Los sentidos del bien en la metafísica de Aristóteles


Vidal-Quadras Torras, Miriam


Bosch Rabell, Magdalena

Date of defense



282 p.


Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Departament d'Humanitats


La presente investigación es un estudio sobre el bien en la metafísica de Aristóteles. Se centra en analizar la relación del bien con el ser y lo que se deriva de ella. Aristóteles no dedica ninguna obra a la metafísica del bien, y el enfoque explícito cuando se refiere al bien es mayoritariamente ético. Sin embargo, las referencias recogidas en el conjunto de su obra -en la ética, en la filosofía de la naturaleza, en la metafísica- remiten a un sentido de bien arraigado en su metafísica.

This doctoral thesis presents a dissertation on the consideration of the good in Aristotle’s metaphysics. The references to the good in the Corpus Aristotelicum, also those that are not found in his Metaphysics, refer –occasionally in an implicit manner- to a meaning of the good that is well entrenched in his metaphysics. As a consequence, this work hypothesizes the existence of an Aristotelian metaphysics of the good, although it is not explicitly formulated, which offers an approach to the good in its deepest meaning. Targeting mainly to the Metaphysics, and looking also to the remaining works in the Corpus, this work meets the following ends: 1) It makes explicit a certain identification between good and being. 2) It recognizes and analyzes the following metaphysical aspects that are derived from the ontological approach: the relationship between good and act; the identification between good and end; and the reality of the Highest Good. And 3) it determines from here the sense, or the senses of ontological good in Aristotle. The study of the Aristotelian texts evidences that the good in Aristotle fully acquires its meaning under the light of the metaphysic approach.


1 - Philosophy. Psychology; 11 - Metaphysics






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