Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Nebot Roglá, Patricio (Date of defense: 2008-01-11)
This thesis focuses on the development of a system in which a team of heterogeneous mobile robots can cooperate to perform a wide range of tasks. In order that a group of heterogeneous robots can cooperate among them, one ...
Alejo Eleuterio, Roberto (Date of defense: 2010-07-15)
El problema del desbalance de las clases aparece cuando existen muchos más elementos de una o algunas clases, que de la otra u otras clases (dos o múltiples clases). Esta desproporción en el tamaño de las diferentes clases ...
Sales Gil, Jorge (Date of defense: 2011-10-28)
This thesis focuses on the development of a distributed mobile robot localization and communication system for special interventions like those carried out by fire-fighters in fire ground search and rescue. The use case ...
Gomez-Cambronero, Águeda (Date of defense: 2023-12-11)
Depression is the most prevalent mental disorder in our society, leading to disability and suicide deaths. Although effective evidence-based psychological treatments exist, they reach only a fraction of those in need. ...
Pulido Herrera, Edith (Date of defense: 2009-09-17)
A fault detection and correction methodology for user positioning systems based on Kalman filtering is presented in this thesis. To develop this methodology, various aspects of the design of positioning systems are taken ...
Díaz Sánchez, Laura (Date of defense: 2010-05-07)
Los sistemas de información construidos mediante servicios distribuidos basados en estándares se han convertido en el paradigma de computación adoptado por defecto por la comunidad geoespacial para la construcción de ...
Campos Sancho, Cristina (Date of defense: 2010-07-01)
La interoperabilitat és la capacitat de les empreses per a col·laborar de manera eficient, preservant la seua pròpia identitat i la seua pròpia manera de fer negocis. Para abastar aquest objectiu les empreses necessiten ...
Falomir Llansola, Zoe (Date of defense: 2011-11-28)
<p>The automatic extraction of knowledge from the world by a robotic system as human beings interpret their environment through their senses is still an unsolved task in Artificial Intelligence. A robotic agent is in contact ...
Gumbau Portalés, Jesús (Date of defense: 2011-02-18)
La representación interactiva de escenarios naturales en tiempo real presenta problemas debido a la gran cantidad de información que debe ser procesada. Un bosque puede estar compuesto por decenas de miles de especies ...
Valdovinos Rosas, Rosa María (Date of defense: 2006-06-23)
En la presente Tesis Doctoral, se analiza fundamentalmente la aplicabilidad de los Sistemas de Múltiple Clasificación (SMC) en el marco de la regla del vecino más cercano. Una primera línea fundamental de investigación se ...
Marín Prades, Raúl (Date of defense: 2002-05-24)
The thesis has been developed at the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory of the University Jaume I (Spain). The objectives are focused on the laboratory's interest fields, which are Telerobotics, Human-Robot Interaction, ...
Recatalá Ballester, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2003-11-21)
This thesis focuses on the definition of a task for the determination, tracking and execution of a grasp on an unknown object. In particular, it is considered the case in which the object is ideally planar and the grasp ...