Approaching nuclear interactions with lattice QCD 

    Illa Subiña, Marc (Date of defense: 2021-09-09)

    Nuclei make up the majority of the visible matter in the Universe; obtaining a first principles description of the nuclear properties and interactions between nuclei directly from the underlying theory of the strong ...

    Chemical and dynamical analysis of Open Clusters in the context of the Milky Way disc 

    Casamiquela Floriach, Laia (Date of defense: 2017-06-23)

    This thesis has as a main purpose the determination of the chemical composition of Open Clusters for the study of the chemical gradients in the Galactic disc with: Galactocentric radius, position above the plane, and ...

    Collapse scenarios in magnetized star-forming regions 

    Juárez Rodríguez, Carmen (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    Turbulence, magnetic fields and gravity driven flows are important for the formation of new stars. Although magnetic fields have been proven to be important in the formation of stars, only a few works have been done ...

    Coupling fluid-dynamics and non-thermal processes to study sources of high-energy emission 

    Moreno de la Cita, Víctor (Date of defense: 2017-04-28)

    In this thesis we have developed a tool for the computation of non-thermal emission in astrophysical sources. The code reads the hydrodynamic data coming from relativistic hydrodynamic simulations and compute the injection, ...

    The cross-correlation among tracers of the underlying large-scale mass distribution in the universe 

    Pérez Ràfols, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2016-10-03)

    The work presented in this Ph.D. thesis is mostly related to the measurement and interpretation of the cross-correlation of different species. This is achieved using spectroscopic data from the BOSS survey of which I am a ...

    Dark energy in quantum field theory: Implications on modern cosmology 

    Moreno Pulido, Cristian (Date of defense: 2023-07-06)

    [eng] The Cosmological Constant, Λ, has been a controversial element in theoretical physics and cosmology since its introduction by Einstein in his field equations in 1917. Despite maintaining an irregular reputation over ...

    De-noising of gravitational-wave data: the rROF method in the cWB data analysis pipeline 

    Barneo González, Pablo José (Date of defense: 2024-01-19)

    [eng] Since the first experimental evidence for the existence of gravitational waves in 2015, the amount of data in this scientific area has increased enormously. There has also been a great deal of interest in the ...

    Decay of Doubly Strange Hypernuclei 

    Maneu Victoria, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    Double § hypernuclei are bound systems of several nucleons and two § hyperons. These systems are unstable with respect to the weak interaction and chiefly decay through two-body processes that conserve neither parity, ...

    Detection, characterisation and use of open clusters in a Galactic context in a Big Data environment 

    Castro Ginard, Alfred (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)

    Open clusters are groups of stars, gravitationally bound together, that were born from the same molecular cloud and, thus, share similar positions, kinematics, ages and metallicities. Traditional methods to detect open ...

    Disentangling the formation path of lenticular galaxies 

    Tous Mayol, José Luis (Date of defense: 2024-04-12)

    [eng] Astronomers have known of the existence of lenticular galaxies (S0) almost as long as they have known that there are other galaxies besides the Milky Way. While it is accepted that spiral galaxies emerge from the ...

    Dynamical characterisation of the Magellanic Clouds with Gaia data and the KRATOS simulations 

    Jiménez Arranz, Óscar (Date of defense: 2024-04-08)

    [eng] The more clearly visible galaxies to the naked eye in the night sky are the Magellanic Clouds (MC), the biggest galaxies in the Milky Way (MW) neighbourhood. Because they are so close, the Large and Small Magellanic ...

    The Dynamical State of Star-forming Regions, from Molecular Clouds to Massive Clumps 

    Lu, Zujia (Date of defense: 2022-04-26)

    Star formation is a fundamental and still largely unsolved problem of astrophysics and cosmology. Its complexity stems from the complex interaction of turbulence, magnetic fields and gravity, and from the onset of different ...

    Effective-theory description of heavy-flavored hadrons and their properties in a hot medium 

    Montaña Faiget, Glòria (Date of defense: 2022-07-08)

    For many decades after the conception of the quark model in 1964, and the development of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) a few years later as the theory governing the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, there was ...

    La evolución química del disco de la Galaxia a partir de los cúmulos estelares 

    Carbajo Hijarrubia, Juan (Date of defense: 2024-06-11)

    [spa] En esta tesis, estudiamos la evolución química del disco galáctico utilizando cúmulos abiertos como trazadores. Los cúmulos, formados por estrellas nacidas durante el mismo proceso de formación estelar, se mantienen ...

    Exotic phases of matter in low dimensional lattices: from quantum liquids to kinetic magnetism 

    Morera Navarro, Ivan (Date of defense: 2023-07-10)

    [eng] In this Thesis we explore exotic phases of matter which arise when different mechanisms compete and favor different ground state configurations. We focus on two classes of low dimensional lattice systems. The first ...

    Exploring Signatures of New Physics in Cosmology 

    Bellomo, Nicola (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    Cosmology is the study of the origin and evolution of our Universe as a whole. Even if the theoretical framework of Cosmology was developed a century ago, with the formulation of General Relativity by Albert Einstein, it ...

    Exploring the Universe with Quasar Absorption Spectra: correlations among tracers of the mass density field and the impact of ionizing background intensity fluctuations 

    Gontcho, Satya Gontcho A (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    The work we present in this manuscript revolves around the use of quasar spectra to probe the Universe. Absorption features in the electromagnetic spectrum of bright distant quasars by ionized hydrogen give us access to ...

    From the Precision Era towards the Accuracy Era of Cosmology with DESI 

    Brieden, Samuel (Date of defense: 2022-09-14)

    [eng] Despite the successes of the cosmological ΛCDM model and having entered the "Precision Era of Cosmology" there are still open questions. The principal model ingredients, ΛCDM, contribute to ~95% of the total energy ...

    High Energy Processes in Active Galaxies 

    Torres i Albà, Núria (Date of defense: 2019-10-14)

    This thesis has as an objective the study of very energetic phenomena in the central regions of active galaxies. Intense star formation is triggered by mergers of galaxies, and the funneling of large quantities of gas ...

    Holographic collisions and non-conformal dynamics 

    Triana Iglesias, Miquel (Date of defense: 2017-09-21)

    The gauge/gravity duality has proven to be a very useful tool in the understanding of quantum field theories outside the perturbative regime. In particular, holography has been able to shed light not only on generic ...