Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Arquitectura i Tècniques de Comunicació
Universal Accessibility: On the need of an empathy-based architecture is a PhD thesis researching the paradigm of accessible architectural design. Starting from the very first understanding of accessibility in architecture, it analyses the evolution of the concept over recent decades up to the present, in order to evaluate its current significance. The assumption of this dissertation is that all current theories concerning accessibility in architecture are not properly approached and/or they are poorly linked to architectural practice, since the main postulate of this thesis is that the quality of built environments is poor in respect to accessibility. Therefore, this thesis aims to point out the main problems that accessible designs face nowadays and, more importantly, to rationalize why this situation must be reversed while also exploring the tools for doing this. Accessibility standards were defined decades ago and are continuously being updated to more precise and restrictive regulations, aiming at higher compliance for fully accessible thus, “non-discriminating” designs. Hence, we cannot deny the existence of abundant literature concerning how to design accessible built environments. Nevertheless, the fact is that the quality of designs in respect to accessibility is doubtful on many occasions. The regulations give plenty of instructions on how to design the built environment to be “wheelchair friendly” and have also recently introduced tools for being “blind friendly”, but they have not adopted a design for all understanding, at least, not in a way that is holistically inclusive. Indeed, many current accessible designs are not designs meant for all, but just mere differentiated “designs for the disabled” that do not form a part of the whole “normal” environment. Consequently, non-disabled people rarely use them, even when they are more practical, because they do not identify themselves with such segregated “designs for the disabled”. In this respect, accessibility needs to evolve from the current simplistic view of barrier-free environments towards a more inclusive approach. Accessibility should be understood as comprehending higher existential needs such as pleasantness and identity; that is, it must take into consideration how we perceive and experience the built environment. This is crucial for the psychological wellbeing of the users. We all need belonging, to feel part of and not separated from society and our environment; we need a sense of normality. Thus, the premise of this dissertation is that an empathic approach is necessary for designing an accessible built environment that goes beyond the regular barrier-free requirements, beyond functionality and usability concerns. Empathy is essential to satisfy the “supra-functional needs”, those social, emotional, spiritual, aspirational and cultural aspects that are relevant to all of us equally. Herein lies the real pleasure, the sense of wellbeing and perception of a good life. Empathy is the key and starting point for defeating the “design for the disabled” and for success in achieving inclusive architecture. If we do so, we will be looking at long-term designs that are able to healthfully support needs that cover a human lifespan. Thus, sustainable designs which provide quality of life. If this is achieved, some standardized behaviours and prejudices against people with disabilities will simultaneously be defeated. To sum up, this thesis is a general reflection regarding the paradigm of accessible architecture, observed from different points of views, and arriving at some final thoughts. Thus, this thesis is not so much about giving instructions on how to build accessible architecture, but it instead reflects on 'why' it is necessary. This dissertation attempts to change attitudes regarding accessibility, so that is truly embraced as designing architecture for all; that is, architecture in which sustainability and social justice in all design is ensured.
"Accessibilitat Universal: Sobre la necessitat d’una arquitectura basada en l’empatia" és una tesi doctoral centrada en el paradigma del disseny arquitectònic accessible. Partint de la primera comprensió de l’accessibilitat en l’arquitectura, s’analitza l’evolució del concepte des de les últimes dècades fins a l’actualitat, per tal d’avaluar el seu significat actual. La hipòtesi és que totes les teories vigents que avaluen i defineixen l’accessibilitat en l’arquitectura no estan correctament enfocades i/o no estan suficientment vinculades a la pràctica professional, ja que el postulat principal d’aquesta investigació és que la qualitat dels entorns construïts és pobre en matèria d’accessibilitat. Resulta necessari evolucionar de l’actual punt de vista simplista de l’accessibilitat entesa com a entorn sense barreres arquitectòniques, cap a un enfocament més inclusiu. Cal entendre que l’accessibilitat abasta necessitats existencials superiors tals com l’amenitat i la identitat. És a dir, cal que tinguem en consideració com percebem i experimentem l’entorn construït. Això resulta crucial per al benestar psicològic de tota persona. Per a tothom resulta important el sentiment de pertinença, el sentir que formem part de, i no que estem apartats de la societat i del nostre entorn; per a tots resulta indispensable la sensació de normalitat. És per aquest motiu que la premissa d’aquesta tesi defensa que és necessari un enfocament empàtic cap el disseny d’entorns accessibles. L’empatia és essencial per tal de satisfer aquelles necessitats ‘suprafuncionals’, aquells aspectes socials, emocionals, espirituals i culturals que són rellevants per a tots nosaltres de la mateixa forma. Aquí rau el veritable plaer, el sentiment de benestar i la percepció d’una bona vida. L’empatia és la clau i el punt de partida per derrotar el ‘disseny per al discapacitat’ i per a l’èxit d’una arquitectura inclusiva. Si ho aconseguim, estarem front dissenys duradors que són capaços d’assumir, d’una manera saludable, les diverses necessitats que sorgeixen al llarg d’una vida. És a dir, dissenys sostenibles que proporcionen qualitat de vida. Si ho aconseguim, certes conductes predeterminades i prejudicis vers persones amb discapacitat seran a la vegada enderrocats. En resum, aquesta tesi és una reflexió general sobre el paradigma de l’arquitectura accessible, observat des de diversos punts de vista, i arribant a unes conclusions finals. Per tant, aquesta tesi no tracta tant de donar instruccions sobre com construir de forma accessible, sinó que més aviat reflexiona sobre el per què és necessari Aquesta dissertació pretén canviar actituds respecte a l’accessibilitat, de manera que sigui veritablement integrada dins del disseny arquitectònic. El resultat serà una arquitectura per a tothom en la que la sostenibilitat i la justícia social quedarà assegurada.
Universal accessibility; Disabilities simulation; Unnoticed accessibility; Enabling design; Accessibilitat universal; Empatia; Simulació de discapacitats; Accessibilitat desapercebuda; Ddisseny capacitant; Empathy
36 – Welfare and social problems. Social work. Social welfare. Housing. Insurances; 71 - Physical planning. Regional, town and country planning. Landscapes, parks, gardens; 72 - Architecture
Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Arquitectura
Nota: Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Arkkitehtuurin laitos.