Diseño de arquitecturas de aprendizaje profundo para la determinación de cubiertas sobre el territorio y el estudio de series temporales 

    García Rodríguez, Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-04)

    [spa] Las cubiertas del suelo son el resultado de factores naturales, socioeconómicos y de su utilización por parte de las personas en el tiempo y en el espacio. La información sobre las dinámicas del territorio es esencial ...

    Reinforcement Learning for Value Alignment 

    Rodríguez Soto, Manel (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-26)

    [eng] As autonomous agents become increasingly sophisticated and we allow them to perform more complex tasks, it is of utmost importance to guarantee that they will act in alignment with human values. This problem has ...

    Towards Efficient and Realistic Animation of 3D Garments with Deep Learning 

    Bertiche Argila, Hugo (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-17)

    [eng] Machine learning has experienced a soar thanks to the proliferation of deep learning based methodologies. 3D vision is one of the many fields that benefited from this trend. Within this domain, I focused my research ...

    Uncertainty, interpretability and dataset limitations in Deep Learning 

    Pascual i Guinovart, Guillem (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-17)

    [eng] Deep Learning (DL) has gained traction in the last years thanks to the exponential increase in compute power. New techniques and methods are published at a daily basis, and records are being set across multiple ...