Now showing items 35-54 of 61

    Lixiviados en horticultura intensiva ornamental y su tratamiento mediante humedades artificales 

    Narváez Torres, Lola (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    Nurseries growing potted ornamental plants carry an important activity in the overall agricultural production in Catalonia. As a result of the activity developed and agricultural practices adopted by nursery growers ...

    L’agricultura en els espais metropolitans : el cas de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona 

    Recasens Gracia, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2020-09-16)

    Urban agriculture is defined, as the agricultural and livestock activities that are carried out within or around cities. FAO's definition includes those services offered by agrarian activity that benefit the society. In ...

    Manejo integrado de plagas en legumbres almacenadas mediante el uso de atmósferas modificadas y de control biológico 

    Iturralde García, Rey David (Date of defense: 2020-07-24)

    Spain is one of the main producing countries of chickpeas and beans in Europe and is also the main importer. Nowadays, pest control is mainly based on the application of phosphine. However, the risks on human health and ...

    Meloidogyne species in cucurbit crops : characterization and quantification of the host-parasite relationship 

    López Gómez, Manuel Francisco (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    The infection process of Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica was compared on zucchini squash, cucumber, melon, pumpkin and watermelon in a growth chamber. All cucurbits were susceptible to the three isolates ...

    Micropropagació de Cynara scolymus CV. "Blanca de tudela": condicionants del procés i aproximació a la caracterització anatòmico-fisiològica en les diferents fases de cultiu 

    Cañameras, Núria (Date of defense: 1990-01-01)

    Se estudia la respuesta a diferentes tratamientos en la micro propagación de Cymara Scolymus i la evolución de las características físico-anatómicas en las diferentes fases. La mayor respuesta morfogenetica durante la fase ...

    Millora de la qualitat sensorial i nutricional de les varietats tradicionals hortícoles: el cas del calçot (Allium cepa L.) 

    Sans Molins, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2019-10-31)

    Sensory and nutritional quality are key elements for consumers, providing added value to agri-food products. However, there is a general perception that horticultural products have lost their quality, especially their ...

    Millora genètica del calçot (Allium cepa L.) : desenvolupament d'eines de selecció i aplicació a l'obtenció de nous cultivars 

    Simó Cruanyes, Joan (Date of defense: 2013-11-14)

    Els calçots, tiges florals immadures de la ceba (Allium cepa L.), són un cultiu típic de Catalunya i juguen un paper important en l’agricultura catalana. Es calcula que la producció de la campanya 2012-2013 va ser d’uns ...

    Natural enemies for the conservation biological control of Myzus persicae in Mediterranean peach orchards 

    Aparicio del Moral, Yahana Michelle (Date of defense: 2019-07-23)

    Peach and nectarine tree belongs to the species Prunus persica and is the third most produced fruit species in the world. Within Europe, Spain is a leading producer. Most of the crops are located in Catalonia (northeastern ...

    Obtaining, characterizing and studying the in vitro bioavailability of different cation complexations for food fortification 

    Mattar, Ghadeer (Date of defense: 2023-07-21)

    (English) Although mineral chelates have been produced for more than 70 years, neither production methods nor optimum conditions are well specified. The solid evidence that the complexes are true chelates is still missing. ...

    Population dynamics of Meloidogyne spp. on tomato and cucumber and biologically-based management strategies 

    Giné Blasco, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2016-12-21)

    The general objective of the thesis was to determinate the population dynamics of Meloidogyne on tomato and cucumber, the yield losses caused by the nematode and the effect of biologically-based management strategies to ...

    Recuperación de solutos del hielo proveniente de un crioconcentrador de placas : cinética y concentración 

    Gulfo Cabrales, Rafael Antonio (Date of defense: 2014-09-22)

    Research about the cryoconcentration process of food fluids is an important area of study. Cryoconcentration is a concentration process of fluids by separating water into ice shape. Freeze concentration, allows to obtain ...

    Sistemas de regeneración y reutilización de aguas residuales. Metodología para el análisis técnico-económico y casos 

    Seguí Amórtegui, Luis Alberto (Date of defense: 2004-03-18)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una metodología para el análisis técnico-económico de los Sistemas de Regeneración y Reutilización de Aguas Residuales (SRRAR). La metodología se fundamenta en la ...

    Soil water management: evaluation of infiltration in furrow irrigarion systems, assessing water and salt content spatially and temporally in the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat area. 

    Aljoumani, Basem (Date of defense: 2012-12-27)

    Sustainability of irrigated agriculture is a growing concern in the Baix Llobregat area. Although irrigated land accounts for a substantial proportion of food supply to the local market, it has been, and still is increasingly ...

    Stability and folding of G-protein coupled receptors associated to degenerative diseases 

    Dong, Xiaoyun (Date of defense: 2016-05-25)

    G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest membrane protein superfamily encoded by the human genome and represent the largest class of drug targets for a wide range of pathological conditions. Two GPCRs members, ...

    Stability and ligand binding properties of human cone visual pigments 

    Srinivasan, Sundaramoorthy (Date of defense: 2015-10-02)

    Human color perception is mediated by cone photoreceptor cells which mainly locate on the fovea of the eye. Bright light activates the photosensitive opsin pigments which are embedded in the outer segment membrane discs ...

    Structure-activity investigation on laccases by computational and site directed mutagenesis studies 

    Delavari, Azar (Date of defense: 2016-12-01)

    Laccases belong to multi copper oxidase enzyme family (EC Their capacity to oxidíze a wide range of substrates makes them very attractive for the industry and are growing in importance for environmentally-friendly ...

    Structure-function relationships in sensory G protein-coupled receptors 

    Razzaghi, Neda (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

    (English) Perception of the world by an organism is not possible unless decoding the received information through its sensory systems. In vertebrates, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ion channels are principal ...

    Structure-function studies of bombesin and bradykinin receptors and their ligands for new therapeutic opportunities 

    Rasaeifar, Bahareh (Date of defense: 2020-12-10)

    G-protein coupled receptors represents the largest family of membrane protein in eukaryotes cells with more than 800 members. The reason of their importance lies in their function, being responsible for the primary mechanism ...

    Study and characterization of microstructural and physio-chemical properties of potato products for 3D food printing 

    Dankar, Iman Talal (Date of defense: 2019-01-09)

    3D food printing is a precise digitalized process that is based on monitoring the characteristics of the printed substrate in accordance with the process parameters. In this thesis mashed potatoes were first mixed with ...

    Study of effects of cooking methods on physical properties and bioactive compounds in selected potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L) 

    Yang, Yali (Date of defense: 2015-09-29)

    La patata es una fuente de carbohidratos, de versátil preparación y presentación. Dependiendo del proceso de cocción y de las características morfológicas y nutricionales de la patata estos efectos pueden ser positivos o ...