Ara mostrant els elements 66-85 de 116

    Desing and Evaluation of Certificate Revocation Systems 

    Muñoz Tapia, José L. (José Luis) (Data de defensa: 2003-11-26)

    Este trabajo presenta tanto el estado del arte como un análisis de los principales sistemas de revocación de certificados digitales. El hecho de comprender bien el mecanismo de revocación de un certificado es importante ...

    Diferenciación de servicios y mejora de la supervivencia en redes ad hoc conectadas a redes fijas 

    Domingo Aladrén, Mari Carmen (Data de defensa: 2005-07-07)

    La comunicación entre redes ad hoc y redes basadas en infraestructura resulta esencial para poder extender Internet más allá de su alcance tradicional, a aquellas áreas hasta ahora inaccesibles, permitiendo la utilización ...

    Edge computing infrastructure for 5G networks: a placement optimization solution 

    Santoyo González, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2020-09-08)

    This thesis focuses on how to optimize the placement of the Edge Computing infrastructure for upcoming 5G networks. To this aim, the core contributions of this research are twofold: 1) a novel heuristic called Hybrid ...

    Efficient sharing mechanisms for virtualized multi-tenant heterogeneous networks 

    Vincenzi, Matteo (Data de defensa: 2022-07-18)

    The explosion in data traffic, the physical resource constraints, and the insufficient financial incentives for deploying 5G networks, stress the need for a paradigm shift in network upgrades. Typically, operators are also ...

    Energy aware optimization for low power radio technologies 

    Suciu, Ioana (Data de defensa: 2020-03-10)

    The explosive growth of IoT is pushing the market towards cheap, very low power devices with a strong focus on miniaturization, for applications such as in-body sensors, personal health monitoring and microrobots. Proposing ...

    Energy sustainability of next generation cellular networks through learning techniques 

    Miozzo, Marco (Data de defensa: 2018-09-18)

    The trend for the next generation of cellular network, the Fifth Generation (5G), predicts a 1000x increase in the capacity demand with respect to 4G, which leads to new infrastructure deployments. To this respect, it is ...

    Energy-aware routing techniques for software-defined networks 

    Fernández Fernández, Adriana (Data de defensa: 2018-06-29)

    Achieving energy efficiency has recently become a key topic of networking research due to the ever-increasing power consumption and CO2 emissions generated by large data networks. This problem is becoming even more concerning ...

    Enhanced mobility management mechanisms for 5G networks 

    Jain, Akshay (Data de defensa: 2020-10-01)

    Many mechanisms that served the legacy networks till now, are being identified as being grossly sub-optimal for 5G networks. The reason being, the increased complexity of the 5G networks compared previous legacy systems. ...

    Enhanced quality of service mechanisms for 5G networks 

    Irazabal Bengoa, Mikel (Data de defensa: 2021-09-10)

    The heterogeneous services with stringent requirements that are envisioned to co-exist under the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G), inexorably challenge the current Long-Term Evolution (LTE) cellular network’s ...

    Enhancement of vehicular ad hoc networks using machine learning-based prediction methods 

    Lemus Cárdenas, Leticia (Data de defensa: 2020-07-22)

    Society is aware that the ecological predation of the planet is due to human activity. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out actions to reverse this damage. Besides, the trend of population growth in big cities and the ...

    Fair Allocation of Network Resources for Internet Users 

    Banchs Roca, Albert (Data de defensa: 2002-02-18)

    In a commercial Internet, the traffic behavior is determined by the contracts between the ISPs and the users, where a user can be a dial-up user, or one corporate network or a group of individual customers or networks. ...

    Handoff management for infotainment services over vehicular networks 

    Reñé Vicente, Sergi (Data de defensa: 2015-06-26)

    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has impulsed the vehicular communications at the present time. The vehicular communications field is a hot research topic and is attracting a great interest in the automotive industry ...

    Improvements to end-to-end performance of low-power wireless networks 

    Betzler, August (Data de defensa: 2015-07-07)

    Over the last decades, wireless technologies have become an important part of our daily lives. A plentitude of new types of networks based on wireless technologies have emerged, often replacing wired solutions. In this ...

    Individual verifiability in electronic voting 

    Guasch Castelló, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    This PhD Thesis is the fruit of the job of the author as a researcher at Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, as well as the collaboration with Paz Morillo, from the Department of Applied Mathematics at UPC and Alex Escala, PhD ...

    Invoice factoring through blockchain technology 

    Mohammadzadeh, Nasibeh (Data de defensa: 2022-10-06)

    (English) Invoice factoring has been a popular way to provide cash flow for businesses. The primary function of a factoring system is to prevent an invoice from being factored twice. In order to prevent double factoring, ...

    Joint access-backhaul mechanisms in 5G cell-less architectures 

    Rony, Rakibul Islam (Data de defensa: 2022-05-13)

    Older generations of wireless networks, such as 1G and 2G were deployed using leased line, copper or fibre line as backhaul. Later, in 3G and 4G, microwave wireless links have also worked as backhaul links while the ...

    Modelado y análisis de sistemas fotovoltaicos 

    Guasch Murillo, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2003-06-26)

    Bajo la etiqueta de "Modelado y análisis de sistemas fotovoltaicos" se presentan los trabajos realizados a lo largo del doctorado. Estos estudios centran su aplicación en el área de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. Tienen por ...

    Network resource allocation policies with energy transfer capabilities 

    Piovesan, Nicola (Data de defensa: 2020-06-05)

    During the last decades, mobile network operators have witnessed an exponential increase in the traffic demand, mainly due to the high request of services from a huge amount of users. The trend is of a further increase in ...

    New Architectures for ubiquitous networks : use and adaptation of internet protocols over wireless sensor networks 

    Ludovici, Alessandro (Data de defensa: 2014-07-07)

    This thesis focuses on the study of low-resource demanding protocols, communication techniques and software solutions to evaluate, optimise and implement Web service in WSNs. We start analysing the Web service architectures ...

    On codes for traceability schemes: constructions and bounds 

    Moreira Sánchez, José (Data de defensa: 2013-11-13)

    A traceability or fingerprinting scheme is a cryptographic scheme that facilitates the identification of the source of leaked information. In a fingerprinting setting, a distributor delivers copies of a given content to a ...