Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 113

    La llum mediterrània i els espais d'accés a l'arquitectura 

    López Besora, Judit (Data de defensa: 2015-11-05)

    Architecture and environment are strongly linked. In Mediterranean countries, the control of radiation is one ofthe most important environmental aspects to take into account, because of the high radiation levels reached ...

    Arquitectura y desastres naturales : medidas para mitigar el riesgo sísmico y de inundación 

    De Angelis, Gabriella (Data de defensa: 2015-11-20)

    The great increase in natural phenomena with high destructive potential, that have materialized in events with social and economic catastrophic consequences for people and governments during the last decades, show the ...

    Procedimiento alternativo para la calificación energética de viviendas de nueva construcción : aplicación al caso de viviendas de interés social en la ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila, México 

    Barajas Saldaña, Luis Matias (Data de defensa: 2015-12-11)

    The research is conducted for single-family social housing in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, taking into account different general or simplified procedures applied at the energy certification of new housing, ...

    Multiscale information management for historic districts' energy retrofitting : a framework, a methodology, a model 

    Egusquiza Ortega, Aitziber (Data de defensa: 2015-12-11)

    European Historic Urban Districts are highly appreciated by their inhabitants and visitors and they can be considered as one of the most valuable collective achievements of the European culture. The preservation of our ...

    Diseño de anillos de compresión no circulares y distribución óptima de fuerzas en el plano 

    Martin Sáiz, Rodrigo (Data de defensa: 2015-12-18)

    At the beginning of times, technique was used to reduce the physical stress of any work undertaken by the mankind; this was done without taking into consideration any saving of the resources used. Indeed, it was the other ...

    Fuera de juego: variables cualitativas de la luz en la arquitectura 

    Campos de Armas, Attenya (Data de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    According to architecture, lighting design involves a high sensitivity keep with the intended use of each project. One of the key issues in defining the indoor environment is the optima! planning of daylight, providing ...

    Un viaje en el tiempo : análisis e interpretación del proceso didáctico, proyectual y constructivo del Museo Nacional de Antropología de la Ciudad de México 1964 : señalética en el diseño de los plafones : innovación y vigencia 

    Torres Sánchez, Patricia (Data de defensa: 2016-01-19)

    The central topic of this document is the morphologica l analysis of the false celling fixtures designed for the exhibition areas of the National Museum of Anthropology in México city from 1964 -a piece of work by the ...

    Els sòls agrícoles periurbans i el tractament al planejament 

    Paricio García, Pilar (Data de defensa: 2016-01-19)

    For thousands of years, cities have been closely linked to agriculturaL environments that catered them. lt was not until the end of 19th century, with Industrial Revolution, that urban phenomenon focused in residential and ...

    Evaluación de las externalidades del comercio informal sobre los valores inmobiliarios : el caso de la Ladera Oeste, La Paz, Bolivia 

    Maidana Zeballos, Jessica (Data de defensa: 2016-01-22)

    In principle we can say that this thesis defines the informal trade as all commercial activity and/or service activities which settle in the streets (pavement and sidewalks) by will and arbitrary way they appropriate a ...

    El acceso solar a la escala del tejido urbano : el enfoque morfológico y el método de análisis comparativo aplicados al caso de Barcelona 

    Curreli, Alessandra (Data de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    The relationship between the environmental dysfunctions of the planet and the uncontrolled sprawl of the contemporary cities is world-wide recognized and has been studied by different points of view. Research identifies ...

    La estructura del mercado residencial en Barcelona : un análisis de una metodología de identificación de los submercados a partir de la movilidad residencial 

    González Tamez, Carlos Adrián (Data de defensa: 2016-01-26)

    This thesis is based on the assumption that residential mobility understood as the housing changes that individuals experience throughout their lives can provide solid elements for a more sophisticated understanding of the ...

    Estudio de la estructura urbana e identificación y análisis del impacto de la localización de la actividad económica sobre las dinámicas territoriales : El caso de Bogotá, Colombia 

    Ruiz Estupiñán, Nancy Helena (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    El objetivo de la investigación es el estudio de los rasgos que caracterizan la estructura territorial de Bogotá y los 17 municipios de su área de influencia inmediata, y el análisis de los cambios ocurridos durante el ...

    Prefabricated foundations for housing applied to room modules 

    Pujadas Gispert, Ester (Data de defensa: 2016-02-01)

    Room module buildings have been the subject of extensive literature, but few buildings have actually been built. However, the numbers are now high enough to carry out an on-site analysis, in orde rto confirm or refute the ...

    La percepción de la calidad de los materiales de construcción : aplicación en pavimentos y revestimientos interiores en el uso residencial 

    Spairani Berrio, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2016-02-02)

    The objective of this thesis is to prove, theoretically and empirically, the influence of the perceived quality of the building materials for residential use, in the determination of its estimated real estate value, for ...

    Refurbishment scenarios for post-war industrialized housing in Beograd 

    Nikolic, Jelena (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    The post-war industrialized housing between 1955 and 1985 in Belgrade has been analyzed with its special focus on the transformation capacity on spatial, technical and environmental leveL for future refurbishment. The focal ...

    Maspalomas : una mirada a las políticas de actuación turística en destinos costeros maduros 

    Pérez Sosa, Isacó (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    The tourism sector has been central to development of the Spanish coastal economies. However, due to the negative impact that this activity has had on coastal ecosystems, aging infrastructure, and overexploitation of natural ...

    Externalidades de la economía del conocimiento en el crecimiento urbano : un análisis para las áreas metropolitanas de Barcelona y Helsinki 

    Chica Mejía, Juan Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2016-02-10)

    The centrality of knowledge-based industries (KBI) in the economy of metropolitan areas leads to the transformation of their labour markets and promotion of new forms of urban growth. This is due, among other things, to ...

    Estudio de la precisión del método de los componentes para la predicción del comportamiento rotacional de una basa de pilar : propuestas de mejora para el caso de estudio 

    Alentorn Puigcerver, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2016-03-04)

    Connections between different structural elements, despite the fact that very often have been despised as structural components and have been considered as simple constructive details ,are key elements to guarantee a corree! ...

    Análisis del comportamiento de las fachadas de madera en zonas con clima mediterráneo : evaluación de la degradación de probetas de madera de diferentes especies, tratamientos y acabados en cinco zonas con climas mediterráneos 

    Burgos Leiva, Camila (Data de defensa: 2016-05-30)

    This research aims to study the behavior of wooden facades in Mediterranean climate, to check its performance and durability through two years of weathering. We performed a theoretical studyof sorne examples of traditiona ...

    Semi-automatic land cover classification and urban modelling based on morphological features : remote sensing, geographical information systems, and urban morphology : defining models of land occupation along the Mediterranean side of Spain 

    Colaninno, Nicola (Data de defensa: 2016-06-22)

    From a global point of view, as argued by Levy (1999), the modern city has undergone radical changes in its physical form, either in terms of territorial expansion as well as in terms of interna! physical transformations. ...