Now showing items 40-59 of 80

    Influence of hydrology on dissolvedorganic matter quantity and properties in a temporal Mediterranean stream = Influència de la hidrologia sobre la quantitat i disponibilitat de la matèria orgànica dissolta en una riera temporal mediterrània 

    Vázquez Garcia, Eusebi (Date of defense: 2013-10-11)

    The studies presented in this thesis focus on the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in an intermittent stream in a Mediterranean climate zone, with great emphasis on extreme hydrologic events: floods and ...

    Insights into seascape ecology: landscape patterns as drivers in coastal marine ecosystems = Perspectives en l'ecologia del paisatge marí: els patrons del paisatge com a factors de control en els ecosistemes marins costaners 

    Martínez Ricart, Aurora (Date of defense: 2016-04-08)

    Habitats commonly occur as more or less interconnected patches constituting spatial heterogeneous mosaics. Connectivity and interactions among habitats can determine their functioning. Therefore, ecological patterns and ...

    Invertebrate community responses to pollutants in mediterranean basins : insights from ecotoxicological approaches = Respostes de la comunitat d'invertebrats als contaminants en conques mediterrànies: aproximacions ecotoxicològiques 

    Castro Català, Núria de (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Aquatic systems are under pressure from multiple stressors that affect the structure, the functioning, and the health of species, communities and ecosystems. One of the main human pressures affecting the Earth’s ecosystems ...

    Irreversibility and Criticality in the Biosphere 

    Pueyo Puntí, Salvador (Date of defense: 2003-03-25)

    This work is the result of a search for general (or nearly general) regularities at ecosystem level, and an exploration of their practical relevance in our relations with the environment.<br/>I began by adding some new ...

    La colonización del mejillón cebra, Drcissena polymorpha (Bivalvia: Dreisscnidae) en el tramo final del río Ebro: factores que controlan su distribución y abundancia 

    Muñoz Camarillo, Gloria (Date of defense: 2013-04-05)

    El mejillón cebra, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), es conocido por ser una de las especies invasoras de agua dulce más dañinas, tanto desde el punto de vista ecológico como económico, a nivel mundial. Este exitoso ...

    Lake macroinvertebrates and the altitudinal gradient in the Pyrenees / Los macroinvertebrados lacustres y el gradiente altitudinal en los Pirineos 

    Mendoza Barberá, Guillermo de (Date of defense: 2013-06-20)

    “Lake macroinvertebrates and the altitudinal gradient in the Pyrenees [Los macroinvertebrados lacustres y el gradiente altitudinal en los Pirineos]” is a thesis about freshwater macroinvertebrate communities inhabitting ...

    Landscape fragmentation and resilience in seagrass meadows / Fragmentación del paisaje y resiliencia en praderas de fanerógamas marinas 

    Gera, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    Overall, this thesis is an attempt at approaching seagrass ecosystems from a landscape perspective, with the aim of increasing knowledge about the processes generating patterns at large spatial scales, and understanding ...

    Lévy Processes in Animal Movement and Dispersal 

    Bartumeus i Ferré, Frederic (Date of defense: 2005-06-17)

    ENGLISH ABSTRACT:<br/><br/>The general aim of this thesis was to develop a theoretical framework in order to study large-scale animal movements and/or dispersal processes as random search strategies. The framework was ...

    Limnologia de la part baixa del riu Ebre i els canals de reg: els factors físico-químics, el fitoplàncton i els macroinvertebrats bentònics 

    Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel (Date of defense: 1990-02-23)

    La major part de la concentració de carboni i nitrogen que arriba al Mediterrani des de l'Ebre és en forma dissolta, mentre que en el cas del fòsfor la concentració en la forma particulada pot ser més important, especialment ...

    Limnología del embalse de Sau. Relaciones del zooplancton, la clorofila y los sólidos en suspensión con el clima lumínico del agua 

    Ordóñez Salinas, Jaime (Date of defense: 2010-09-21)

    La disponibilidad y calidad del agua que se encuentra en los embalses depende de factores relacionados directamente con las características de la cuenca a la que pertenece el río embalsado, como las cargas de nutrientes ...

    Magnitude of herbivory in "Poseidonia oceanica" (L.) Delile and factors responsible for spatial variation 

    Prado Villegas, Patricia (Date of defense: 2007-02-23)

    La revaluació a gran escala espacial (> de 300 Km) i mitjançant mètodes de quantificació directa, del impacte de l'herbivorisme en els ecosistemes de <i>Posidonia oceanica</i> va revelar pèrdues de biomassa foliar molt ...

    Mediterranean forests in a changing environment - Impacts of drought and temperature stress on tree physiology 

    Sperlich, Dominik (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    The Mediterranean Basin is a climate-change hotspot of the world. Predicted reductions in annual precipitation, increases in mean temperature, and increases in the variability and occurrence of extreme droughts and heat ...

    Microbial Macroecology understanding microbial community pattems using phylogenetic and multivariate statistical tools 

    Barberán Torrents, Albert (Date of defense: 2012-09-07)

    El estudio de los microorganismos en cultivo puro ha propiciado el desarrollo de la genética, la bioquímica y la biotecnología. Sin embargo, la ecología ha permanecido reticente a incorporar a los microorganismos en su ...

    Microbial nitrification in urban streams: from single cell activity to ecosystem 

    Merbt, Stephanie Nikol (Date of defense: 2015-01-23)

    The main goal of this PhD thesis was the study of the ammonium oxidation process in high nutrient loaded urban streams. We aimed to unveil regulating factors and driving mechanisms from the organisms to the ecosystem scales ...

    Modelado de la cuña salina y del flujo de nutrientes en el tramo estuarino del río Ebro 

    Movellán Mendoza, Enrique (Date of defense: 2004-04-14)

    Se han realizado diferentes campañas en el tramo estuarino del Río Ebro para estudiar las condiciones estacionales del estuario y la pluma (CyTMAR, Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, proyecto MAR96-1856, ...

    Modelling Social-Ecological Systems in the Catalan Coastal Zones 

    Tomlinson, Benjamin John (Date of defense: 2016-01-20)

    The Systems Approach Framework (SAF) is a methodological framework designed to enhance the efficacy of human decision-making processes within social-ecological systems with regard to sustainability. The SAF was applied in ...

    Morfometría de lagos. Una aplicación a los lagos del Pirineo. 

    Castillo Jurado, Marcos del (Date of defense: 2003-12-16)

    Se estudia por vez primera la morfología de todas las superficies de agua con al menos media hectárea de todo el Pirineo. Caracterizamos morfométricamente estos lagos en base a variables tradicionales, medidas en la ...

    Nitrogen storm responses in an intermittent Meditterranean stream 

    Bernal Berenguer, Susana (Date of defense: 2006-06-30)

    The amount of dissolved inorganic nitrogen delivered to streams and groundwater has substantially increased in the last decades due to anthropogenic impacts. This fact has stimulated research on processes related to the ...

    Nutrient dynamics and metabolism in Mediterranean streams affected by nutrient inputs from human activities 

    Canals Merseburger, Mª Goretti (Date of defense: 2006-04-24)

    A full understanding of nutrient cycling in lotic ecosystems is crucial given the increasing influence of human activities on the eutrophication of streams and rivers. However, existing knowledge about nutrient cycling in ...

    On the track of cellular ecology. Methodological improvements and contributions of single-cell phosphatase activity on the ecology of phytoplankton in Pyrenean lakes 

    Diaz de Quijano i Barbero, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-07-29)

    Comparative studies between different enzyme labelled fluorescence (ELF) protocols and fluorescence quantification methods were performed to improve the quantification of single-cell phosphatase activity (PA) measurements ...