Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Pérez Guillén, Cristina (Date of defense: 2016-06-27)
Snow avalanches are extended moving sources of infrasonic and seismic energy. The acoustic and seismic wave fields generated by an avalanche is a complex natural phenomenon produced by the interaction of the flow with its ...
Blanco Núñez, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-02-23)
[cat] En l’actual transició digital, on es generen milions de dades cada dia, l’ús de tècniques remotes digitals i els processats amb tècniques de machine learning és cada cop més present i necessari, sense que l’àmbit de ...
Baza Varas, Andrea (Date of defense: 2023-05-19)
[spa] La afectación de ambientes costeros por vertidos mineros con altos contenidos metálicos procedentes de la explotación de sulfuros constituye un problema de alcance mundial. Aunque la mayoría de residuos mineros son ...
Pérez Cano, Jordi (Date of defense: 2021-11-25)
This thesis is focused on the taxonomical, biogeographical, palaeoecological and biostratigraphical characterization of the Barremian charophytes of the Maestrat Basin (Eastern Iberian Chain, Spain). Thirty-four charophyte ...
Oller Figueras, Pere (Date of defense: 2021-12-10)
Aquesta tesi té per objectiu avançar en el coneixement de la dinàmica de les allaus, i en concret, de les allaus majors, al Pirineu de Catalunya i, per extensió, als Pirineus, tot entenent per allau major l’allau la mida ...
Carmona Bardella, Ana (Date of defense: 2016-09-20)
In order to understand the current state of the natural rocky environment and its heterogeneity, we require to study the interaction and time evolution of the numerous geological processes that have contributed to the ...
Pedrosa Pàmies, Rut (Date of defense: 2016-09-09)
One of the grand challenges in marine biogeochemistry is to improve our understanding on the temporal (seasonal and multi-annual) and spatial (regional and global) variability of ocean uptake of CO2, and the physical and ...
Blanch Gorriz, Xabier (Date of defense: 2022-03-17)
In recent years, photogrammetric models have become a widely used tool in the field of geosciences thanks to their ability to reproduce natural surfaces. As an alternative to other systems such as LiDAR (Light Detection ...
Peral, Mireia, 1979- (Date of defense: 2020-03-20)
The objective of this thesis is to study the first-order dynamics of subduction systems characterized by opposite dip polarity in adjacent plate segments. The absence of previous studies analyzing the geodynamic evolution ...
Piroddi, Chiara (Date of defense: 2016-11-21)
In this thesis I investigated the status of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem and the sustainability of its marine resources using an interdisciplinary approach, which combined data integration and modelling approaches. ...
Rivera Martínez, Jesús (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)
Ademas de identificar y describir las formas del relieve, la geomorfologia tambien intenta descifrar los procesos y mecanismos causantes. Esto, que es válido para la geomorfología en general, lo es también para la geomorfología ...
Vicente Rodríguez, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-06-28)
Els objectius d’aquesta tesi se centren en la caracterització taxonòmica, paleoecològica, paleobiogeogràfica i biostratigràfica dels caròfits de les fàcies fluvials del trànsit Cretaci–Paleogen (K/Pg) de les conques ...
Escosa Bernal, Frederic Oriol (Date of defense: 2019-09-27)
This thesis uses a field-based approach complemented with geophysical and well data to investigate the controlling factors on the geometry and kinematics of salt walls developed above extensional faults whose movement ...
Tarrés Mercader, Marta (Date of defense: 2024-01-26)
[cat] Les partícules que sedimenten en el medi marí tenen un paper clau en el cicle biogeoquímic d’un bon nombre d’elements i, per tant, són essencials per al funcionament de l’ecosistema. L’estudi dels fluxos de partícules ...
Cerdà i Domènech, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-07-29)
L’estudi de la concentració i la distribució de metalls i metal·loides en ambients costaners ha guanyat rellevància durant els darrers quaranta anys, principalment a conseqüència de la creixent preocupació per llurs ...
Cuevas Martínez, José Luis (Date of defense: 2022-10-24)
[spa] La Formación Caspe corresponde a las facies fluviales de los depósitos de un abanico fluvial de edad oligo-miocena, referido en la literatura como Sistema aluvial del Guadalope-Matarranya. Dicho sistema tuvo su área ...
Roma Nuñez, Maria (Date of defense: 2020-02-27)
The widespread extensional deformation that took place during Jurassic to Cretaceous times in Western Europe and the North Atlantic margin resulted in the formation of several rift systems. Some of the resulting basins ...
Seillé, Hoël (Date of defense: 2016-07-26)
The Iberian Peninsula is considered as a “micro-continent”, located between the Eurasian and the African plates. Several ranges formed during the Alpine orogeny, in the borders of the plate or intraplate. As part of this ...
Linden d’Hooghvorst Rodríguez, Jean Joseph van der (Date of defense: 2021-04-20)
This thesis uses different variants of geomechanical modelling approaches to investigate stress, strain and geometry distribution and evolution through time of the Tarfaya salt basin, located on the West African coast. ...
Mitjanas Colls, Gemma (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)
[eng] Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy that harnesses heat from the Earth's interior. Temperature increases with depth, defining the geothermal gradient, which can be variable depending on the geological ...