epidemic that expands exponentially as the life expectancy increases with no yet useful ...

    Study of gene regulatory networks inference methods from gene expression data 

    Bellot Pujalte, Pau (Date of defense: 2017-05-08)

    A cell is a the basic structural and functional unit of every living thing, it is protein-based an that regulates itself. The cell eats to stay alive, it grows and develops; reacting to the environment, while subjected to ...

    Subset selection in signal processing using sparsity-inducing norms 

    Blanco Botana, Luis (Date of defense: 2017-07-22)

    This dissertation deals with different subset selection problems in wireless communications systems. These type of problems have a combinatorial nature, which makes them computationally intractable for medium and large-scale ...

    Surface reconstruction for multi-view video 

    Salvador Marcos, Jordi (Date of defense: 2011-09-23)

    This thesis introduces a methodology for obtaining an alternative representation of video sequences captured by calibrated multi-camera systems in controlled environments with known scene background. This representation ...

    Synergistic optical and microwave remote sensing approaches for soil moisture mapping at high resolution 

    Portal González, Gerard (Date of defense: 2022-05-27)

    Soil moisture is an essential climate variable that plays a crucial role linking the Earth’s water, energy, and carbon cycles. It is responsible for the water exchange between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, and ...

    Synthesis and design of dissipative filters with improved performance 

    Padilla Díaz, Alberto (Date of defense: 2015-11-11)

    Connect, upload, download, share and transfer anything at anytime and anywhere is not a futuristic vision and is indeed a real demand on current and future wireless and fixed communication systems. From the point of view ...

    Synthesis of acoustic wave filters : ladder and transversal topologies : towards a practical implementation 

    Hueltes Escobar, Alberto (Date of defense: 2021-02-05)

    The meteoric growth of the mobile communication market for the last three decades has been strongly related with the evolution of the electroacoustic (EA) filter technology. With way over 5 billion cell phone users worldwide ...

    Technologies for injection molded antennas for mass production 

    Zhou, Ivan (Date of defense: 2023-01-19)

    (English) The deployment of 5G antenna infrastructure and the mandatory adoption of anti-collision radars for automotive cars will require large amount of antennas operating in the millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength. ...

    Terahertz integrated antenna arrays for imaging applications 

    Alonso del Pino, María (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    Terahertz is the portion of the spectrum that covers a frequency range between 300 GHz - 3 THz. This frequency band has proven its potential for imaging applications thanks to the good compromise between spatial resolution ...

    Texture analysis and physical interpretation of polarimetric SAR data 

    Deng, Xinping (Date of defense: 2016-07-26)

    This thesis is dedicated to the study of texture analysis and physical interpretation of PolSAR data. As the starting point, a complete survey of the statistical models for PolSAR data is conducted. All the models are ...

    Técnicas de acceso y gestión de recursos para garantizar calidad de servicio en sistemas de comunicaciones moviles basados en CDMA 

    Alonso Zárate, Luis Gonzaga (Date of defense: 2001-05-02)

    En la presente tesis doctoral se ha realizado una serie de aportaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles de tercera generación. Esta nueva generación de sistemas utilizará una técnica ...

    Técnicas de procesado y representación de la señal de voz para el reconocimiento del habla en ambientes ruidosos 

    Hernando Pericás, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 1993-05-07)

    El comportamiento de los sistemas actuales de reconocimiento del habla se degrada rápidamente en presencia de ruido de fondo cuando las etapas de entrenamiento y de test no pueden llevarse a cabo en las mismas condiciones ...

    Técnicas de Speech Enhancement considerando estadísticas de orden superior 

    Salavedra Molí, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 1995-09-15)

    Las prestaciones de muchos sistemas de procesado de vozse degradan rápidamente en aplicaciones reales ante lapresencia de ruido. Para solucionar este problema lastécnicas de speech enhancement pretenden reducir esteruido ...