Housing sector in Saudi Arabia : preferences and aspirations of Saudi citizens in the main regions 

    Alhubashi, Haytham Hussain M. (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-12)

    During the last few decades, Saudi Arabia, as one of the developing countries, has witnessed a noticeable and rapid development with regard to different development sectors and fields. This is mainly attributed to the ...

    The influence of urban factors on senior tourists' choice for the location of a second home : an evaluation of assisted living desirability and residential preferences in Costa Brava 

    Ghabouli-Mankalpa, Elham (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-06)

    Spanish Mediterranean coasts are known as famous tourism destinations and have been under the construction of tourist accommodations and second home developments for several decades. These areas have faced with unsustainability ...

    Labor mobility under the background of industrial relocation 

    Dou, Xiao (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-18)

    Due to the high land price and consumption levels, the demand for resources and cheap labour, as well as the environmental problems in the east, enterprises and industries that had previously gathered on the coast have ...