Now showing items 29-48 of 363

    Análisis numérico termo-mecánico y termo-higrométrico del hormigón expuesto a altas temperaturas 

    Rodríguez Frete, Mariana (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    Concrete is one of the most used materials in construction, and its application spans to all kinds of structures. For this reason, concrete has been the subject of intense study. In spite of that, there are still apects ...

    Análisis THM de la interacción suelo-atmósfera en suelos arcillosos sometidos a desecación 

    Cuadrado Cabello, Agustín (Date of defense: 2019-03-07)

    Coupled processes between the soil and the atmosphere control soil water evaporation in its first stage, which leads to soil shrinkage and cracking by drying. However, soil-atmosphere interaction has received little attention ...

    Aplicación de MALDI-TOF Imaging y HPLC-MS/MS al estudio de la degradación del polímero policaprolactonadiol en diferentes medios acuáticos 

    Rivas Becerra, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-11-20)

    Water is essential for life, human activities and ecosystems. The global climate change together the population increase causes an imbalance between the demand of water and the available water resources.. All these factors ...

    Aportaciones al proyecto, construcción y reparación de pavimentos de hormigón 

    López Carreño, Rubén-Daniel (Date of defense: 2018-07-31)

    The construction and conservation of road networks represent a major part of public expenditure. For instance, the EU-28 countries annually spend approximately EUR 20.000 million on roadway preservation. These figures ...

    Aportaciones de técnicas geomáticas al análisis de los desprendimientos rocosos 

    Prades Valls, Albert (Date of defense: 2023-11-30)

    (English) The term rockfall applies to blocks or masses of rock that, after separating from a steep wall, experience free fall and then impact against the ground, with the consequent rebound and possible rolling and sliding ...

    Application of observability techniques to structural system identification including shear effects 

    Emadi, Seyyedbehrad (Date of defense: 2020-12-11)

    According to Timoshenko’s beam theory, nodal rotations in beam-like structures are produced by bending and shear effects. On the one hand, bending rotations can be easily calculated by the Euler-Bernoulli stiffness matrix ...

    Approach to acoustic mapping through continuous mobile monitoring 

    Quintero Perez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2019-07-08)

    For the production of representative noise maps, a large amount of information is necessary, which includes, among others, on-site measurements of environmental noise. Thus, for noise maps based on measurements, mobile ...

    Aproximación del transporte de contaminantes en aguas someras mediante elementos finitos de alto orden 

    Villota Cadena, Angel Patricio (Date of defense: 2020-07-09)

    The objective of the doctoral thesis is to perform the numerical approximation of the transient convection-diffusion-reaction (CDR) vector equation in 2D with high order finite elements, quadratic, cubic and fourth order, ...

    Assessment of a groundwater system under global change scenarios: the case of Kwale (Kenya) 

    Ferrer Ramos, Núria (Date of defense: 2019-07-18)

    One of the main drivers of the current global change is the climate change characterized by increased number and increased length of drought periods. Another relevant driver that will imply greater pressure on natural ...

    Assessment of chloride corrosion in steel fibre reinforced cementitious composites 

    Vieira, Mylene de Melo (Date of defense: 2018-10-19)

    High performance steel fibre reinforced cementitious composites (HPSFRCCs) show enhanced structural performance and durability. The improved properties favour its use in agressive conditions (such as marine environment) ...

    Assessment of dynamic aerosol-radiation interaction in atmospheric models 

    Obiso, Vincenzo (Date of defense: 2018-03-07)

    In this thesis an assessment of the parameterization of the Aerosol-Radiation Interaction (ARI) in online integrated meteorology-chemistry models has been conducted. The model estimates of ARI radiative effects are still ...

    Assessment of the biological risks associated to the use of biosolids and wastewater 

    Sanz Lanzas, Claudia (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    (English) The circular economy is an emerging concept presented as a solution to counteract the damage caused by the linear economic scheme followed in the past decades. It is based on the principle of "closing the life ...

    Backanalysis methodology based on multiple optimization techniques for geotechnical problems 

    Santos Rodríguez, Cristian de (Date of defense: 2015-12-10)

    Nowadays, thanks to the increase of computers capability to solve huge and complex problems, and also thanks to the endless effort of the geotechnical community to define better and more sophisticated constitutive models, ...

    Bedforms and associated sediment dynamics on the inner shelves at different spatio-temporal scales 

    Guerrero Sánchez, Queralt (Date of defense: 2019-02-08)

    This Thesis conducts the study of bedform development and dynamics in the inner shelf integrating observations at different spatial and temporal scales. An initial assumption is that different scales of sedimentary processes ...

    BEST : Bézier-Enhanced Shell Triangle : a new rotation-free thin shell finite element 

    Ubach de Fuentes, Pere-Andreu (Date of defense: 2020-11-18)

    A new thin shell finite element is presented. This new element doesn’ t have rotational degrees of freedom. Instead, in order to overcome the C1 continuity requirement across elements, the author resorts to enhance the ...

    Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface ocean 

    Martínez Varela, Alícia (Date of defense: 2022-04-29)

    Increasing quantities of organic pollutants (OP) are being released to the environment, posing a threat to Earth’s life system. In the marine environment, OP pollution caused by oil spill accidents receives a lot of academic ...

    Biogás para cocción a partir de la digestión anaerobia de pastos en zonas rurales de clima tropical 

    Pizarro Loaiza, Carlos Alexander (Date of defense: 2021-09-30)

    Energy for cooking is the most essential energy service for peasants in countries with tropical climates such as Colombia where a large number of families can only access to firewood as energy source. An alternative energy ...

    Biological interactions between fish and jellyfish in the northwester Mediterranean 

    Tilves Matheu, Uxue (Date of defense: 2019-05-16)

    Jellyfish are important components of marine ecosystems, being a key link between lower and higher trophic levels. Jellyfish blooms occur sporadically and unpredictably in coastal areas and often have important socio-economic ...

    Biology, ecology and ecophysiology of the box jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) = Biologia, ecologia i ecofisiologia de la cubomedusa Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) 

    Acevedo Dudley, Melissa Judith (Date of defense: 2016-10-24)

    Over the last years, the sightings of the cubomedusa Carybdea marsupialis have increased in the Mediterranean Sea and this has been linked to an increase in its abundance. Consequently, this phD thesis addresses some ...

    Biomarcadors paleoclimàtics a la conca de la Guaiana (Atlàntic tropical occidental) 

    Rama-Corredor, Óscar (Date of defense: 2017-11-06)

    The main objective of this thesis is the study of a marine sediment core located in front of French Guiana (7°48’75’’N i 53°0’80’’W -1233m bsl and 39m length), in northern South America. The last 415,000 years were studied ...