Alberola Borràs, Jaume Adrià (Date of defense: 2021-12-16)
An increasing concentration of greenhouse gases makes necessary changing the energy model to one in which photovoltaics play an important role. This thesis aims to assist the development of a novel ...
Franco García, Vicente (Date of defense: 2014-06-09)
<p>Introduction<br/> Current instrumentation makes it possible to measure vehicle emissions with high temporal resolution. But the increased resolution of emissions signals does not equate with increased ...
Moreira Camelo, Dioclecio (Date of defense: 2007-09-18)
Esta tesis parte de las hipótesis de que es posible mejorar las herramientas funcionales de soporte del diseño conceptual representando el conocimiento de manera más flexible e interactiva a como lo ...
Falomir Llansola, Zoe (Date of defense: 2011-11-28)
<p>The automatic extraction of knowledge from the world by a robotic system as human beings interpret their environment through their senses is still an unsolved task in Artificial Intelligence. A robotic ...
Sales Gil, Jorge (Date of defense: 2011-10-28)
This thesis focuses on the development of a distributed mobile robot localization and communication system for special interventions like those carried out by fire-fighters in fire ground search and ...
Monrós Andreu, Guillem (Date of defense: 2022-11-18)
Electrical impedance techniques have been investigated and used for the measurement of two-phase flows, both theoretically and experimentally. A proprietary design of intrusive probes composed of four ...
Gomez-Cambronero, Águeda (Date of defense: 2023-12-11)
Depression is the most prevalent mental disorder in our society, leading to disability and suicide deaths. Although effective evidence-based psychological treatments exist, they reach only a fraction ...
Bruscas Bellido, Gracia María (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)
La tesis propone un Elemento Característico de Inspección (ECI) para la planificación de los procesos de inspección geométrica y dimensional de piezas a nivel supervisor que propicia la integración en ...
Justel Lozano, Daniel (Date of defense: 2009-03-02)
En esta memoria de tesis se presenta la metodología de eco-innovación ECOINDES. Esta metodología tiene el fin de generar nuevos conceptos de producto más respetuosos con el medio ambiente a partir del ...
Sanfélix Forner, Vicenta (Date of defense: 2017-07-27)
El transporte, almacenamiento y manipulación al aire libre de materiales sólidos pulverulentos conlleva frecuentes episodios de contaminación atmosférica por emisiones difusas de material particulado ...