Now showing items 10-29 of 113

    El ciment natural a Catalunya 

    Ramírez-Casas, J. (Date of defense: 2024-03-07)

    (English) In the area of architecture and construction, natural cement is the least known of traditional conglomerates. Most professionals in the sector who are interested in conglomerates have broad knowledge of the two ...

    Comportamiento térmico de cerramientos opacos verticales en edificios universitarios de Bahia (Brasil) 

    Santana, Bruno Oliveira (Date of defense: 2021-11-23)

    This thesis analyzes the wall’s thermal performance of learning spaces and its impact on cooling demand. Three classrooms are selected as case studies, each located on a different university campus in separate cities in ...

    Comportamiento térmico de la cubierta en un clima cálido húmedo : repercusión energética en el edificio 

    Torres Quezada, Jefferson Eloy (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    The central scope of this thesis is the architectonic element THE ROOF within the context of regions with warm and humid climates near the equator. The constant population growth in the world has been reflected, in these ...

    Cuantificación de la mejora de las condiciones ambientales producida por el arbolado urbano : caso de estudio Barcelona, España y Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 

    Rojas Cortorreal, Gilkauris María (Date of defense: 2016-12-05)

    Urban space is an element not only traffic, habitat and work, but also recreation relationship and especially in the Mediterranean and warmer climates. A man tool to interact with their environment. But due to the increase ...

    Dealing with geopolitical brownfield sites : towards an adaptive guideline to foster their regeneration 

    Shojaee Far, Mohsen (Date of defense: 2019-10-01)

    This study set out initially to compare characteristics and possible regeneration approach between typical brownfield sites and semi-like brownfield sites in geopolitical conflict zones to identify similarities and ...

    Development of models to evaluate the potential of building roofs to reduce air pollution: application to the case of Tehran 

    Banirazi Motlagh, Seyed Hamed (Date of defense: 2024-02-13)

    (English) Environmental protection is a principle of both Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development, underscoring critical issues like greenhouse gases, global warming, and air pollution. Air pollution is a ...

    Digital traces and urban research : Barcelona through social media data 

    Valls Dalmau, Francesc (Date of defense: 2019-06-14)

    Most of the world’s population now resides in urban areas, and it is expected that almost all of the planet’s growth will be concentrated in them for the next 30 years, making the improvement of the quality of life in the ...

    Diseño de anillos de compresión no circulares y distribución óptima de fuerzas en el plano 

    Martin Sáiz, Rodrigo (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    At the beginning of times, technique was used to reduce the physical stress of any work undertaken by the mankind; this was done without taking into consideration any saving of the resources used. Indeed, it was the other ...

    Diseño en flexión activa con neumáticos recuperados : análisis de la morfología bio-inspirada en la estructura del cactus 

    Rossi, Ludovica (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)

    This thesis deals with the methodology and development of a case study of biomimicry applied to the architectural design process. The case study integrates aspects of plant biology with architectural design in a theoretical ...

    Diseño paramétrico de las estructuras desplegables : control límite de Movimiento 

    Avellaneda López, Omar Fabrisio (Date of defense: 2020-07-16)

    Deployable structures with articulated straight bars have the virtue of being lightweight, modular and transformable. This is how the architect Felix Escrig defined them, who left us a fantastic legacy on these structures. ...

    Domos desplegables : método geométrico a partir de polígonos regulares 

    Torres Londoño, Natalia Paola (Date of defense: 2022-06-16)

    This research proposes a design method for deployable domes from the scissor-type system, starting from the geometry of regular polygons for its configuration. The geometry of the regular polygons inscribed in a circumference, ...

    Efectos de la construcción de la autovía orbital B-40 en la estructura urbana policéntrica de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB) 

    Suárez Pradilla, Mónica Marcela (Date of defense: 2016-09-13)

    The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of the orbital motorway B-40 or fourth belt Barcelona in the polycentric urban structure of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region or (BMR). The changes discussed in this research ...

    El acceso solar a la escala del tejido urbano : el enfoque morfológico y el método de análisis comparativo aplicados al caso de Barcelona 

    Curreli, Alessandra (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    The relationship between the environmental dysfunctions of the planet and the uncontrolled sprawl of the contemporary cities is world-wide recognized and has been studied by different points of view. Research identifies ...

    El component bloc tècnic : nova concepció dels traçats verticals als edificis plurifamiliars actuals a Catalunya. 

    Crespo Sánchez, Eva (Date of defense: 2017-07-24)

    This thesis aims to take advance of the slowdown of the construction sector in recent years, in order to achieve a qualitative leap in the design and implement system of the vertical grids in multifamily residential buildings ...

    El impacto del policentrismo sobre el consumo de suelo y la movilidad laboral. Un estudio comparado para las 7 principales áreas metropolitanas españolas 

    Tornés Fernández, Moira (Date of defense: 2017-07-25)

    The spatial distribution of population and employment is an important issue in contemporary metropolises, especially when facing the expansion and the unstructured urban growth, which involve a high risk of damage to the ...

    El medio innovador : la clave difusa de la "ciudad informacional" : aproximación al 22@ Barcelona, con énfasis en los polígonos "Campus Audiovisual" y "Llull Pujades Levant" 

    Cueva Ortiz, Sonia Maria (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    In the building of the so-called informational city, there is a explicit willingness to channel the social interaction towards innovation. lt starts from the idea that the exchange of information who manage people from ...

    El recorrido en espacios de baja intensidad lumínica 

    Espinoza Cateriano, Edgard Eduardo (Date of defense: 2022-09-05)

    The research focuses on how to illuminate low light intensity spaces. Different uses of those spaces serve as the start point for rethinking lighting design. The characteristics of light, surface and vision are essential ...

    El sistema de transporte público masivo "Metrovía" en la movilidad y el espacio público de la ciudad de Guayaquil 

    Naranjo Ramos, Yelitza Gianella (Date of defense: 2019-06-11)

    In the present investigation the mass public transport system of Guayaquil "Metrovía" and its relationship with the immediate public space is analyzed, through study nodes that allow the study of the mobility and accessibility ...

    Els blocs plurifamiliars acollits a polítiques públiques d'habitatge a Sabadell : construcció amb sistemes de murs de càrrega : període 1940-1980 

    Marín Sellarés, Laia (Date of defense: 2017-09-06)

    The lack of housing existing in Spain during post-war period lead Spanish government to implement housing policies with financial support to those projects that meet certain conditions both constructive and cost. Among ...

    Els sòls agrícoles periurbans i el tractament al planejament 

    Paricio García, Pilar (Date of defense: 2016-01-19)

    For thousands of years, cities have been closely linked to agriculturaL environments that catered them. lt was not until the end of 19th century, with Industrial Revolution, that urban phenomenon focused in residential and ...