Now showing items 142-161 of 368

    Experimental and numerical modelling of CO2 behaviour in the soil-atmosphere interface : implications far risk assessment of carbon capture storage projects 

    Gasparini, Andrea (Date of defense: 2021-03-04)

    CO2 geological storage is considered one of the options technologically viable in order to decrease the industrial emissions of this gas species that strongly contribute to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere (IPCC, ...

    Experimental and numerical study of the effect of stress on ASR expansions in concrete 

    Liaudat, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2018-06-15)

    This thesis aims at deepening in the understanding of the mechanisms by which the stress state affects the development of concrete expansions and cracking due to the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR). With this purpose, a ...

    Experimental study and numerical modelling of soil-roots hydro-mechanical interactions 

    Fraccica, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    The thesis is aimed at characterising the multi-scale and hydro-mechanical behaviour of lightly compacted silty sand penetrated by a turf-grass (Cynodon Dactilon). The study will allow better assessing the impact of ...

    Exploration and discovery of sponge assemblages on the continental shelf and slope of the Catalano-Balearic Sea by means of non-invasive techniques 

    Santín Muriel, Andreu (Date of defense: 2022-01-24)

    Sponge assemblages dominate several distinctive, hard-bottom environments, being one of the most important structural organisms at several locations around the world. Although the Mediterranean sponge fauna is among the ...

    Extended hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method 

    Gürkan, Ceren (Date of defense: 2018-11-22)

    This thesis proposes a new numerical technique: the eXtended Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (X-HDG) Method, to efficiently solve problems including moving boundaries and interfaces. It aims to outperform available ...

    Fast simulation : assisted shape correction after machining 

    Mena Andrade, Ramiro Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-01-15)

    Computer simulation is acknowledged as the third branch of Science. From the seminal work of Turner et al. (1956) [on Finite Elements, impressive improvements have been made in terms of software and hardware, so that, ...

    Fibre reinforced concrete column-supported flat slabs : from material and structural characterization to design and economic optimization 

    Aidarov, Stanislav (Date of defense: 2022-05-06)

    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) has proven to be a suitable material for statically indeterminate elements. The FRC column-supported flat slabs with partial or even total substitution of reinforcing steel bars constructed ...

    Flexural fatigue of pre-cracked fibre reinforced concrete: experimental study and numerical modelling 

    Carlesso, Débora Martinello (Date of defense: 2020-03-06)

    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is recognized as suitable material for structural applications. The number of national codes that have approved it is an evidence. Structures where FRC is generally used can be subjected to ...

    Floating plastic debris in the central and western Mediterranean sea : current status and its social perception 

    Ruiz-Orejón, Luis F. (Date of defense: 2018-07-02)

    Plastics are currently one of the most widely distributed litter in marine ecosystems worldwide. The floating fraction of these debris are estimated to represent about 1% of the plastics that enter into the marine environment ...

    Fluid structure interaction by means of reduced order models 

    Tello Guerra, Alexis (Date of defense: 2020-07-10)

    The standard Fluid Structure Interaction coupling (velocity--pressure/displacement) is compared against two novel types of coupling, a Two Field coupling (velocity--pressure/displacement--pressure) and a Three Field coupling ...

    Formació de despreniments rocosos a la muntanya de Montserrat 

    Janeras Casanova, Marc (Date of defense: 2023-10-23)

    (English) In the Montserrat Mountain, high hazard of rockfall and high human exposure by visitors to both Monastery and Natural Park converge. It is a relevant geological risk difficult to mitigate since it is necessary ...

    Formation and evolution of carbonate phases upon accelerated carbonation of Mg-oxides and silicates 

    Rausis, Kwon (Date of defense: 2020-11-03)

    This work discloses new insights into the formation and evolution of Mg -carbonates as well as carbonation processes of Mg-rich oxides and silicates with the aim of providing a safe and permanent anthropogenic CO2 storage, ...

    A framework for 3D nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete frames under general loading 

    Poliotti, Mauro (Date of defense: 2020-11-04)

    Modern guidelines for design and assessment of reinforced concrete structures under seismic and other extreme loads require nonlinear analysis. The complex structural response can be obtained by means of three-dimensional ...

    A fully Lagrangian formulation for fluid-structure interaction between free-surface flows and multi-fracturing solids 

    Cornejo Velázquez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

    It is well known that in civil engineering structures are designed so that they remain,whenever possible, in an elastic regime and with their mechanical properties intact. The truth isthat in reality there are uncertainties ...

    Gas migration in deep argillaceous formations : Boom clay and indurated clays 

    Gonzalez‐Blanco, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-05-31)

    Deep geological disposal remains the preferred option at present for the management of long-living and heat-emitting radioactive waste, which consists of confining the waste during a very long period (several hundreds of ...

    Genome basis for functional differentiation in uncultured lineages of marine bacterivores 

    Labarre, Aurélie (Date of defense: 2020-11-26)

    In the vast network of the ocean, microbes are abundant and unevenly distributed. As an important microbial component, the protists play a key role in global biogeochemical cycles and contribute to the recycling of nutrients ...

    Geochemical kinetics during CO2 sequestration : the reactivity of the Hontomín caprock and the hydration of MgO 

    Dávila Ordóñez, Maria Gabriela (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    A test site for CO2 geological storage is situated in Hontomín (Burgos, northern Spain) with a reservoir rock that is mainly composed of limestone. The reservoir rock is a deep saline aquifer, which contains a NaCl- and ...

    Geometrically non-linear analysis with stiffness reduction for the in-plane stability design of stainless steel frames 

    Shen, Yanfei (Date of defense: 2019-12-02)

    In AISC 360-16, the Direct Analysis Method (DM) has been set as the primary method for the stability design of frames. DM, considering initial global sway imperfection, is essentially Geometrically Non-linear Analysis (GNA) ...

    GIS platform for management of shallow geothermal resources 

    García Alcaraz, María del Mar (Date of defense: 2016-03-04)

    This thesis promotes an efficient use of shallow geothermal energy by means of an integrated management system to organize its exploitation. Shallow geothermal energy is a renewable resource based on thermal energy exchange ...

    Granular flow characterisation towards an enhanced bulk feeder selection 

    Torres Serra, Joel (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    In the packaging industry, a wide range of powders and bulk solids are handled in bagging equipment using different bulk feeding techniques. Quality of the packaging is critically affected by feeder performance, which is ...