Now showing items 42-61 of 68

    Non-mesonic weak decay of hypernuclei in effective field theory 

    Pérez-Obiol Castañeda, Axel (Date of defense: 2014-02-11)

    In this thesis we have described the weak Lambda N to NN interaction, which is the main responsible for the decay of heavy hypernuclei, within the effective field theory (EFT) framework. The EFT is developed up to second ...

    Nonmesonic weak decay of Hypemuclei, The 

    Parreño Garcia, Assumpta (Date of defense: 1997-05-22)

    In single A hypernuclei, a A hyperon can occupy any orbital in the hypernucleus since it is free from the Pauli exclusion principle due to its additional quantum number strangeness. <br/><br/>Due to the Pauli blocking ...

    Nucleation and cavitation in liquid helium 

    Guilleumas, Montserrat (Date of defense: 1995-07-20)

    Las transiciones de fase no siempre ocurren bajo condiciones de equilibrio. Un fluido puede ser conducido a un estado metastable. A pesar de ser internamente estable, existe otra configuración con un potencial termodinámico ...

    On Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmologies in non-standard gravity 

    Sáez Gómez, Diego (Date of defense: 2011-03-31)

    [spa] El proyecto de tesis está enfocado en el estudio de la evolución del Universo y más concretamente en la explicación del mecanismo que produce su actual expansión acelerada, y que probablemente sea el mismo que ha ...

    On the origin of masses at the LHC 

    González Fraile, Juan (Date of defense: 2014-09-05)

    In this thesis we present several studies on the origin of masses at the LHC. First we study the indirect effects of new physics on the couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson and on the electroweak symmetry ...

    Oscillatory pipe flow of wormlike micellar solutions 

    Casanellas Vilageliu, Laura (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    Wormlike micelles are viscoelastic fluids that present an intermediate behavior between solids and ordinary liquids since they are elastic at short time scales but flow easily at large time scales. In opposition to Newtonian ...

    Parton Distribution Functions for Precision LHC Phenomenology 

    Cerutti, Francesco (Date of defense: 2013-07-16)

    The main problematics related to the determination of a set of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) are presented and, after a brief discussion on different strategies adopted by other groups to address them, the NNPDF ...

    Pattern formation through lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling 

    Formosa Jordan, Pau (Date of defense: 2013-04-29)

    Multicellular organisms are constituted by different kinds of cells which are arranged in a particular way, forming tissues with specific functions. The organization of these different cells can give rise to regular ...

    Physico-chemical aspects on molecular motors 

    Ciudad Álvarez, Aleix (Date of defense: 2008-05-15)

    [eng] The discovery of molecular motors was not a single and isolated event but a set of gradual approaches from microscopic to nanoscopic systems. For example, the knowledge of the activity of muscle cells is pretty old, ...

    Quantum entanglement and quantum state estimation = Entrelazado cuántico y estimación de estados cuánticos 

    Acín dal Maschio, Antonio (Date of defense: 2001-06-01)

    [spa] En esta Tesis se ha realizado en el marco de la Información Cuántica, una nueva disciplina de la Física Teórica en la que se funden la Mecánica Cuántica con la Teoría de la Información. El estudio se ha centrado en ...

    Red Blood Cell mechanics: from membrane elasticity to blood rheology 

    Rodríguez Lázaro, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2014-06-30)

    The mechanics and elasticity of red blood cells (RBCs) determine the capability to deform of these cells when passing through the thinnest capillaries, where the delivery of oxygen takes place. The understanding of the ...

    Roughness experiments of viscous fluid interfaces in disordered Hele-Shaw cells  

    Soriano i Fradera, Jordi (Date of defense: 2003-02-28)

    Se presenta un trabajo experimental sobre el crecimiento de interficies rugosas en medios desordenados. El experimento consiste en una celda de Hele-Shaw en cuya placa inferior se han distribuido una serie de obstáculos ...

    Searching for P- and CP- odd effects in heavy ion collisions 

    Planells Noguera, Xumeu (Date of defense: 2014-11-06)

    In this thesis we study the possibility that QCD breaks parity at high temperatures and densities, a scenario that may be tested in heavy ion collisions. We present two different approaches to this problem. On the one hand, ...

    Self-consistent Green's functions with three-body forces 

    Carbone, Arianna (Date of defense: 2014-04-11)

    The quantum many-body problem is an everlasting challenge for theoretical physics. The aim sought is to analyze, at the quantum level, the observables arising from a group formed by a certain number of interacting particles ...

    Self-organization and cooperativity of cytoskeletal molecular motors 

    Oriola Santandreu, David (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    The present work deals with different aspects concerning the collective action of cytoskeletal molecular motors. The thesis is organized in two parts: the first part corresponds to the study of the cooperative action of ...

    Semiclassical approach to relativistic nuclear mean field theory 

    Centelles Aixalà, Mario (Date of defense: 1992-07-30)

    The nuclear many-body problem is nowadays being increasingly approached on the basis of a relativistic formalism. Microscopic Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) calculations starting from a realistic nucleon-nucleon ...

    Simulació Monte Carlo de sistemes amb acoblament de graus de llibertat 

    Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard (Date of defense: 1991-01-16)

    Els models microscòpics usuals que es proposen en Mecànica Estadística descriuen, únicament, un tipus de grau de llibertat. Aquests models permeten explicar algunes transicions de fase que es troben en els diagrames de ...

    Some theoretical and experimental aspects of axion physics 

    Renau Cerrillo, Albert (Date of defense: 2015-11-11)

    In this thesis we study axions, a byproduct of the Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong CP problem, which are also a viable candidate for the dark matter content of the Universe. In the first part of the thesis, we ...

    Spontaneous generation of geometry and its possible consequences 

    Puigdomènech Bourgon, Daniel (Date of defense: 2012-11-06)

    In this thesis a viable theory of gravity resulting from the spontaneous symmetry breaking of some more fundamental theory is developed. This fundamental theory does not include any notion of a metric or geometry. All the ...

    Stochastic Effects in Quorum Sensing 

    Weber, Marc (Date of defense: 2014-06-06)

    Stochastic fluctuations, or noise, are ubiquitous in biological systems and play an important role in many cellular processes. Experimental evidences have shown that noise affects the reliability of cell coordination in ...