Millimeter wave band reconfigurable circuits (from 30 to above 100 GHz) in BiCMOS-MEMS technology 

    Heredia Vega, Julio César (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-27)

    Actualment hi ha un ús creixent de dispositius mòbils i de la necessitat d’informació i, per això, cada vegada es necessiten sistemes sense fils amb majors velocitats de dades i més amplada de banda. A més, els sistemes ...

    Millimeter-wave and terahertz imaging techniques 

    Nova Lavado, Enrique (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-22)

    This thesis presents the development and assessment of imaging techniques in the millimeterwave (mmW) and terahertz frequency bands. In the first part of the thesis, the development of a 94 GHz passive screener based on a ...

    MIMO designs for filter bank multicarrier and multiantenna systems based on OQAM 

    Caus López, Màrius (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-18)

    From the perspective of increasingly data rate requirements in mobile communications, it is deemed necessary to do further research so that the future goals can be reached. To that end, the radio-based communications are ...

    Mobile 5G millimeter-wave multi-antenna systems 

    Ballesteros Sánchez, Christian (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-21)

    Massive antenna architectures and millimeter-wave bands appear on the horizon as the enabling technologies of future broadband wireless links, promising unprecedented spectral efficiency and data rates. In the recently ...

    Modelos matemáticos para reguladores conmutados continua-continua con lazo de control de corriente 

    Poveda López, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 1988-04-25)

    Se desarrolla un tratamiento unificado para la síntesis y la modelación de este tipo de reguladores que facilita y sistematiza el diseño de los mismos. Su síntesis permite explicar la existencia de realizaciones ya conocidas ...

    Monocular depth estimation in images and sequences using occlusion cues 

    Palou Visa, Guillem (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-21)

    When humans observe a scene, they are able to perfectly distinguish the different parts composing it. Moreover, humans can easily reconstruct the spatial position of these parts and conceive a consistent structure. The ...

    Multi Look-Up Table Digital Predistortion for RF Power Amplifier Linearization 

    Gilabert Pinal, Pere Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2008-02-12)

    Aquesta Tesi Doctoral se centra en el disseny d'un nou linealitzador de Predistorsió Digital (Digital Predistortion - DPD) capaç de compensar la dinàmica i els efectes no lineals introduïts pels Amplificadors de Potència ...

    Multi-antenna multi-frequency microwave imaging systems for biomedical applications 

    Guardiola Garcia, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2013-10-31)

    Medical imaging refers to several different technologies that are used to view the human body in order to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical conditions. Each type of technology gives different information about the area ...

    Multi-view depth coding based on a region representation combining color and depth information 

    Maceira Duch, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-21)

    Depth map data is used to supplement the color data in multi-view sequences. As depth maps present distinct Characteristics than natural color images, new coding techniques are required to represent their smooth regions ...

    Multidimensional and temporal SAR data representation and processing based on binary partition trees 

    Alonso González, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-13)

    This thesis deals with the processing of different types of multidimensional SAR data for distinct applications. Instead of handling the original pixels of the image, which correspond to very local information and are ...

    Multidimensional speckle noise. Modelling and filtering related to sar data. 

    López Martinez, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2003-06-02)

    Los Radares de Apertura Sintética, o sistemas SAR, representan el mejorejemplo de sistemas activos de teledetección por microondas. Debido a su naturaleza coherente, un sistema SAR es capaz de adquirir información dedispersión ...

    Multifunctional metamaterial designs for antenna applications 

    Ferrer González, Pere Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    Over the last decades, Metamaterials (MTMs) have caught the attention of the scientific community. Metamaterials are basically artificially engineered materials which can provide unusual electromagnetic properties not ...

    Multilevel adaptive cross approximation and direct evaluation method for fast and accurate discretization of electromagnetic integral equations 

    Tamayo Palau, José María (Fecha de defensa: 2011-02-17)

    El Método de los Momentos (MoM) ha sido ampliamente utilizado en las últimas décadas para la discretización y la solución de las formulaciones de ecuación integral que aparecen en muchos problemas electromagnéticos de ...

    Multimodal microwave filters 

    Contreras Lizarraga, Adrián Arturo (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-29)

    This thesis presents the conception, design and implementation of new topologies of multimodal microwave resonators and filters, using a combination of uniplanar technologies such as coplanar waveguide (CPW), coplanar ...

    Multiresolution image segmentation based on camporend random fields: Application to image coding 

    Marqués Acosta, Fernando (Fecha de defensa: 1992-11-22)

    La segmentación de imágenes es una técnica que tiene como finalidad dividir una imagen en un conjunto de regiones, asignando a cada objeto en la escena una o varias regiones. Para obtener una segmentación correcta, cada ...

    Multiscale soil moisture retrievals from microwave remote sensing observations 

    Piles Guillem, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2010-07-16)

    La humedad del suelo es la variable que regula los intercambios de agua, energía, y carbono entre la tierra y la atmósfera. Mediciones precisas de humedad son necesarias para una gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos, ...

    Multivariate approach-based system for the automated interpretation of spectra : application to pigments identification through Raman spectroscopy in art analysis 

    González Vidal, Juan José (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-29)

    The application of spectroscopic techniques is crucial for art historians and conservators who require knowledge of materials used in works of art (pigments, dyes, binders, additives, ...) in particular instances. In this ...

    Network coding-aided MAC protocols for cooperative wireless networks 

    Antonopoulos, Angelos (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-17)

    The introduction of third generation (3G) technologies has caused a vast proliferation of wireless devices and networks, generating an increasing demand for high level Quality of Service (QoS). The wide spread of mobile ...

    Network virtualization in next generation cellular networks 

    Tseliou, Georgia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-17)

    The complexity of operation and management of emerging cellular networks significantly increases, as they evolve to correspond to increasing QoS needs, data rates and diversity of offered services. Thus critical challenges ...

    New generation FTTH ONU and OLT design for upstream transmission in WDM PON including optimized combination of electronics and optics 

    Omella Cancer, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2010-10-18)

    This research is developed in the context of the Next Generation of Passive Optical Networks (NG-PON) for Fibre to the Home (FTTH) network. In this thesis, several techniques are proposed in order to increase the network ...