Now showing items 413-432 of 458

    SOX11 transcription factor functional analysis in aggressive MCL 

    Vegliante, Maria Carmela (Date of defense: 2013-09-26)

    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphomas associated with poor prognosis and frequent relapses. Recently, the neuronal transcription factor SOX11 has been identified as a very specific ...

    Strategies to control Yaws and other Neglected Tropical Diseases in the South Pacific Islands / Estrategias para el control del Pián y otras Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas en Islas del Pacífico Sur 

    Mitjà Villar, Oriol (Date of defense: 2012-06-01)

    Every year, through mass drug administration (MDA), hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people receive a single annual dose of one or more drugs to eliminate certain parasitic worm or bacterial infections. Some of ...

    Strategies to optimize kidney transplantation: a systematic review of the evidence 

    Montero Pérez, Núria (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    The objectives of this thesis are to evaluate the strategies for expanding the donor pool by using expanded criteria donors and for increasing patient and graft survival by optimization of immunosuppression strategies. It ...

    Study of radiotherapy resistance associated to EGFR/MAPK signaling pathway and its application in the rational design of a treatment with simvastatin in combination with cetuximab and radiotherapy (in experimental models of carcinoma) 

    Llobet Cucalón, Lara Isabel de (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)

    1. Generation and characterization of a radioresistant cell line In the first part of this project of Thesis, we subjected culture cells to fractionated radiation and clonal selection, to obtain a modified cohort of ...

    Study of the expression and regulation of the autocrine loop components of the cyclooxygenase pathway and their implication in aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease 

    Machado de Carvalho, Liliana Sofia (Date of defense: 2015-11-27)

    Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) is a clinical syndrome characterized by the combination of nasal polyps (NPs), chronic hypertrophic eosinophilic sinusitis, asthma and severity to any medication that inhibits ...

    Surgical Assessment of Insular Gliomas: Operative Technique and Clinical Outcomes 

    Benet Cabero, Arnau (Date of defense: 2020-11-09)

    BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment of Insular gliomas is technically challenging and may lead to high postoperative morbidity. However, previous research has proven that maximal safe resection is critical for ...

    Susceptibilidad a Melanoma: nuevos aspectos clínico-patológicos, desarrollo de herramientas y modelos de estudio y evaluación de medidas preventivas 

    Aguilera Peiró, Paula (Date of defense: 2015-09-23)

    El trabajo contenido en esta Tesis Doctoral ha ido encaminado a mejorar el conocimiento del Melanoma Familiar con el fin de mejorar su prevención y tratamiento. En el primero de los trabajos publicados se han descrito y ...

    Susceptibilidad genética al cáncer gástrico y lesiones precursoras, y mecanismos moleculares que intervienen en la progresión de la metaplasia intestinal 

    Companioni Nápoles, Osmel (Date of defense: 2015-10-26)

    El cáncer gástrico es el resultado de sucesivos cambios histológicos en la mucosa gástrica conocidos como lesiones preneoplásicas y cuya sucesión es conocida como la Cascada de Correa, constituyendo el mecanismo de ...

    Synaptic and non-synaptic propagation of slow waves and their modulation by endogenous electric fields 

    Rebollo González, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2017-06-14)

    The cerebral cortex is organized in complex circuits of neurons strongly interconnected in a conductive medium. During deep sleep stage, this neuronal connectivity generates recurrent synchronized synaptic activity leading ...

    Synthesis and biological function of fucose in Plasmodium falciparum 

    Sanz Sender, Silvia (Date of defense: 2017-04-28)

    Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by Plasmodium parasites and it is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquito. P. falciparum has a complex life cycle that includes important stages in two different hosts: a mosquito and ...

    A Systems Medicine approach to multimorbidity. Towards personalised care for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 

    Tényi, Ákos (Date of defense: 2018-07-13)

    BACKGROUND: Multimorbidity (i.e. the presence of more than one chronic disease in the same patient) and comorbidity (i.e. the presence of more than one chronic disease in the presence of an index disease) are main sources ...

    Target Therapy in Rhabdomyosarcoma: Discovering new targets and apportunities 

    Prada Varela, Estela Maria (Date of defense: 2021-11-05)

    Pediatric RMS is a developmental tumor that affects patients from birth to late adolescence. RMS tumorigenesis involves the stalk of embryological myogenic processes. Classically, two main subgroups of RMS have been defined ...

    Targeted therapies in CLL. New drugs against CLL recurrent mutations 

    Giménez Carabaza, Neus (Date of defense: 2019-11-15)

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in the western countries. It is currently an incurable disease. CLL is a B-lymphoid neoplasm in which the microenvironment plays a key role in the development ...

    Targeting Malaria Transmission: A Transdisciplinary Approach 

    Portugaliza, Harvie P. (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    To achieve malaria elimination, great emphasis must be put on targeting the parasite’s transmissible stages, so that along with effective treatment of clinical malaria caused by asexual stages, complete interruption of the ...

    Targeting the crosstalk between tumor cells and microenvironment: a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of lymphoid neoplasms 

    Vidal Crespo, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-04-28)

    In this thesis we have focused on two novel therapeutic strategies that target the crosstalk between the tumor cells and the microenvironment. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) remains an incurable disease where high ...

    Targeting tumor microenvironment crosstalk through GPCR receptors and PI3K pathway 

    Guerrero Hernández, Martina (Date of defense: 2019-02-19)

    The tumor microenvironment (TME) is gaining momentum due to its contribution to cancer progression and therapy resistance. This TME has a direct crosstalk with tumor cells that involves the activation of different ...

    Tatuaje y delincuencia 

    Font Riera, Gabriel (Date of defense: 1971-01-01)

    Por el nacimiento y habitual radicación en las Islas Baleares, y en tanto cursamos los estudios preuniversitarios. permitió que durante varios años llamara poderosamente nuestra atención el observar en innumerables ...

    Temperamento y carácter en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: correlatos clínicos, psicopatológicos y terapéuticos 

    Agüera, Zaida (Date of defense: 2013-12-12)

    Los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) son enfermedades mentales complejas en las que convergen numerosos de factores de riesgo y mantenimiento. La literatura previa pone de relieve la importancia de los rasgos ...

    Teràpia gènica amb hHGF en models de dany renal 

    Franquesa Bartolomé, Marcela (Date of defense: 2010-01-15)

    La isquèmia renal és una de les principals causes del Fracas Renal Agut i en el context del trasplantament renal predisposa l’òrgan a un dany crònic i a una possible pèrdua de l’empelt. La cèl•lula epitelial tubular ...

    The association of DNA methylation patterns in TCF7L2 and GIPR genes with Type 2 Diabetes 

    Canivell Fusté, Silvia (Date of defense: 2014-10-14)

    The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is increasing worldwide. There are several explanations to this fact, such as the increased prevalence of obesity, population’s ageing, and the lack of physical activity ...