Now showing items 21-40 of 308

    Allocation designs for massive multiple access with interference cancellation 

    Molina Oliveras, Francesc (Date of defense: 2021-10-06)

    In the transition towards the next generation of wireless technology systems, the increasing number of devices curbs the potential of current wireless networks to cope with such increases in network density. Wireless ...

    Analysis and design of an edge-technique-based Doppler wind lidar: practical assessment of a laboratory prototype 

    Muñoz Porcar, Constantino (Date of defense: 2013-02-22)

    This thesis is the initial stage in the development of a range-resolving Doppler wind lidar. Atmospheric lidars emit pulsed laser radiation that after being scattered by air molecules and suspended aerosol particles is ...

    Analysis of thin-film solidly mounted resonators for applications in harsh environments 

    Lugo Hernández, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2023-10-10)

    (English) The sensing industry is constantly growing due to its demand in fields that require critical and essential information (data environment) for human safeness and quality of life. In recent years, designers, ...

    Análisis del régimen permanente y la estabilidad de circuitos no lineales con parámetros distribuidos mediante técnicas de tiempo discreto 

    Bonet Dalmau, Jordi (Date of defense: 1999-07-05)

    En esta tesis se ha abordado el problema de la determinación directa del régimen permanente de circuitos no lineales autónomos con parámetros distribuidos en el dominio temporal. Con la obtención de las ecuaciones de ...

    Análisis y Optimización de Circuitos Autónomos Mediante Técnicas Temporales Discretas 

    Palà Schönwälder, Pere (Date of defense: 1994-07-12)

    En esta tesis, las ecuaciones de equilibrio de circuitos no lineales autónomos se plantean discretizando el circuito mediante transformaciones de plano S a plano Z.<br/><br/>Tras imponer la periodicidad de las variables ...

    Aplicaciones avanzadas del principio superregenerativo a comunicaciones por radiofrecuencia 

    López Riera, Alexis (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    There exists today an increasing demand for wireless devices which require low cost and minimum power consumption radiofrequency front-ends. Precisely, these are two remarkable characteristics of the superregenerative ...

    Aplicación del modelado geométrico a problemas de difracción electromagnética 

    Vall-llossera Ferran, Mercè (Date of defense: 1994-03-01)

    En esta tesis se estudia el problema de modelado geométrico de objetos arbitrarios para aplicaciones de análisis electromagnético. El objetivo principal ha sido el desarrollo de un proceso completo, lo mas general posible, ...

    Aplication of Interferometric Radiometry to Earth Observation 

    Camps Carmona, Adriano José (Date of defense: 1996-11-22)

    La tesis contiene en primer lugar un estudio de las técnicas de interferometria radiometrica, con énfasis en las causas de error y su impacto en las características del sensor. A continuación se proponen y comparan varias ...

    Aportación a la linealización de amplificadores de potencia mediante la teoría de la hiperestabilidad 

    Zozaya Sahad, Alfonso (Date of defense: 2002-07-19)

    Esta tesis trata de la aplicación del control adaptativo con modelo de referencia en paralelo para la linealización de un amplificador de potencia y del uso de la propiedad de la pasividad (hiperestabilidad) en el diseño ...

    Application of DInSAR techniques to the monitoring of ground deformations 

    Tessitore, Serena (Date of defense: 2014-05-09)

    The aim of the present thesis has been to test the applicability of the innovative Advanced DInSAR techniques in the natural risk mitigation related to subsidence phenomena. In particular, two test sites have been chosen, ...

    Application of network coding in satellite broadcast and multiple access channels 

    Cocco, Giuseppe (Date of defense: 2013-02-12)

    Satellite broadcasting and relaying capabilities enable mobile broadcast systems over wide geographical areas, which opens large market possibilities for handheld, vehicular and fixed user terminals. The geostationary (GEO) ...

    Applications of L-band missions for environmental research 

    Chaparro Danon, David (Date of defense: 2018-10-15)

    Human activity leads to environmental changes which threaten the vegetation. Global warm ing trends, deforestation and land cover, or modified Earth's surface albedo, are sorne examples of these environmental changes. ...

    Articulated models for human motion analysis 

    López Méndez, Adolfo (Date of defense: 2012-12-10)

    Human motion analysis is as a broad area of computer vision that has strongly attracted the interest of researchers in the last decades. Motion analysis covers topics such as human motion tracking and estimation, action ...

    Artificial intelligence, LiDAR and co-operative remote sensing for atmospheric observation and off-shore wind energy 

    Salcedo Bosch, Andreu (Date of defense: 2023-06-30)

    (English) Remote sensing of the atmosphere is widely used by the wind energy industry to both assess future wind farms deployment sites as well as to improve their operation. With the rising interest in offshore wind energy, ...

    Atmospheric artifacts correction for InSAR using empirical model and numerical weather prediction models 

    Hu, Zhongbo (Date of defense: 2019-12-19)

    lnSAR has been proved its unprecedented ability and merits of monitoring ground deformation on large scale with centimeter to millimeter scale accuracy. However, several factors affect the reliability and accuracy of its ...

    Atmospheric compensation experiments on free-space optical coherent communication systems 

    Anzuola Valencia, Esdras (Date of defense: 2015-06-15)

    In the last years free-space optical communications systems for wireless links have been proposed, studied, and implemented mainly due to the higher bandwidth that this technology is able to provide. Still, radio frequency ...

    Atmospheric-boundary-layer height retrieval using microwave radiometer and lidar sensors : algorithms and error estimation 

    Saeed, Umar (Date of defense: 2016-07-22)

    The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) is an important parameter in weather forecasting, meteorology, avionics, and air-quality and dispersion models. Local development of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) over ...

    Automatic analysis of the acoustic environment of a preterm infant in a neonatal intensive care unit 

    Raboshchuk, Ganna (Date of defense: 2016-07-20)

    Most preterm newborns must be admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where they receive a specialized medical care, what, in many cases, is crucial for their survival. The acoustic environment of a typical NICU ...

    Bayesian signal processing techniques for GNSS receivers: from multipath mitigation to positioning 

    Closas Gómez, Pau (Date of defense: 2009-06-15)

    Aquesta tesi gira al voltant del disseny de receptors per a sistemes globals de navegació per satèl·lit (Global Navigation Satellite Systems, GNSS). El terme GNSS fa referència a tots aquells sistemes de navegació basats ...

    Beamforming design and power control for spectrum sharing systems 

    Vázquez Oliver, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2014-01-24)

    In order to provide wireless services for the current demand of high data rate mobile applications, more spectrally efficient systems are needed. As a matter of fact, the current wireless systems are limited by a frequency ...