Now showing items 21-28 of 28

    Response of nitrogen fixers associated with Posidonia oceanica to environmental factors and emerging pollutants 

    Fernández Juárez, Víctor (Date of defense: 2021-08-27)

    [eng] N2-fixers bacteria or diazotrophs reduce atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3) and play a significant role in the ocean's N-cycles by providing new inorganic nitrogen to planktonic and benthic primary ...

    Roles biológicos y ecológicos de los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV) de las plantas de las Islas Baleares 

    Tomàs De Mata, Juan (Date of defense: 2024-03-22)

    [cat] Les plantes, com a organismes sèssils, han desenvolupat estratègies complexes que els permeten evolucionar i interaccionar amb els factors biòtics i abiòtics de l’entorn. A més del desplegament floral i d'oferir ...

    Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes 

    Alós Crespí, Josep (Date of defense: 2013-07-17)

    Humans can induce contemporary evolution through harvesting wild animals. This thesis provides evidence of this process for recreational fishing at surprisingly small geographical scales. Marine fish populations are ...

    Socio-ecological approach of the recreational squid shery 

    Cabanellas Reboredo, Miguel (Date of defense: 2014-06-03)

    El creciente impacto de la pesca recreativa sobre el declive de los stocks, hace necesario considerar el role que este sector desempeña sobre la dinámica poblacional de los recursos explotados. Uno de los recursos que sufre ...

    The early life growth of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) and the growth-mortality hypothesis in the Humboldt Current System off Chile 

    Cerna Troncoso, José Francisco (Date of defense: 2024-05-09)

    [eng] The population structure, growth pattern and the relationship between growth and survival of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile were studied using morphometry and microstructure ...

    Transició socioecològica dels agroecosistemes a Mallorca. Canvi d'usos del sòl, ecologia del paisatge i balanços energètics (1860-2012). 

    Fullana Llinàs, Onofre (Date of defense: 2023-06-02)

    [cat] Aquesta Tesi Doctoral analitza la transició socioecològica dels agroecosistemes de Mallorca, i les forces motores del canvi, a través de la reconstrucció històrica dels balanços energètics i dels usos del sòl. La ...

    Trophic Ecology in Marine Ecosystems from the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterraniean) 

    Valls Mir, Maria (Date of defense: 2017-07-28)

    The conservation of marine ecosystem structure and functioning is a priority target within the context of the environmental management. This is especially important in oligotrophic systems such as the Balearic Sea, where ...

    Understanding the regulation of leaf and plant gas Exchange under water stress with a process-based model of stomatal conductance 

    Martorell Lliteras, Sebastià (Date of defense: 2014-12-11)

    Water availability is one of the biggest constraints limiting the plant growth and species distribution around the world. This is the case in the Mediterranean region where, moreover, the frequency and amount of rainfall ...