Now showing items 16-35 of 62

    Discovery of new selective antagonists of G-protein coupled receptors of therapeutic interest 

    Lupala, Cecylia Severin (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    GPCR are integral membrane receptor proteins that are characterized by heptahelical transmembrane domains connected by intracellular and extracellular loops. GPCRs are an attractive class of proteins for drug discovery, ...

    Durability of resistance to Meloidogyne mediated by R-genes in solanaceous and cucurbitaceous crops 

    García Mendívil, Helio Adán (Date of defense: 2019-10-29)

    Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus, and eggplant, Solanum melongena, are two major crops commonly grafted onto resistant rootstocks for controlling soilborne diseases. However, there are currently no commercially ...

    Dynamics of chemical microcontaminants in peri-urban agriculture and evaluation of their potential impact on crops and human health 

    Margenat Mas, Anna Maria (Date of defense: 2018-11-27)

    Peri-urban agriculture carries out environmental, social and economic functions and services to the nearby urban areas. Nonetheless, most of these fields are impacted with organic and inorganic contaminants caused by ...

    Efectos genéticos, ambientales y de interacción sobre componentes químicos relacionados con el valor sensorial de las judias grano 

    Flórez Vergara, Alexy (Date of defense: 2008-02-08)

    Asistimos en la actualidad a una constante pérdida de la diversidad genética de los cultivos. Paralelamente en muchas zonas del mundo, especialmente en los países más desarrollados, se produce una regresión de la agricultura ...

    Effect of precursors and thermal processing on acrylamide formation in synthetic potato models. Validation with potato cultivars 

    Bachir, Nivine (Date of defense: 2023-07-28)

    (English) Acrylamide is a toxic compound and is classified as a probable human carcinogen. In recent decades, international organizations have established levels of safety for ingestion due to its harmful effects endangering ...

    Estudi de la dinàmica poblacional de Digitaria sanguinalis i de l'efecte del fong Ustilago syntherismae 

    Gallart González-Palacio, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2009-09-14)

    Conèixer la dinàmica poblacional d'espècies arvenses és una informació bàsica per al disseny d'estratègies de control de males herbes eficaces i sostenibles des d'un punt de vista ambiental. La forcadella (Digitaria ...

    Estudio de los cambios, durante el proceso de restauración, en la materia orgánica, la biomasa microbiana y la actividad biológica de suelos degradados enmendados con lodos de EDAR sometidos a diferentes pos-tratamientos 

    Marando, Graciela (Date of defense: 2013-03-15)

    En España, la legislación minera obliga, desde el año 1982, a que todas las actividades mineras realicen trabajos de restauración con el fin de devolver al entorno aquellos terrenos afectados por las actividades extractivas. ...

    Fate and effects of waterborne contaminants of emerging concern in the soil-plant system : impact of biochar soil amendment to mitigate their plant uptake 

    Hurtado Cervera, Carlos (Date of defense: 2017-07-14)

    Water scarcity is an issue of global concern due to the increase of the population and the climate change, which both increase the water demand. Many arid and semiarid countries are facing high water stress and the use of ...

    Filogènia i variabilitat genètica de les varietats tradicionals de tomàquet (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Montserrat/Pera de Girona i Penjar: estratègies per a la millora de la seva qualitat organolèptica 

    Casals Missio, Joan (Date of defense: 2012-07-27)

    Tomato landraces are highly appreciated by consumers in the market. The main reasons are the presumed superior organoleptic quality with respect to modern cultivars, as well as the widespread perception that landraces are ...

    Flowering native weeds for the conservation of wild pollinators in agroecosystems 

    Morrison, Jane H. (Date of defense: 2018-06-29)

    Concerns about a global decline in pollinators have called for more knowledge about the drivers of wild pollinator abundance and diversity in agroecosystems. Agricultural intensification has been identified as the main ...

    Freeze concentration of cofee extract : study of block and fallling-film techniques = Crioconcentración de extracto acuoso de café : estudio de las técnicas de bloque total y película descendente 

    Moreno Moreno, Fabián Leonardo (Date of defense: 2014-11-05)

    Coffee is the most traded food in the world. The coffee industry has a great economic and social relevance worldwide. The sensory and functional properties of the product are highly important for the consumers, and therefore, ...

    Growth and size variation of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) 

    Sánchez Fernández, Pablo (Date of defense: 2012-11-19)

    Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is a flatfish of high commercial importance in Southern Europe that has been a promising species for diversifying Mediterranean aquaculture since early 1980's. It has failed to reach ...

    Hydrodynamic characterisation of aquaculture tanks and design criteria for improving self-cleaning properties 

    Masaló Llorà, Ingrid (Date of defense: 2008-09-10)

    El propòsit del treball es caracteritzar hidrodinàmicament els tancs més utilitzats en el sector aqüícola, i donar pautes de disseny per millorar-ne l'autoneteja, i optimitzar l'eficiència d'utilització tant de l'espai com ...

    Improvement of spray application process in greenhouse tomato crop : assessment of adapted spraying technologies and methods for canopy characterization 

    Llop Casamada, Jordi (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    Vegetable production in greenhouses is an important and productive economic activity for agricultural businesses in Southern Europe. One of the most risky factors affecting this activity is the use of plant protection ...

    Improving monitoring and management of low-lying coastal areas with Sentinel-2 data: the Ebro Delta showcase 

    Soriano González, Jesús (Date of defense: 2023-04-28)

    (English) Coastal areas support important ecosystems with great ecological value, giving rise to countless resources increasingly exploited by humans. Understanding the processes occurring in both inland and aquatic ...

    Indicadors de qualitat bioquímica, relacionats amb el cicle del carboni, en la restauració de sòls amb fang de depuradora sotmès a assecatge tèrmic i a compostatge 

    Jiménez de Ridder, Patrícia (Date of defense: 2014-07-29)

    In our work we studied some aspects of biochemical quality in the rehabilitation process of degraded soils through the application of sewage sludge. As biochemical quality parameters we focused on the carbon cycle, through ...

    Individual-based observations and individual-based simulations to study Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures 

    Portell Canal, Xavier (Date of defense: 2014-12-09)

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the yeasts with major economic, social, and health significance in human culture. Depending on the growth conditions experienced by the cell, S. cerevisiae growth can proceed via fermentative, ...

    Influence of agricultural practices on the microbiome and the antibiotic resistance gene complement in soils, plants, and crops 

    Cerqueira, Francisco Diogo de Almeida (Date of defense: 2020-06-08)

    Antibiotic (AB) Resistance is an increasing global problem for public health, with multi-resistant bacteria persisting and spreading not only in clinical settings but also in the environment. One of the possible vectors ...

    Influence of the characteristics of organic matter on the efficiency of horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetlands 

    Caselles Osorio, Aracelly (Date of defense: 2007-01-12)

    Los sistemas de humedales construidos de flujo subsuperficial horizontal (HCFSS) constituyen una tecnología válida para la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas. Uno de los principales objetivos de estos sistemas es ...

    Lixiviados en horticultura intensiva ornamental y su tratamiento mediante humedades artificales 

    Narváez Torres, Lola (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    Nurseries growing potted ornamental plants carry an important activity in the overall agricultural production in Catalonia. As a result of the activity developed and agricultural practices adopted by nursery growers ...