Displaying items 1-73

    00 - Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics (59)
    90 - Archaeology. Prehistory (47)
    572 - Physical anthropology (37)
    9 - geography. Biography. History (34)
    3 - Social Sciences (30)
    93 - History. Auxiliary sciences of history. Local History (30)
    81 - Linguistics and languages (28)
    316 - Sociology (15)
    37 - Education (14)
    80 - General questions relating to both linguistics and literature. Philology (13)
    82 - Literature (11)
    32 - Politics (10)
    373 - Kinds of school providing general education (10)
    94 - General history (10)
    30 -Social Sciences theories and methodologies. Sociography. Gender studies (9)
    378 - Higher education. Universities. Academic study (9)
    56 - Palaeontology (9)
    8 - language. Linguistics. Literature (8)
    39 - Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Customs. Manners. Traditions. Way of life (7)
    72 - Architecture (6)
    78 - Music (6)
    159.9 - Psychology (5)
    73 - Plastic arts (5)
    79 - Recreation. Entertainment. Games. Sport (5)
    0 - Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications (4)
    2 - Religion. Theology (4)
    331 - Labour. Employment. Work. Labour economics. Organization of labour. (4)
    371 - Education and teaching organization and management (4)
    77 - Photography and similar processes (4)
    070 - Newspapers. The Press. Journalism (3)
    341 - International law (3)
    574 - General ecology and biodiversity (3)
    69 - Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure (3)
    75 - Painting (3)
    91 - Geography. Exploration of the Earth and of individual countries. Travel. Regional geography (3)
    004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing (2)
    17 - Moral philosophy. Ethics. Practical philosophy (2)
    311 - Statistics as a science. Statistical theory (2)
    334 - Forms of organization and cooperation in the economy (2)
    35 - Public administration. Government. Military affairs (2)
    517 - Analysis (2)
    55 - Earth Sciences. Geological sciences (2)
    61 - Medical sciences (2)
    71 - Physical planning. Regional, town and country planning. Landscapes, parks, gardens (2)
    76 - Graphic art, printmaking. Graphics (2)
    01 - Bibliography and bibliographies. Catalogues (1)
    030 - General reference works (1)
    06 - Organizations of a general nature (1)
    08 - Polygraphies. Collective works (1)
    09 - Manuscripts. Rare and remarkable works (1)
    1 - Philosophy. Psychology (1)
    34 - Law. Jurisprudence (1)
    340 - Law in general. Legal methods and auxiliary sciences (1)
    342 - Public law. Constitutional law. Conflict of laws (1)
    344 - Special criminal law. Military, naval, air force laws (1)
    36 - Safeguarding the mental and material necessities of life (1)
    374 - Education and training out of school. Further education (1)
    379.8 - Leisure (1)
    546 - Inorganic chemistry (1)
    57 - Biological sciences in general (1)
    575 - General genetics. General cytogenetics (1)
    58 - Botany (1)
    59 - Zoology (1)
    6 - Applied Sciences. Medicine. Technology (1)
    611 - Anatomy. Human and comparative anatomy (1)
    616.7 - Pathology of the organs of locomotion. Skeletal and locomotor systems (1)
    616.89 - Psychiatry. Pathological psychiatry. Psychopathology (1)
    62 - Engineering. Technology in general (1)
    64 - Home economics. Domestic science. Housekeeping (1)
    65 - Communication and transport industries. Accountancy. Business management. Public relations (1)
    7 - the arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport (1)
    74 - Drawing. Design. Applied arts and crafts (1)
    929 - Biographical studies (1)