La afinidad de producto y marca en el co-branding y su relación con la preferencia


Ramos Topham, Manuel Adolfo


Consolación, Carolina


Huertas García, Rubén

Date of defense



129 p.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Organització d'Empreses

Doctorate programs



The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship that product fit and brand fit have with consumer preference in co-branding. Product combinations were determined by whether they fit or not using the input from 60 subjects, through surveys. Then, brand combinations were designed based on the input from another set of 60 subjects who decided which brands from those product combinations fit and which did not fit. Four final combinations were formed. The combinations included products and brands that fit, products that fit with brands that did not fit, products that did not fit with brands that fit and products with brands that did not fit. A final questionnaire was distributed to 178 university students to find the preferences on the four combinations. Then, through a conjoint analysis it was possible to find the relationship between product and brand fit and consumer preference. The results revealed that both, product and brand fit, significantly influence consumer preference. It also indicates that the effect of product fit on preference is greater than the effect of brand fit. Finally, the results did not support the expectation that there would be an interaction effect between product and brand fit.

Esta tesis estudia cómo la afinidad de producto y la afinidad de marca, en una estrategia de co-branding, afectan la preferencia del consumidor. Mediante un análisis de regresión se comprueba que ambas influyen de manera estadísticamente significativa sobre la preferencia del consumidor. Se investiga, también, la interacción entre la afinidad de producto y la afinidad de marca y se comprueba que no existe evidencia estadística que lo confirme. Si bien la afinidad de producto y la afinidad de marca afectan de forma significativa a la preferencia por separado, no existe interacción manifiesta entre ellas. Finalmente, se comprueba qué afecta más a la preferencia, la afinidad de producto o la afinidad de marca. Se mide su importancia relativa y se concluye que la afinidad de producto tiene un peso relativo mayor en la preferencia que la afinidad de marca


Co-branding; Brand alliance; Brand fit; Product fit; Consumer preference


339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy


Llegida a la Universitat Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas






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