Ara mostrant els elements 1-2 de 2

    Desarrollo de modelos para la identificación de variedades y fitopatologías mediante técnicas fotónicas 

    Borraz Martínez, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2022-05-12)

    In the cultivation of fruit trees, the most common is to work with cuttings. In this way, the grafted fruit tree variety offers specific fruit qualities and the rootstock offers certain agronomic and adaptation characteristics. ...

    Utilització de l'espectroscòpia d'infraroig com a eina per a la selecció i millora de la mongeta seca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 

    Plans Pujolràs, Marçal (Data de defensa: 2014-05-15)

    Common beans (Phaseolus vulagaris L.) are one of the most consumed and produced legumes in the world. Its high protein content makes it a high nutritional value product. As a result of its wide diversity, there are thousands ...