Now showing items 10-29 of 41

    Desmuntant la Secció Alemanya : Exposició Internacional de Barcelona de 1929 : Arquitectura de Ludwig Mies van der Rohe i Lilly Reich 

    Felip Ordis, Olga (Date of defense: 2019-01-21)

    Apart from the many interpretative contributions that the recent historiography has contributed to the state of the art in regards to the participation of the German Section at the International Exposition of Barcelona in ...

    El espacio público desde la perspectiva del colectivo infantil y el de los adultos mayores : un estudio interdisciplinar entre la arquitectura y las ciencias sociales 

    Ayala García, Erika Tatiana (Date of defense: 2018-11-28)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on the understanding of the concept of public space by children and older adults. It builds an interdisciplinary theoretical framework between architecture and social sciences that aims to ...

    El lugar de la representación en el campo arquitectónico : un problema de distancia 

    Corvalán Tapia, Felipe (Date of defense: 2020-05-28)

    Interaction between inhabitant and architecture is based mainly on the work's physical occupation of space. However, there are other, less tangible, ways to approach the discipline. Architecture is also a field of cultural ...

    El papel de las asociaciones, sindicatos y colegios profesionales de arquitectos en la cultura arquitectónica catalana 1874-1977 

    Granell, Enrique (Date of defense: 2016-07-05)

    Beyond its renowned role in the field of regulation of the professional work, the corporations of architects in Catalonia have performed an essential role in the development of the architectonic culture since the creation ...

    El vademécum de la ciudad : París y Barcelona en las guías y descripciones urbanas : 1750 - 1920 

    Rodríguez, Carmen (Rodríguez Pedret) (Date of defense: 2018-01-25)

    There is a city, besides the one we visit or inhabit, that arises from its description. It is a city whose appearance influences our experience and cultural heritage, preventing us from distinguishing between the real image ...

    El vol de l'ararauna : arquitectura de Xavier Busquets Sindreu entre São Paulo i Barcelona (1947-1963) 

    Navarro-González, Rubén (Date of defense: 2022-02-21)

    This thesis explores the life and works of the Catalan architect Xavier Busquets Sindreu (1917-1990), focusing on his earlier professional stages, the exceptional training he acquired in São Paulo between 1951 and 1955, ...

    Environnement architectural, santé et domesticité : étude des effets d'un aménagement architectural domestique sur la qualité de vie, l'usage et la perception de l'espace dans les lieux de vie institutionnels pour personnes âgées 

    Razes Cerese, Fany (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    In a global context of population ageing, many research are conducted to improve the quality of life of older people living in assisted living facilities, but few of these works develop an architectural approach .This ...

    Espacio y memoria : un viaje por las ruinas de la guerra civil española 

    Bitrián Varea, Carlos (Date of defense: 2020-09-14)

    This doctoral thesis shows the result of research conducted into the history and character of the villages that still lie in ruins in Spain, ultimately as a result of the damage caused during a war that took place between ...

    Gaudí i els jardins de l’antic "manicomi de Sant Boi de Llobregat" 

    Agulló Galilea, David (Date of defense: 2020-11-25)

    Created between 1903 and 1912 by an anonymous architect, the Modernist constructions in the gardens of the former Mental Hospital in Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, allude to, anticipate or are contemporaries of works ...

    Heterotopía en Foucault y su utilidad en el análisis de la arquitectura posmoderna: la singularidad generalizada 

    Acosta Mejía, Boris (Date of defense: 2022-01-14)

    This thesis looks at the original notion of heterotopia, followed by its interpretations and applications of different authors and disciplines. The course that takes this notion -from the strange to the generalised-, becomes ...

    Karl von Appen : vida docente y teatral : 1945-1954 

    Navalpotro González, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2017-03-17)

    Karl von Appen was an internationally known german stage designer. His international renown is due to his work in the company Berliner Ensemble, which was founded and directed by Bertolt Brecht until 1956. Appen arrived ...

    La arquitectura de la experiencia de la muerte : una aproximación al espacio del final de la vida 

    Alonso Pedrosa, Luisa (Date of defense: 2019-02-01)

    The progressive hospitalization of death transformed the ritual of farewell, the role of the dying, the behaviour of family members, the meaning of the terminally ill patient in the healthcare organization and the ...

    La construcción del relato arquitectónico y las arquitectas de la modernidad : un análisis feminista de la historiografía 

    Arias Laurino, Daniela (Date of defense: 2018-10-05)

    There is no history without women as there is no culture without women, and architecture is not an exception to this norm. This research is focused on revealing how official historiographic mechanisms in architecture omitted ...

    La modernidad cultivada. Los empresarios agrícolas en la arquitectura y el urbanismo de Culiacán (1940-1960) 

    Amaral Ibarra, Vicente Armando (Date of defense: 2022-10-11)

    From the end of the 19th century, mining production began to decline, and agriculture became more important for the economy of the state of Sinaloa. With the projects of the post-revolutionary governments of the first half ...

    La rebelión del espacio vivido 

    Jiménez-Pacheco, Pedro (Date of defense: 2018-07-17)

    The dissertation arises from the awakening of Henri Lefebvre’s work, both in social sciences with Marxist approach and urban studies interested in social issues. This scientific and institutional recovery of Lefebvre's ...

    La Torre Einstein de Erich Mendelsohn en los primeros años de trabajo del arquitecto 

    Rudolph, Lars (Date of defense: 2017-06-28)

    The leading figure of Erich Mendelsohn has been the subject of extensive and in-depth researches, both for his importance as an architect as for his role in the history of modern design. Conversely, not much has been written ...

    La transformación del espacio doméstico y de los modos de vida en Bogotá 1945-1959 : las casas de las firmas Herrera & Nieto Cano y Ricaurte Carrizosa & Prieto 

    Roa Rojas, Margarita María (Date of defense: 2017-10-18)

    The thesis analyzes the transformation of domestic space and ways of life in Bogotá between 1945 and 1959, as an expression of a fundamental and representative stage in towards the construction of modernity in Colombia. Two ...

    La vivienda en Bucaramanga (1948 - 1962) : una crítica a la modernidad en Colombia 

    Jaimes Botía, Samuel (Date of defense: 2021-03-04)

    The housing market designed in Bucaramanga during the study period of the fifties not only shows the transfer of technical knowledge through international cooperation, but also, the capitalist frenzy for the consumption ...

    Le Corbusier y el poema del ángulo recto 

    Salgado Bonnet, Camila (Date of defense: 2018-07-23)

    Le Poème de l’angle droit is a livre de peintre, carried out by Le Courbusier, between 1947 and 1953 and published in Paris in 1955, as part of the collection named Grands livres manuscrits et illustrés par les artistes ...

    Memorias de la ciudad sin historia : la importancia de los afectos en la construcción y en las vivencias del barrio de La Mina 

    Aubán Borrell, Mónica (Date of defense: 2021-07-15)

    In 1959, in the context of urban growth promoted by the ‘Plan Comarcal’, the so-called ‘Plan Parcial de La Mina’ was approved, and a new neighbourhood was expected to be built on the right bank of river Besòs area. However, ...